Items where Author is "Collins, L"

Diers-Lawson, A and Collins, L (2022) Taking off the rose-colored glasses: The influence of crises on employee relationship management. Employee Relations. ISSN 0142-5455 DOI:
Dixon, MB and Schreuders, ZC and Soobhany, AR and Trevorrow, PA and Miller, S and Collins, L DigiVisor Mobile App: Frontline Officer Awareness Development and Decision Support. (Unpublished)
Horvath, D and Wren, A and Collins, L and Trevorrow, P and Schreuders, ZC An Evidence-based Evaluation of the Role of the Digital Media Investigator Within West Yorkshire Police. (Unpublished)
Lambourne, AD and Elliott, JR and Miller, S and Collins, L and Schreuders, ZC (2018) Software Pilot and User Guide EWT: Chat Log Grooming Detection. Manual. CSI Centre Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)