Items where Author is "Stratton, G"

Ortega, FB and Zhang, K and Cadenas-Sanchez, C and Tremblay, MS and Jurak, G and Tomkinson, GR and Ruiz, JR and Keller, K and Nyström, CD and Sacheck, JM and Pate, R and Weston, KL and Kidokoro, T and Poon, ET and Wachira, L-JM and Ssenyonga, R and Gomes, TNQF and Cristi-Montero, C and Fraser, BJ and Niessner, C and Onywera, VO and Liu, Y and Liang, L-L and Prince, SA and Lubans, DR and Lang, JJ and Oyeyemi, AL and Marques, A and Gribbon, A and Gaya, AR and García-Hermoso, A and Sääkslahti, A and Emeljanovas, A and Faigenbaum, A and Nakabazzi, B and Leskošek, B and Popovic, B and O'Keeffe, B and Timmons, BW and Mieziene, B and Fraser, B and Brand, C and Anza-Ramirez, C and Alvarez-Bueno, C and Agostinis-Sobrinho, CA and Hillman, CH and Niessner, C and Drenowatz, C and Magnussen, CG and Cadenas-Sanchez, C and Berglind, D and da Silva, DRP and Colella, D and Lubans, D and Matelot, D and Tladi, DM and Silva, DAS and Moliner-Urdiales, D and Dumuid, D and Blain, D and Jáuregui-Ulloa, E and Pintos-Toledo, E and Poon, ET and Lee, E-Y and Riso, E-M and Mäestu, E and Bardid, F and Cañete, F and Rodríguez-Rodríguez, F and De Roia, G and Tabacchi, G and Stratton, G and Sandercock, G and Georgiev, G and Vicente-Rodríguez, G and Ferrari, G and Rosa, G and Welk, G and Jurak, G and Starc, G and Labayen, I and Cigarroa, I and Esteban-Cornejo, I and Emeterio, ICS and Milanović, I and Clarke, J and Dobosz, J and Mäestu, J and Brazo-Sayavera, J and Sacheck, JM and Servais, J and Secchi, JD and Vanhelst, J and Ramírez, JV and Magalhães, J and Soto-Sánchez, J and Jaunig, J and Reilly, JJ and Smith, J and Mota, J and Castro-Piñero, J and López-Gil, JF and Githang'a, JW and Mello, JB and Janz, K and Weston, KL and Laurson, K and Till, K and Dlamini, K and Tambalis, KD and Basterfield, L and Joensuu, L and Béghin, L and Santos, LD and Mugisha, L and Zou, L and Taylor, JRLY and Štefan, L and Léger, L and Wachira, L-J and Sardinha, LB and Rubin, L and Thuany, M and Cuenca-García, M and Paw, MCA and Sanchez-Lopez, M and Pihu, M and Noriega, MJ and Medrano-Echeverría, M and Beltran-Valls, MR and Löf, M and Misigoj-Durakovic, M and Tremblay, MS and Gerber, M and Sorić, M and Giuriato, M and Vandoni, M and Lenoir, M and Santander, MD and Peralta, M and Huhtiniemi, M and Said, MA and Kaj, M and Burn, N and Ridgers, ND and Lovecchio, N and Aguilar-Farias, N and Wedderkopp, N and Veiga, OL and Saint-Maurice, P and Katzmarzyk, P and Henriksson, P and Colley, R and Ocansey, RT-A and Kliegl, R and Ramírez-Vélez, R and Ssenyonga, R and Naidoo, R and Pate, RR and McGrath, R and Kuu, S and Salaj, S and Gontarev, S and Morrison, SA and Nqweniso, S and Chen, S and Kagunda, S and Prince, SA and Wong, SH and Popovic, SR and Fairclough, SJ and Andrade, S and Kriemler, S and Csányi, T and Manyanga, T and Mwase-Vuma, TW and Kidokoro, T and Gomes, TNQF and Gisladottir, T and Takken, T and Jaakkola, T and Lakka, T and Olds, T and Tammelin, T and Granacher, U and Carson, V and Martínez-Vizcaíno, V and Onywera, V and Pellino, VC and Huang, WY and Yin, X and Liu, Y and Song, Y and Sun, Y and Liu, Y (2025) The Youth Fitness International Test (YFIT) battery for monitoring and surveillance among children and adolescents: A modified Delphi consensus project with 169 experts from 50 countries and territories. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 14. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2095-2546 DOI:
Trigwell, J and Murphy, RC and Cable, NT and Stratton, G and Watson, PM (2015) Parental views of children's physical activity: a qualitative study with parents from multi-ethnic backgrounds living in England. BMC Public Health, 15. 1005 - ?. ISSN 1471-2458 DOI:
Hilland, TA and Beynon, CM and Mcgee, CE and Murphy, RC and Parnell, D and Romeo-Velilla, M and Stratton, G and Foweather, L (2014) Training sports coaches to tackle tobacco: Formative evaluation of the SmokeFree Sports campaign. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 53 (1). 12 - 16. ISSN 1463-5240 DOI:
Trigwell, J and Watson, PM and Murphy, RC and Stratton, G and Cable, NT (2014) Ethnic differences in parental attitudes and beliefs about being overweight in childhood. Health Education Journal, 73 (2). 179 - 191. ISSN 0017-8969 DOI:
Knowles, ZR and Parnell, D and Stratton, G and Ridgers, ND (2013) Learning from the experts: exploring playground experience and activities using a write and draw technique. Journal of physical activity & health, 10 (3). 406 - 415. ISSN 1543-3080
Parnell, D and Stratton, G and Drust, B and Richardson, D (2013) Football in the community schemes: Exploring the effectiveness of an intervention in promoting healthful behaviour change. Soccer and Society, 14 (1). 35 - 51. ISSN 1466-0970 DOI: