Items where Author is "Barlow, M"

Scantlebury, S and Costello, N and Owen, C and Chantler, S and Ramirez, C and Zabaloy, S and Collins, N and Allen, H and Phillips, G and Alexander, M and Barlow, M and Williams, E and Mackreth, P and Barrow, S and Parelkar, P and Clarke, A and Samuels, B and Roe, S and Blake, C and Jones, B (2024) Longitudinal changes in anthropometric, physiological, and physical qualities of international women’s rugby league players. PLOS ONE, 19 (5). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1932-6203 DOI:
Parsons, I and Snape, D and Stacey, M and Barlow, M and O'Hara, J and Gall, N and Chowienczyk, P and Wainwright, B and Woods, D (2024) Improvements in orthostatic tolerance with exercise are augmented by heat acclimation: a randomised controlled trial. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 56 (4). pp. 644-654. ISSN 1530-0315 DOI:
Elia, A and Barlow, M and Lees, M and Woods, D and O'Hara, J (2021) Cerebral, cardiac and skeletal muscle stress associated with a series of static and dynamic apnoeas. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 31 (1). pp. 233-241. ISSN 0905-7188
Marshall, AR and Rimmer, JE and Shah, N and Bye, K and Kipps, C and Woods, DR and O'Hara, J and Boos, CJ and Barlow, M (2021) Marching to the Beet: The effect of dietary nitrate supplementation on high altitude exercise performance and adaptation during a military trekking expedition. Nitric Oxide, 113-11. pp. 70-77. ISSN 1089-8603 DOI:
Elia, A and Barlow, M and Wilson, OJ and O'Hara, J (2020) Splenic responses to a series of repeated maximal static and dynamic apnoeas with whole body immersion in water. Experimental Physiology. ISSN 0958-0670 DOI:
Shah, N and Bye, K and Marshall, A and Woods, DR and O'Hara, JP and Barlow, M and Rimmer, J and Boos, C (2020) The Effects of Apnoea (hypoxia) Training, using voluntary Breath Holds, on High Altitude Adaptation: BREATHE-HA Study. High Altitude Medicine and Biology. ISSN 1527-0297 DOI:
Robertson, C and Lodin-Sundstrom, A and O'Hara, JP and King, R and Wainwright, B and Barlow, M (2020) The Effects of Pre-Race Apneas on 400-m Freestyle Swimming Performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34 (3). pp. 828-837. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:
Elia, A and Barlow, M and Wilson, O and Deighton, K and O'Hara, JP (2019) Erythropoietic responses to a series of repeated maximal dynamic and static apnoeas in elite and non-breath-hold divers. European Journal of Applied Physiology. ISSN 1439-6319 DOI:
Elia, A and Barlow, M and Wilson, O and Parker, P and O'Hara, JP (2019) Skeletal muscle, haematological and splenic volume characteristics of elite breath-hold divers. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 119 (11-12). pp. 2499-2511. ISSN 1439-6319 DOI:
Lees, MJ and Beggs, CB and Barlow, M and Rutherford, ZH and Bansil, K and Gannon, L and Hind, K (2018) Bone density and cross-sectional geometry of the proximal femur are bilaterally elevated in elite cricket fast bowlers. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 21 (3). pp. 399-405. ISSN 1094-6950 DOI:
Boos, C and Bass, M and O'Hara, JP and Vincent, E and Mellor, A and Sevier, L and Abdul-Razakq, H and Cooke, M and Barlow, M and Woods, DR (2018) The relationship between anxiety and acute mountain sickness. PLoS One, 13 (6). ISSN 1932-6203 DOI:
Hind, K and Slater, G and Lees, M and Thurlow, S and Barlow, M and Oldroyd, B and Shepherd, J (2018) Interpretation of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry-derived body composition change in athletes : a review and recommendations for best practice. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 21 (3). pp. 429-443. ISSN 1094-6950 DOI:
Barlow, M and Elia, A and Shannon, O and Zacharogianni, A and Lodin-Sundstom, A (2018) The effect of a dietary nitrate supplementation in the form of a single shot of beetroot juice on static and dynamic apnoea performance. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 28 (5). pp. 497-501. ISSN 1526-484X DOI:
Mellor, A and Bakker-Dyos, J and Howard, M and Boos, C and Cooke, M and Vincent, E and Scott, P and O'Hara, J and Clarke, S and Barlow, M and Matu, J and Deighton, K and Hill, N and Newman, C and Cruttenden, R and Holdsworth, D and Woods, D (2017) The British Services Dhaulagiri Medical Research Expedition 2016 : a unique military and civilian research collaboration. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 163 (6). pp. 371-375. ISSN 0035-8665 DOI:
Lowings, S and Shannon, O and Deighton, K and Matu, J and Barlow, M (2017) Effect of dietary nitrate supplementation on swimming performance in trained swimmers. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. ISSN 1526-484X DOI:
Shannon, OM and Duckworth, L and Barlow, M and Deighton, K and Matu, J and Williams, E and Woods, D and Xie, L and Stephan, B and Siervo, M and O'Hara, JP (2017) Effects of dietary nitrate supplementation on physiological responses, cognitive function, and exercise performance at moderate and very-high simulated altitude. Frontiers in Physiology, 8. ISSN 1664-042X DOI:
Shannon, OM and McGawley, K and Nyback, L and Duckworth, L and Barlow, M and Woods, D and Siervo, M and O'Hara, JP (2017) ‘‘Beet-ing’’ the Mountain: A Review of the Physiological and Performance Effects of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation at Simulated and Terrestrial Altitude. Sports Medicine, 47 (11). pp. 2155-2169. ISSN 1179-2035 DOI:
Gravestock, HJ and Barlow, M (2017) The Use of Tensiomyography to Evaluate Neuromuscular Profile and Lateral Symmetry in Competitive Female Surfers. Advances in Skeletal Muscle Function Assessment, 1 (2). pp. 16-20. ISSN 2536-1392
Boos, C and Vincent, E and Mellor, A and Woods, D and Newman, C and Cruttenden, R and Barlow, M and Cooke, M and Deighton, K and Scott, P and Clarke, S and O'Hara, J (2017) The effect of high altitude on central blood pressure and arterial stiffness. Journal of Human Hypertension, 31. pp. 715-719. ISSN 0950-9240 DOI:
Shannon, O and Barlow, M and Duckworth, L and Williams, E and Wort, G and Woods, D and Siervo, M and O'Hara, JP (2017) Dietary nitrate supplementation enhances short but not longer duration running time-trial performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 117 (4). pp. 775-785. ISSN 1439-6319 DOI:
Jones, B and Till, K and Roe, G and O'Hara, JP and Lees, M and Barlow, M and Hind, K (2017) Six-year body composition change in male elite senior rugby league players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36 (3). pp. 266-271. ISSN 1466-447X DOI:
Ispoglou, T and Mackenley, RM and Hind, K and Barlow, M and Butterworth, M and Sutton, L (2016) Habitual meal frequency, body composition and blood lipid profile in non-competitive bodybuilders. In: International Sport & Exercise Nutrition Conference, 19 December 2016 - 21 December 2016, Newcastle, England.
Barlow, M and Rowe, J and Ruffle, O and Davidson, M and O'Hara, J (2016) Anthropometric and Performance Perspectives of Female Competitive Surfing. Human Movement, 17 (3). pp. 154-161. ISSN 1899-1955 DOI:
Shannon, O and Duckworth, L and Barlow, M and Woods, D and Lara, J and Siervo, M and O'Hara, J (2016) Dietary nitrate supplementation enhances high-intensity running performance in moderate normobaric hypoxia, independent of aerobic fitness. Nitric Oxide, 59. pp. 63-70. ISSN 1089-8611 DOI:
Shannon, O and Barlow, M and Duckworth, L and Woods, D and Griffiths, A and Grindrod, A and O'Hara, J (2016) The reliability of a pre-loaded treadmill time-trial in moderate normobaric hypoxia. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 37 (10). pp. 825-830. ISSN 1439-3964 DOI:
Hind, K and Bansil, K and Rutherford, Z and Barlow, M and Lees, M (2016) Novel bilateral analysis of ap lumbar spine bone density in elite cricket fast bowlers. In: International Society for Clinical Densitometry 22nd Annual Meeting, 1st - 4th June 2016, Galway, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Lees, M and Oldroyd, B and Jones, B and Brightmore, A and Barlow, M and Hind, K (2016) Three-compartment body composition changes in professional rugby union players over one competitive season: a team and individualised approach. In: International Society for Clinical Densitometry 22nd Annual Meeting, 1st - 4th June 2016, Galway, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Lees, MJ and Oldroyd, B and Jones, B and Brightmore, A and O'Hara, J and Barlow, M and Till, K and Hind, K (2016) Three-Compartment Body Composition Changes in Professional Rugby Union Players Over One Competitive Season : A Team and Individualized Approach. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 20 (1). pp. 50-57. ISSN 1094-6950 DOI:
Till, K and Jones, B and O'Hara, J and Barlow, M and Brightmore, A and Lees, M and Hind, K (2016) Three-Compartment Body Composition in Academy and Senior Rugby League Players. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 11 (2). 191 - 196. ISSN 1555-0265 DOI:
Barlow, M and Oldroyd, B and Smith, D and Lees, MJ and Brightmore, A and Till, K and Jones, B and Hind, K (2015) Precision Error in Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Body Composition Measurements in Elite Male Rugby League Players. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 18 (4). 546 - 550. ISSN 1094-6950 DOI:
Barlow, M and Gresty, K and Findlay, M and Cooke, CB (2015) Associations of power at VO2peak and anaerobic threshold with rank in British high performance junior surfers. Human Movement, 16 (1). 28 - 32. ISSN 1732-3991 DOI:
Jones, B and Till, K and Barlow, M and Lees, M and O'Hara, J and Hind, K (2015) Anthropometric and Three-Compartment Body Composition Differences between Super League and Championship Rugby League Players: Considerations for the 2015 Season and Beyond. PloS one, 10 (7). e0133188 - ?. DOI:
Barlow, M and Gresty, K and Findlay, M and Cooke, CB and Davidson, MA (2014) The effect of wave conditions and surfer ability on performance and the physiological response of recreational surfers. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 28 (10). 2946 - 2953. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:
Barlow, M (2013) The Effects of Anthropometrical, Physiological and Environmental Factors on Surfing Performance. Doctoral thesis, University of Plymouth.
Barlow, M and Findlay, M and Gresty, K and Cooke, CB (2012) Anthropometric variables and their relationship to performance and ability in male surfers. European journal of sport science, 14 (Sup 1). S171-S177. ISSN 1746-1391 DOI:
Seims, A and Thomas, AL and Cooke, CB and Barlow, M and O'Hara, J (2006) Changes in body composition of elite mountaineers preceding an attempt to summit Everest. In: BASES Annual Conference, 11th - 13th September 2006, Heriot-Watt University.