Items where Division is "Leeds Beckett University (pre-2020) > Carnegie > Events, Tourism and Hospitality" and Year is 2014

Abram, S (2014) Values of property (properties of value): capitalization of kinship in Norway. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. ISSN 1476-6825 DOI:
Abram, S (2014) The time it takes: Temporalities of planning. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20 (S1). 129 - 147. ISSN 1359-0987 DOI:
Bandari, K and Cooper, CP and Ruhanen, L (2014) The Role of the Destination Management Organisation in Responding to Climate Change: Organisational Knowledge and Learning. Acta Turistica, 26 (2). pp. 91-102. ISSN 0353-4316
Bonilla-Priego, MJ and Font, X and Pacheco-Olivares, MDR (2014) Corporate sustainability reporting index and baseline data for the cruise industry. Tourism Management, 44. 149 - 160. ISSN 0261-5177 DOI:
Boukas, N and Ziakas, V (2014) A Chaos Theory Perspective of Destination Crisis and Sustainable Tourism Development in Islands: The Case of Cyprus. Tourism Planning and Development, 11 (2). 191 - 209. ISSN 2156-8316 DOI:
Buda, D (2014) The Death Drive in Tourism Studies. Annals of Tourism Research. ISSN 0160-7383 DOI:
Buda, D and d'Hauteserre, A-M and Johnston, L (2014) Feeling and Tourism Studies. Annals of Tourism Research. ISSN 0160-7383 DOI:
Burrai, E and Font, X and Cochrane, J (2014) Destination Stakeholders' Perceptions of Volunteer Tourism: An Equity Theory Approach. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17 (5). 451 - 459. ISSN 1099-2340 DOI:
Dashper, K (2014) Tools of the trade or part of the family? Horses in competitive equestrian sport. Society and Animals, 22 (4). 352 - 371. ISSN 1063-1119 DOI:
Fletcher, T (2014) 'Does he look like a Paki?' an exploration of 'whiteness', positionality and reflexivity in inter-racial sports research1851). Qualitiative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 6 (2). 244 - 260. ISSN 2159-676X DOI:
Fletcher, T and Spracklen, K (2014) Cricket, drinking and exclusion of British Pakistani Muslims? Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37 (8). 1310 - 1327. ISSN 0141-9870 DOI:
Fletcher, TE (2014) Book review: Anthony Clavane, Does you rabbi know you’re here? The story of English football’s forgotten tribe. Soccer and Society. ISSN 1743-9590 DOI:
Font, X and Garay, L and Jones, S (2014) Sustainability motivations and practices in small tourism enterprises in European protected areas. Journal of Cleaner Production. ISSN 0959-6526 DOI:
Fu, Y and Long, P and Thomas, R (2014) Guanxi and the organization of Chinese new year festivals in England. Event Management, 18 (3). 247 - 263. ISSN 1525-9951 DOI:
Glyptou, K and Paravantis, JA and Papatheodorou, A and Spilanis, I (2014) Tourism sustainability methodologies: A critical assessment. IISA 2014 - 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications. pp. 182-187. DOI:
Guiver, J and Stanford, D (2014) Why destination visitor travel planning falls between the cracks. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 3 (3). 140 - 151. ISSN 2212-571X DOI:
Hann, N and Timmis, IG and Alkhaldi, AA and Davies, B and Troncoso, CR and Yong, Y (2014) The impact of English on learners’ wider lives. ELT Research Papers, 14 (02).
Henderson, S and Musgrave, J (2014) Changing audience behaviour: Festival goers and throwaway tents. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 5 (3). 247 - 262. ISSN 1758-2954 DOI:
Hindley, A and Font, X (2014) Ethics and influences in tourist perceptions of climate change. Current Issues in Tourism. ISSN 1368-3500 DOI:
Hixson, E (2014) The impact of young people’s participation in events: Developing a model of social event impact. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 5 (3). 198 - 218. ISSN 1758-2954 DOI:
Li, YN and Wood, EH (2014) Music festival motivation in China: free the mind. Leisure Studies, 35 (3). 332 - 351. ISSN 0261-4367 DOI:
Piso, A (2014) Migrant Labour in Rural Tourism: Continuity and Change. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18 (1). 10 - 18. ISSN 1099-2340 DOI:
Román, B and Font, X (2014) Turismo sustentable como herramienta de competitividad en Chile. Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, 23 (3). ISSN 1851-1732
Smith, VL and Font, X (2014) Volunteer tourism, greenwashing and understanding responsible marketing using market signalling theory. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 22 (6). 942 - 963. ISSN 0966-9582 DOI:
Stanford, DJ (2014) Reducing visitor car use in a protected area: A market segmentation approach to achieving behaviour change. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 22 (4). 666 - 683. ISSN 0966-9582 DOI:
Sturm, DC (2014) Book Review: 'Digital media sport: Technology, power and culture in the network society'. Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture & Policy (152). 196 - 196 (1). ISSN 1329-878X DOI:
Sturm, DC (2014) Book Review: Gender and Genre in Sports Documentaries: Critical Essays. Studies in Documentary Film, 8 (2). 172 - 174 (3). ISSN 1750-3280 DOI:
Thomas, R and Thomas, H (2014) 'Hollow from the start'? Professional associations and the professionalisation of tourism. Service Industries Journal, 34 (1). 38 - 55. ISSN 0264-2069 DOI:
Ziakas, V (2014) For the benefit of all? Developing a critical perspective in mega-event leverage. Leisure Studies. ISSN 0261-4367 DOI:
Ziakas, V (2014) Planning and Leveraging Event Portfolios: Towards a Holistic Theory. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. ISSN 1936-8623 DOI:
Ziakas, V and Boukas, N (2014) Contextualizing phenomenology in event management research: Deciphering the meaning of event experiences. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 5 (1). 56 - 73. ISSN 1758-2954 DOI:
Ziakas, V and Boukas, N (2014) Post-event leverage and Olympic legacy: A strategic framework for the development of sport and cultural tourism in post-Olympic Athens. Athens Journal of Sports, 1 (2). 87 - 101. ISSN 2241-7915
Conference or Workshop Item
Dowson, R (2014) Religion, Community and Events. In: The Church of England Archbishops’ Council Conference Faith in Research: The role of the Church in Society, 4 June 2014, Birmingham, UK.
Dowson, R and Strecker, M and Lindblad, H and Schmid, B (2014) Education Interpretation & Technology. In: Future for Religious Heritage Annual Conference Sustaining Europe’s Rural Religious Heritage, 29 October 2014 - 01 November 2014, Halle, Germany.
Ormerod, NS (2014) An Examination of the Challenges of Capturing the Value of Adventurous Off-road Cycling: A Perspective from South West England. Doctoral thesis, The University of Exeter.