Items where Author is "Lam, MHS"

Broom, DR and Lee, KY and Lam, MHS and Flint, SW (2019) “Gotta catch ‘em all” or “not enough time”: Users motivations for playing Pokémon Go and non-users reasons for not installing. Health Psychology Research, 7 (1). ISSN 2281-2075 DOI:
Hassan, AR and Lam, MHS and Ku, S and Li, WHC and Lee, KY and Ho, E and Flint, SW and Wong, ASW (2017) The reasons of dropout of sport in Hong Kong school athletes. Health Psychology Research, 5 (1). ISSN 2281-2075 DOI:
Flint, SW and Lam, MHS and Chow, B and Lee, KY and Li, WHC and Ho, E and Yang, L and Yung, NKF (2017) A Systematic Review of Recreation Therapy for Depression in Older Adults. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7 (2). ISSN 2161-0487 DOI:
Lam, MHS and Tung, K and Man, DP and Lee, KY and Lei, Y and Flint, SW and Peake, D (2017) Examining Lower Limb Injuries among Male Amateur Soccer Player. Journal of Yoga & Physical Therapy. ISSN 2157-7595 DOI: