Items where Year is 2005

Antunes, F and Dantas, L and Bigotti, S and Tokuyochi, J and Tani, G and Brasil, F and Andre, MH (2005) A frame of brazilian research about physical education: 1999 – 2003. Motriz : Revista de Educacao Fisica, 11 (3). pp. 179-184. ISSN 1980-6574
Blackshaw, T and Long, J (2005) What's the big idea? A critical exploration of the concept of social capital and its incorporation into leisure policy discourse. Leisure Studies, 24 (3). 239 - 258. ISSN 0261-4367 DOI:
Brown, FC and Webb, S (2005) Children Without Play. Journal of Education, 35. pp. 139-158. ISSN 0259-479X
Chambers, C (2005) The Absolute Essentialness of Conversations. A Discussion with Amitav Ghosh. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 41 (1). pp. 26-39. ISSN 1744-9863 DOI:
Childs, P (2005) Leading, promoting and supporting undergraduate research in the new university sector. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 5. ISSN 1756-8781
Cockcroft, T (2005) Using oral history to investigate police culture. Qualitative Research, 5 (3). pp. 365-384. ISSN 1468-7941 DOI:
Colledge, B (2005) Relational Contracting: Creating Value Beyond the Project. Lean Construction Journal, 2 (1). 30 - 45. ISSN 1555-1369
Martin, I (2005) Long hours and stress in the UK's IT profession: has the European Union's Working Time Directive offered relief?
Mumovic, D and Davies, M and Ridley, I and Oreszczyn, T and Bell, M and Smith, M and Miles-Shenton, D (2005) An evaluation of the hygrothermal performance of 'standard' and 'as built' construction details using steadystate and transient modelling. IBPSA 2005 - International Building Performance Simulation Association 2005. 809 - 816.
Nunn, A and Price, S (2005) Managing Development: EU and African Relations through the evolution of the Lomé and Cotonou Agreements. Historical Materialism, 12 (5). ISSN 1465-4466 DOI:
Wright, S (2005) The ECHELON Trail: An Illegal Vision. Surveillance & Society, 3 (2/3). 198 - 215. ISSN 1477-7487 DOI:
Wright, S (2005) Violent Peacekeeping: The Rise and Rise of Repressive Techniques and Technologies. Journal of International Political Theory, 1 (1). 60 - 69. ISSN 1755-0882 DOI:
Bell, M and Smith, M and Miles-Shenton, D (2005) Condensation Risk – Impact of Improvements to Part L and Robust Details on Part C -Interim report number 7: Final report on project fieldwork. Project Report. A Report to the ODPM Building Regulations Division under the Building Operational Performance Framework.
Darlow, A and Bickerstaffe, T and Burden, T and Green, J and Jassi, S and Johnson, S and Kelsey, S and Purcell, M and South, J and Walton, F (2005) Researching Bradford: A review of social research on Bradford District. Project Report. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Johnson, S and Nunn, AE (2005) Evaluation of the Job Outcome Target Pilots: findings from the qualitative study. UNSPECIFIED. Department for Work and Pensions.
Killick, D (2005) Cross-Cultural Capability & Global Perspectives: Guidelines for Curriculum Review. Project Report. Leeds Metropolitan University.
Nunn, AE and Price, S (2005) The ‘Brain Drain’ Academic and Skilled Migration to the UK and its Impacts on Africa. Project Report. Report to the AUT and NATFHE.
South, J and Walker, J and Newell, C (2005) Evaluation of Sure Start Mellow Valley: Findings from the stakeholder survey. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK.
White, AK and Cash, K (2005) Report on the first phase of the study on men’s usage of the Bradford Health of Men services. Project Report. Bradford Health of Men Partnership Board.
Conference or Workshop Item
Bell, M (2005) Learning to Tango: Sustainable development and the multidisciplinary dream. In: The 2005 World Sustainable Building Conference (SB05), 27-29 September 2005, Tokyo Japan.
Dastbaz, M and Chadwick, D (2005) E-business & Higher Education: an exercise in marketing or fulfilling academic need? In: E-Business and Higher Education, University of Westminster, London, UK.
Lane, D and Filer, J (2005) Shock Advertising; Its Justification and the Effects on Society. In: Irish Academy of Management, 5-8 Sep 2005, Galway, Ireland.
Lane, D and Stolting, S (2005) A Transferable Process Model for E-commerce in SMEs. In: Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 1-3 Nov 2005, Blackpool, UK.
Lane, D and sutcliffe, A (2005) BRAND EXTENSIONS IN CONFECTIONARY; THE MARS DELIGHT. In: Academy of Marketing, 5-7 Jul 2005, Dublin, Ireland.
Roberts, D and Lowe, RJ and Bell, M (2005) Developing energy performance standards for UK housing: The Stamford Brook project. In: The 2005 World Sustainable Building Conference (SB05), 27-29 September 2005, Tokyo, Japan.
Nunn, A (2005) The Political Economy of Crisis and Global Governance: A thesis submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities. Doctoral thesis, University of Manchester.
Stasinopoulos, D (2005) Cyriax physiotherapy, a supervised exercise programme and Bioptron light for the treatment of lateral epicondylitis. Doctoral thesis, Leeds Beckett University.