Items where Author is "Barkoukis, V"

Petróczi, A and Martinelli, LA and Thrower, SN and Veltmaat, A and Heyes, A and Barkoukis, V and Bondarev, D and Elbe, A-M and Lazuras, L and Mallia, L and Zelli, A (2024) Elite athletes’ values in action: an important yet complicated aspect in anti-doping education. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1612-197X DOI:
Ntoumanis, N and Quested, E and Patterson, L and Kaffe, S and Backhouse, S and Pavlidis, G and Whitaker, L and Barkoukis, V and Smith, B and Staff, H and Gucciardi, D (2020) An Intervention to Optimize Coach-Created Motivational Climates and Reduce Athlete Willingness to Dope (CoachMADE): Outcomes of a Multi-Country Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. British Journal of Sports Medicine. ISSN 0306-3674 DOI:
Backhouse, SH and Patterson, L and Whitaker, L and Ntoumanis, N and Gucciardi, D and Quested, E and Barkoukis, V and Smith, B and Pavlidis, G and Kaffe, S (2017) An Intervention to Optimize Coach Motivational Climates and Reduce Athlete Willingness to Dope (CoachMADE): Protocol for a Cross-Cultural Cluster Randomized Control Trial. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078 DOI:
Petróczi, A and Backhouse, SH and Barkoukis, V and Brand, R and Elbe, AM and Lazuras, L and Lucidi, F (2015) A matter of mind-set in the interpretation of forensic application. International Journal of Drug Policy, 26 (11). 1142 - 1143. ISSN 0955-3959 DOI:
Petróczi, A and Backhouse, SH and Barkoukis, V and Brand, R and Elbe, AM and Lazuras, L and Lucidi, F (2015) A call for policy guidance on psychometric testing in doping control in sport. The International journal on drug policy, 26 (11). 1130 - 1139. ISSN 0955-3959 DOI:
Ntoumanis, N and Ng, JY and Barkoukis, V and Backhouse, SH (2015) A philosophical debate on the morality of doping is interesting but beyond the scope of our meta-analysis. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 45 (3). 445 - 446. ISSN 0112-1642 DOI:
Ntoumanis, N and Ng, JY and Barkoukis, V and Backhouse, SH (2014) Personal and psychosocial predictors of doping use in physical activity settings: a meta-analysis. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 44 (11). 1603 - 1624. ISSN 0112-1642 DOI:
Ntoumanis, N and Gucciardi, D and Backhouse, S and Barkoukis, V and Quested, E and Patterson, L and Smith, B and Whitaker, L and Pavlidis, G and Kaffe, S (2019) An Intervention to Assist Coaches to Optimize Coach Motivational Climates and Prevent Athletes’ Willingness to Dope in Sport: A Cross-Cultural Project. Project Report. International Olympic Committee. (Unpublished)
Ntoumanis, N and Ng, J and Barkoukis, V and Backhouse, SH (2013) A statistical synthesis of the literature on personal and situational variables that predict doping in physical activity settings. Project Report. World Anti-Doping Agency.