Items where Division is "Leeds Beckett University (pre-2020) > Faculty of Health and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences" and Year is 2007

Drummond, A (2007) "Keep on Moving, Don't Stop Now: Anti-trespass Laws on the Island of Ireland." In: Hayes, M and Acton, T, (eds.) Travellers, Gypsies, Roma: The Demonisation of Difference. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 1-84718-127-9, 9781847181275
Nunn, A and Johnson, S and Monro, S and Bickerstaffe, T and Kelsey, S (2007) Factors Influencing Social Mobility: Department for Work and Pensions Research Report 450. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions.
Nunn, AE (2007) Migrant Workers and the Labour Market: Rapid Review of the LSC Research on Labour Market Participation, Skills and Skills Provision for Migrant Workers. Project Report. Learning and Skills Council.
Pechurina, A (2007) Сара Пинк, Интервью с видеокамерой: представление, саморепрезентация и нарратив (краткий перевод статьи Сары Пинк, выполненный А.В. Печуриной и А.В Колосовым: Pink S. Performance, self-representation and narrative: Interviewing with video // Seeing is Believing? Approaches to visual research. Studies in qualitative methodology. Vol. 7 / Ed. by C. Pole. London: Elseiver Science, 2004), Социологический журнал, 3: 90-107. Социологический журнал (3). pp. 90-107.
Pechurina, A (2007) Vizualizatsija sotsial'nykh issledovanij: novije danije ili novije znanija? (in Russian). Sotsiologicheskij Journal, 3. pp. 81-89.
Wright, S (2007) When Drugs Become Weapons. The Guardian.