Items where Division is "Leeds Beckett University 2020/21 > Leeds School of Social Sciences" and Year is 2020

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Number of items: 68.


Aber, A and Phillips, P and Lumley, E and Radley, S and Thomas, SM and Nawaz, S and Jones, G and Michaels, J (2020) Mixed methods study to develop the content validity and the conceptual framework of the electronic patient-reported outcome measure for vascular conditions. BMJ Open, 10. ISSN 2044-6055 DOI:

Abraham, N and Goodwin, T (2020) Introducing Thalassa. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 25 (6). pp. 137-142. ISSN 0969-725X DOI:

Ajala, O (2020) New drivers of conflict in Nigeria: an analysis of the clashes between farmers and pastoralists. Third World Quarterly. pp. 1-19. ISSN 0143-6597 DOI:

Alshehre, SM and Duffy, S and Jones, G and Ledger, WL and Metwally, M (2020) A prospective, single-centre, single-arm, open label study of the long term use of a gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (Triptorelin SR, 11.25 mg) in combination with Tibolone add-back therapy in the management of chronic cyclical pelvic pain. Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 18. ISSN 1477-7827 DOI:

Archer, S and Holch, P and Armes, J and Calman, L and Foster, C and Gelcich, S and MacLennan, SJ and Absolom, K (2020) "No turning back" Psycho-oncology in the time of COVID-19: Insights from a survey of UK professionals. Psycho-Oncology. ISSN 1057-9249 DOI:

Ashley, L and Kelley, R and Griffiths, AW and Surr, C (2020) Understanding and identifying ways to improve hospital-based cancer care and treatment for people with dementia: an ethnographic study. Age and Ageing. ISSN 0002-0729 DOI:

Asquith, SL and Wang, X and Quintana, DS and Abraham, A (2020) Predictors of Creativity in Young People: Using Frequentist and Bayesian Approaches in Estimating the Importance of Individual and Contextual Factors. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. ISSN 1931-3896 DOI:

Atkin, K and Madden, M and Morris, S and Gough, B and McCambridge, J (2020) Community pharmacy and public health: preserving professionalism by extending the pharmacy gaze? Sociology of Health & Illness. ISSN 0141-9889 DOI:

Baker, DM and Folan, A-M and Lee, MJ and Jones, GL and Brown, SR and Lobo, AJ (2020) A systematic review and meta-analysis of outcomes after elective surgery for ulcerative colitis. Colorectal Disease. ISSN 1463-1318 DOI:

Bazzoli, A and Curcuruto, M (2020) Safety Leadership and Safety Voices: Exploring the Mediation Role of Proactive Motivations. Journal of Risk Research. ISSN 1366-9877 DOI:

Bazzoli, A and Curcuruto, M and Morgan, J and Brondino, M and Pasini, M (2020) Speaking up about workplace safety: An experimental study on safety leadership. Sustainability, 12 (18). p. 7458. ISSN 2071-1050 DOI:

Bennett, K (2020) The media as an investigative resource : reflections from English cold-case units. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 10 (2). pp. 145-166. ISSN 2009-3829 DOI:

Bliessemann De Guevara, B and Furnari, E and Julian, R (2020) Researching with Local Associates : Power, Trust and Data in a Project on Communities’ Conflict Knowledge in Myanmar. Civil Wars. ISSN 1369-8249 DOI:

Boyda, D and McFeeters, D and Dhingra, K and Kelleher, I (2020) A Population-Based Analysis of Interpersonal Trauma, Psychosis, and Suicide : Evidence, pathways, and implications. Journal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence. ISSN 0886-2605 DOI:

Budds, K (2020) Fit to conceive? Representations of preconception health in the UK press. Feminism and Psychology. ISSN 0959-3535 DOI:

Cartwright, AJJ and Donkin, R (2020) Knowledge of Depression and Malingering : An Exploratory Investigation. Europe's Journal of Psychology. ISSN 1841-0413 DOI:

Catterall, I and Mitchell, S and Dhingra, K and Conner, K and Swogger, M (2020) Brief Motivational Intervention for Substance Use may Decrease Violence among Heavy Alcohol Users in a Jail Diversion Program. Criminal Justice and Behavior. ISSN 0093-8548 DOI:

Curcuruto, M and Strauss, K and Axtell, C and Griffin, M (2020) Voicing for Safety in the Workplace: A Proactive Goal Regulation Perspective. Safety Science, 131. ISSN 0925-7535 DOI:

Davies, L and Hanna, E (2020) The experience of qualitative research with young fathers: Considerations around gender, class and reflexive practice. Families, Relationships and Societies: an international journal of research and debate. ISSN 2046-7435 DOI:

Dhingra, K and Mitchell, S and Davies, W and Anestis, M and Anestis, J (2020) Suicide Ideation Among Male Prisoners : Preliminary Evidence That Psychopathic Traits are Indirectly Linked to Suicide Ideation Through Thwarted Interpersonal Needs. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. ISSN 0363-0234 DOI:

Goodwin, T (2020) Translating the Psychoanalysis of Origins: Reflections on Nicolas Abraham’s “Introducing Thalassa” and Sándor Ferenczi’s Theoretical Legacy. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 25 (6). pp. 122-136. ISSN 0969-725X DOI:

Gough, B and Madden, M and Morris, S and Atkin, K and McCambridge, J (2020) How do older people normalise their drinking? : An analysis of interviewee accounts. Appetite, 146. p. 104513. ISSN 1095-8304 DOI:

Gregson, J (2020) The Consequences of Liberal Modernity: Explaining and Resisting Neoliberalism Through Alasdair MacIntyre. Contemporary Political Theory. ISSN 1470-8914 DOI:

Grogan, S and Walker, L and McChesney, G and Gee, I and Gough, B and Cordero, MI (2020) How has COVID-19 lockdown impacted smoking? A thematic analysis of written accounts from UK smokers. Psychology & Health. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1476-8321 DOI:

Haines, K and Case, S and Smith, R and Laidler, K and Hughes, N and Webster, C and Goddard, T and Deakin, J and Johns, D and Richards, K and Gray, P (2020) Children and Crime : In the Moment. Youth Justice: an international journal. ISSN 1473-2254 DOI:

Hodgson, J (2020) Offending Girls and Restorative Justice: A Critical Analysis. Youth Justice. p. 147322542096775. ISSN 1473-2254 DOI:

Holch, P and Marwood, JR (2020) EHealth Literacy in UK Teenagers and Young Adults: Exploration of Predictors and Factor Structure of the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS). JMIR Formative Resesearch, 4 (9). ISSN 2561-326X DOI:

Jankowski, GS (2020) The ‘Race’ Awarding Gap : What can be done? Psychology of Women Section Review, 3 (1&2). ISSN 1466-3724

Jones, G and Aber, A and Phillips, P and Hughes, J and Rooney, G and Keetharuth, A and Radley, S and Stephen, W and Nawaz, S and Michaels, J (2020) Electronic personal assessment questionnaire for vascular conditions (ePAQ-VAS): development and validity. British Journal of Surgery. ISSN 0007-1323 DOI:

Jones, GL and Williams, K and Edmondson-Jones, M and Prevot, J and Drabwell, J and Solis, L and Shrimpton, A and Mahlaoui, N (2020) The Development of a New Questionnaire to Measure the Burden of Immunoglobulin Treatment in Patients with Primary Immunodeficiencies: The IgBoT-35. Patient Preference and Adherence, 14. pp. 1567-1584. ISSN 1177-889X DOI:

Leach, D and Kolokotroni, Z and Wilson, AD (2020) Perceptual information supports transfer of learning in coordinated rhythmic movement. Psychological Research. ISSN 1430-2772 DOI:

Lindell, J and Ibrahim, J (2020) Something ‘Old’, Something ‘New’? The UK Space of Political Attitudes After the Brexit Referendum. Sociological Research Online. ISSN 1360-7804 DOI:

Locke, A and Budds, K (2020) Applying Critical Discursive Psychology to Health Psychology Research: A practical guide. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 8 (1). pp. 234-247. ISSN 2164-2850 DOI:

Mahmoodi, N and Jones, G and Muskett, T and Sargeant, S (2020) Exploring shared decision making in breast cancer care: A case-based conversation analytic approach. Communication and Medicine, 16 (1). ISSN 1612-1783 DOI:

Moon, C and Morais, C and Randsley de Moura, G and Uskul, AK (2020) The role of organizational structure and deviant status in employees’ reactions to and acceptance of workplace deviance. International Journal of Conflict Management. ISSN 1044-4068 DOI:

Moon, C and Sánchez‐Rodríguez, Á (2020) Cultural influences on normative reactions to incivility: comparing individuals from South Korea and Spain. International Journal of Conflict Management. ISSN 1044-4068 DOI:

Moon, C and Travaglino, GA (2020) Power Distance Orientation as an Antecedent of Individuals’ Intentions to Engage in Radical Political Action. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 23 (8). pp. 1283-1308. ISSN 1368-4302 DOI:

Morgan, JI and Muskett, T (2020) Interactional misalignment in the UK NHS 111 healthcare telephone triage service. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 134. ISSN 1386-5056 DOI:

O'Connor, DB and Aggleton, JP and Chakrabarti, B and Cooper, CL and Creswell, C and Dunsmuir, S and Fiske, ST and Gathercole, S and Gough, B and Ireland, JL and Jones, MV and Jowett, A and Kagan, C and Karanika-Murray, M and Kaye, LK and Kumari, V and Lewandowsky, S and Lightman, S and Malpass, D and Meins, E and Morgan, BP and Morrison Coulthard, LJ and Reicher, SD and Schacter, DL and Sherman, SM and Simms, V and Williams, A and Wykes, T and Armitage, CJ (2020) Research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A call to action for psychological science. British Journal of Psychology. ISSN 2044-8295 DOI:

O’Reilly, M and Kiyimba, N and Nina Lester, J and Muskett, T (2020) Reflective interventionist conversation analysis. Discourse and Communication, 14 (6). pp. 619-634. ISSN 1750-4813 DOI:

Pauly-Takacs, K and Moulin, CJA (2020) Retained ability to extract gist in childhood-acquired amnesia: Insights from a single case. Neurocase, 26 (3). pp. 156-166. ISSN 1465-3656 DOI:

Pearson, A and Pfeifer, G (2020) Two Measures of Interoceptive Sensibility and the Relationship With Introversion and Neuroticism in an Adult Population. Psychological Reports. ISSN 0033-2941 DOI:

Persson, S and Dhingra, K (2020) Attributions of Blame in Stranger and Acquaintance Rape: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. Trauma, Violence and Abuse: a review journal. ISSN 1524-8380 DOI:

Pompili, C and Boele, F and Absolom, K and Holch, P and Clayton, B and Smyllie, E and Franks, K and Velikova, G (2020) Patients' views of routine quality of life assessment following a diagnosis of early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, 31 (3). pp. 324-330. ISSN 1569-9285 DOI:

Pompili, C and Holch, P and Rogers, Z and Absolom, K and Clayton, B and Franks, K and Bekker, H and Velikova, G (2020) Patients' confidence in treatment decisions for early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Health Qual Life Outcomes, 18. ISSN 1477-7525 DOI:

Rickett, B and Bewaji, O (2020) Emotional experiences (online talk) of male survivors of childhood sexual abuse and incest. Psychology of Women Section Review. ISSN 1466-3724

Rickett, B and Johnson, K and Ingle, H and Reynolds, M (2020) Support for parents/carers of primary school aged gender diverse children in England, UK: a mixed-method analysis of experiences with health services. Health Sociology Review. ISSN 1446-1242 DOI:

Rickett, B and Morris, A (2020) ‘Mopping up tears in the academy’ – working-class academics, belonging, and the necessity for emotional labour in UK academia. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0159-6306 DOI:

Round, JT and Fozard, TE and Harrison, AA and Kolokotroni, KZ (2020) Disentangling the effects of cannabis and cigarette smoking on impulsivity. Journal of Psychopharmacology. ISSN 0269-8811 DOI:

Schreuders, ZC and Cockcroft, T and Butterfield, E and Elliott, J and Soobhany, AR and Shan-A-Khuda, M (2020) Needs Assessment of Cybercrime and Digital Evidence in a UK Police Force. International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 14 (1). pp. 316-340. ISSN 0974-2891 DOI:

Spracklen, K and Robinson, D (2020) Putting faith in vinyl, real ale and live music : a case study of the limits of tourism policy and a critical analysis of new leisure spaces in a northern English town. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 20 (2-3). pp. 151-161. ISSN 1098-304X DOI:

Spracklen, K and Spracklen, L (2020) Simply the Best, or remembering when Tina Turner met the Winfield Cup : Nostalgia and the construction of authenticity in rugby league online spaces. Sport in Society. ISSN 1743-0437 DOI:

Stewart, D and van Dongen, A and Watson, M and Mandefield, L and Atkin, K and Dhital, R and Foster, B and Gough, B and Hewitt, C and Madden, M and Morris, S and O'Carroll, R and Ogden, M and Parrott, S and Watson, J and White, S and Whittlesea, C and McCambridge, J (2020) A pilot cluster randomised trial of the medicines and alcohol consultation (MAC): an intervention to discuss alcohol use in community pharmacy medicine review services. BMC Health Serv Res, 20 (943). ISSN 1472-6963 DOI:

Taylor, S (2020) AN INTRODUCTION TO PANSPIRITISM: AN ALTERNATIVE TO MATERIALISM AND PANPSYCHISM. Zygon: journal of religion and science. ISSN 0591-2385 DOI:

Taylor, S (2020) Transformation Through Loss and Grief : A Study of Personal Transformation Following Bereavement. The Humanistic Psychologist. ISSN 0887-3267 DOI:

Taylor, S and Charura, D and Cohen, E and Meth, F and Allan, J and Williams, G and Shaw, M and o'dowd, L (2020) Loss, Grief and Growth : An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Experiences of Trauma in Asylum-Seekers and Refugees. Traumatology. ISSN 1085-9373 DOI:

Thurnell-Read, T and Robinson, D and Herbst, J and Spracklen, K (2020) Rhythm and booze: Contesting leisure mobilities on the Transpennine Real Ale Trail. Mobilities. ISSN 1745-0101 DOI:

Till, C (2020) Propaganda through ‘reflexive control’ and the mediated construction of reality. New Media & Society. ISSN 1461-4448 DOI:

Travis, E and Ashley, L and Pownall, M and O'Connor, DB (2020) Barriers to flexible sigmoidoscopy colorectal cancer screening in low uptake socio-demographic groups: A systematic review. Psycho-Oncology, 29 (8). pp. 1237-1247. ISSN 1057-9249 DOI:

Webster, C and Qasim, M (2020) “Prisons Were Made for People Like Us” : British Pakistani Muslim Experiences Upon Release From Prison. The Prison Journal, 100 (3). ISSN 0032-8855 DOI:

Book Section

Asquith, L (2020) "Fortress Britain or Migratory Haven? Genocide survivors' experience of migration to the UK." In: Eski, Y, (ed.) Genocide and Victimology. Routledge. ISBN 9781138311718

De Angelis, M (2020) "Competing Narratives in the Nexus of Migration-Crime-Gender." In: Althoff, M and Dollinger, B and Schmidt, H, (eds.) Conflicting Narratives of Crime & Punishment. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 239-258. ISBN 978-3-030-47235-1, 978-3-030-47236-8 DOI: Chapter 12

Rickett, B (2020) "Classed Identities: Submergence, Authenticity and Resistance." In: Rickett, B and Day, K and Woolhouse, M, (eds.) Critical Social Psychology of Social Class. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 137-172. ISBN 9783030559656 DOI:

Rickett, B (2020) "The Working-Class as ‘Other’." In: Rickett, B and Day, K and Woolhouse, M, (eds.) Critical Social Psychology of Social Class. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 33-66. ISBN 9783030559656, 9783030559670 DOI:


Bradley, A (2020) A Qualitative Evaluation of The Nelson Trust Bridgwater Women’s Centre. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University.

Gough, B and Novikova, I (2020) Mental health, men and culture: how do sociocultural constructions of masculinities relate to men’s mental health help-seeking behaviour in the WHO European Region? Technical Report. WHO.

Holloway, M and Turner-Moore, T and Milnes, K (2020) More than 'resilience': A scoping review of societal and institutional risk and protective factors for student mental ill-health in the UK. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University.


People of Kachin (2020) Like a Shady Tree for Those in Trouble. Drawing Out.

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