Items where Division is "Leeds Beckett University (pre-2020) > Faculty of Business and Law > Leeds Business School" and Year is 2015

Adams, S and Topic, M (2015) Towards an Ethical PR? An Exploration into Student’s Ethical Perceptions towards the Sainsbury’s WWI Campaign. International Journal of Ethics, 11 (3). ISSN 1937-433X
Ahmad, M and Ahmad, FK and Nasir, M and Khan, G (2015) Internal Absorption and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: A new Approach towards Market Size. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 2 (3). 400 - 410. ISSN 2148-8347
Barnes, CJ and Hoang, D (2015) Public entrepreneurship and the management of traditional retail markets. Proceedings of Oxford Retail Futures Conference 2015: Public Policy in Retail and Supply Chain, Dec 2015. (Unpublished)
Boateng, A and Hua, X and Nisar, S and Wu, J (2015) Examining the determinants of inward FDI: Evidence from Norway. Economic Modelling, 47. 118 - 127. ISSN 0264-9993 DOI:
Boukis, A and Kaminakis, K and Siampos, A and Kostopoulos, I (2015) Linking internal marketing with customer outcomes. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33 (3). 394 - 413. ISSN 0263-4503 DOI:
Bratton, J and Gold, J (2015) Towards Critical Human Resource Management Education (CHRME): a sociological imagination approach. Work, Employment and Society, 29 (3). 496 - 507. ISSN 0950-0170 DOI:
Daley, CP and Thompson, H (2015) What has this got to do with my course? Widening horizons and enhancing employability of pr and marketing students through the inclusion of an interdisciplinary resource module. Journal of Advances in Higher Education, 7 (3). pp. 156-168.
Du, M and Boateng, A and Newton, D (2015) The impact of state ownership, formal institutions and resource seeking on acquirers’ returns of Chinese M&A. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 47 (1). pp. 159-178. ISSN 0924-865X DOI:
Gibbs, P and Dean, A (2015) Do higher education institutes communicate trust well? Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 25 (2). 155 - 170. ISSN 0884-1241 DOI:
Gondim Mariutti, F (2015) Reflections on the challenging mission of the country brand construct in the international business setting. Review of International Business, 10 (3). 58 - 70. DOI:
Gondim Mariutti, F and Tench, R (2015) Does promotion have the magic touch? Matching the 4 P’s with the 4 R’s of place branding. AM2015 - The Magic in Marketing, 7 - 9 July 2015.
Gondim Mariutti, F and Tench, R (2015) How does Brazil measure up? Comparing rankings through the lenses of nation brand indexes. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. ISSN 1751-8059 DOI:
Gondim Mariutti, F and Tench, R (2015) Magical Touch of Marketing: Matching Promotion with the 4 R’s of Place Branding. Archives of Business Research, 3 (6). ISSN 2054-7404 DOI:
Kostopoulos, G and Rizomyliotis, I and Konstantoulaki, K (2015) Determinants of physicians' purchase intention for innovative services: Integrating professional characteristics with technology acceptance model and theory of planned behaviour. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19 (2). ISSN 1363-9196 DOI:
Lodorfos, G and Kostopoulos, G and Kaminakis, K (2015) The impact of service delivery system effectiveness on service quality: A hierarchical approach. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 16 (2-3). 169 - 181. ISSN 1368-4892 DOI:
Mariutti, F and Tench, R (2015) Are we Talking the Same Language? Challenging Complexity in Country Brand Models. Athens Journal of Business and Economics, 1 (1). ISSN 2241-794X
Menelec, V and Jones, B (2015) Networks and marketing in small professional service businesses. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 17 (2). 193 - 211. ISSN 1471-5201 DOI:
Morgan, J (2015) Is Economics Responding to Critique? What do the UK 2015 QAA Subject Benchmarks Indicate? Review of Political Economy, 27 (4). 518 - 538. ISSN 0953-8259 DOI:
Morgan, J (2015) Piketty's Calibration Economics: Inequality and the Dissolution of Solutions? Globalizations, 12 (5). 803 - 823. ISSN 1474-7731 DOI:
Morgan, JA (2015) Realist econometrics? Nell and Errouaki on methodological institutionalism, regularity and uncertainty. Real World Economics Review, 71. 112 - 123. ISSN 1755-9472
Morgan, JA and Olsen, W (2015) The absence of decent work: the continued development of forced and unfree labour in India. Global Labour Journal, 6 (2). 173 - 188. ISSN 1918-6711 DOI:
Nalere, P and Yago, MA (2015) A Review of Methodologies and Methods used in recent Partnership Studies. Journal for Studies in Management & Planning.
Nasir, M and Ahmad, FK and Ahmed, M and Wu, J (2015) Financial and economic stability as ‘two sides of a coin’: Non-crisis regime evidence from the UK based on VECM. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 7 (4). 327 - 353. ISSN 1757-6385 DOI:
Nasir, M and Wu, J and Guerrero, C (2015) Economic Growth, Exchange Rate and Constrained Competiveness of the Tourism Sector in Andalucía. International Journal of Management and Economics, 48 (1). 84 - 100. ISSN 2299-9701 DOI:
Nasir, MA and Wu, J and Yago, M and Li, H (2015) Influence of psychographics and risk perception on internet banking adoption: Current state of affairs in Britain. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5 (2). 461 - 468. ISSN 2146-4138
Olsen, W and Morgan, J (2015) The Entrapment of Unfree Labor: Theory and Examples from India. Journal of Developing Societies, 31 (2). 184 - 203. ISSN 0169-796X DOI:
Oluwadare, E and Samy, M (2015) The relevance of Critical Accounting Theory (CAT) to effectiveness of public financial accountability in emerging economies. Canadian Social Science, 11 (9). 20 - 25. ISSN 1923-6697 DOI:
Osuoha, J and Samy, M and Osuoha, O (2015) The Impact of Corporate Governance on Derivatives Usage–Empirical Evidence from African Non-Financial Firms. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 8 (1). 19 - 31. ISSN 2278-098X DOI:
Raj, R and Bozonelos, D (2015) Pilgrimage Experience and Consumption of Travel to the City of Makkah for Hajj Ritual. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 3 (1). ISSN 2009-7379
Raj, R and Rashid, T (2015) London 2012 Olympic Games: Challenges Faced by Islamic Olympians Fasting for Ramadan. Management Studies, 3 (5-6). 154 - 168. ISSN 2328-2185 DOI:
Ramma, Y and Samy, M and Gopee, A (2015) Creativity and innovation in science and technology: Bridging the gap between secondary and tertiary levels of education. International Journal of Educational Management, 29 (1). 2 - 17. ISSN 0951-354X DOI:
Robinson, SJ (2015) Islam, Responsibility and Business in the Thought of Fethullah Gulen. Journal of Business Ethics, 128 (2). 369 - 381. ISSN 1573-0697 DOI:
Samy, M and Ogiri, HI and Bampton, R (2015) Examining the public policy perspective of CSR implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (3). 553 - 572. ISSN 1747-1117 DOI:
Sheehan, B and Embery, J and Morgan, J (2015) Give them something to think about, don’t tell them what to think: A constructive heterodox alternative to the core project. Journal of Australian Political Economy, 2015 (75). 211 - 232. ISSN 0156-5826
Shubita, M (2015) The impact of income smoothing on earnings quality in emerging markets: Evidence from GCC markets. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 5 (3). pp. 299-324. ISSN 2042-1168 DOI:
Sun, WX (2015) Modes of Thinking in Corporate Governance: In Search of Root Causes of Governance Malfunctioning. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. ISSN 0065-0668 DOI:
Tench, R and Jones, B (2015) Social Media: the Wild West of CSR Communications. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (2). ISSN 1747-1117 DOI:
Tench, R and Moreno, A (2015) Mapping communication management competencies for European practitioners ECOPSI an EU study. Journal of Communication Management, 19 (1). 39 - 61. ISSN 1363-254X DOI:
Tench, R and Verhoeven, P and Hasina, J (2015) Turn Around When Possible: Mapping European Communication Competences. Studies in Media and Communication, 3 (2). ISSN 2325-808X DOI:
Tsoularis, A (2015) An optimal inventory pricing and ordering strategy subject to demand dependent on stock level and price. International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, 7 (5). 595 - 608. ISSN 1757-5850 DOI:
Willis, P (2015) From humble inquiry to humble intelligence: Confronting wicked problems and augmenting public relations. Public Relations Review, 42 (2). 306 - 313. ISSN 0363-8111 DOI:
Willis, P (2015) Preach wine and serve vinegar: Public relations, relationships and doublethink. Public Relations Review, 41 (5). pp. 681-688. ISSN 0363-8111 DOI:
Willis, P (2015) Public relations, passive aggression and critical social auditing: Reflections on organisational inaction in stakeholder engagement. Journal of Public Affairs, 15 (2). 220 - 226. ISSN 1472-3891 DOI:
Wu, J and Lodorfos, G and Dean, A and Gioulmpaxiotisb, G (2015) The Market Performance of Socially Responsible Investment during Periods of the Economic Cycle - Illustrated Using the Case of FTSE. Managerial and Decision Economics. ISSN 0143-6570 DOI:
Yeo, RK and Gold, J (2015) More than meets the eye: Working around technology in cross-boundary work contexts. Information Technology and People, 28 (3). 623 - 652. ISSN 0959-3845 DOI:
Yeo, RK and Gold, J and Marquardt, MJ (2015) Becoming “leaderful”: Leading forward in turbulent times. Industrial and Commercial Training, 47 (6). 285 - 292. ISSN 0019-7858 DOI:
Yeomans, L and Topic, MR (2015) Engagement and Empathy Discourses in Corporate Communication. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 17 (3). 27 - 39.
Zifkos, G (2015) Sustainability Everywhere: Problematising the “Sustainable Festival” Phenomenon. Tourism Planning and Development, 12 (1). 6 - 19. ISSN 2156-8316 DOI:
Book Section
Cardoso-Castro, P (2015) "A dialogical space for independent learning: Later in the pub and first class club." In: Thomas, L, (ed.) Compendium of effective practice in directed independent learning. Higher Education Academy, UK, pp. 8-9. ISBN UNSPECIFIED
Gold, J and D'Souza-Matthew, M and Pickard, H and Pickard, R (2015) "The struggle for product development and innovation in a family-owned business." In: Rae, D and Wang, C, (eds.) Entrepreneurial Learning: New Perspectives in Research, Education and Practice. Routledge, London, pp. 194-215. ISBN 9780415723244, 9781315857817
Raj, R (2015) "Introduction to sacred or secular journeys." In: Raj, R and Griffin, K, (eds.) Religious tourism and pilgrimage management: an international perspective. cabi, 1 - 15. ISBN 9781780645230 DOI:
Raj, R (2015) "The globalization of pilgrimage tourism? Some thoughts from Ireland." In: Raj, R and Griffin, K, (eds.) Religious tourism and pilgrimage management: an international perspective. cabi. ISBN 9781780645230 DOI:
Raj, R and Griffin, K and Blackwell, R (2015) "Motivations for religious tourism, pilgrimage, festivals and events." In: Raj, R and Griffin, K, (eds.) Religious tourism and pilgrimage management: an international perspective. cabi, 103 - 117. ISBN 9781780645230 DOI:
Raj, R and Yan,, G (2015) "Tradition, Tourism." In: Jafari, J and Xiao, H, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-01384-8
Willis, P (2015) "Being Social: Creating a critical commons with public relations practice." In: L'Etang, J and McKie, D and Snow, N and Xifra, J, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, ? - ? (416). ISBN 0415727332, 9780415727334
Conference or Workshop Item
Daley, CP (2015) From High School to Higher Degrees: Teaching and Supporting Learning for Students entering Postgraduate Professional Study without Undergraduate Degrees. In: University Forum for Human Resource Development, 03 June 2015 - 05 June 2015, Cork.
Diers-Lawson, AR and Birkholt, MJ and Bruce, H (2015) Killer Coca-Cola vs Pouring on the pounds: Comparing the brand damage potential between negative health messaging and counterbranding strategies. In: Academy of Management Sciences Annual Conference, 13 May 2015, Denver, Colorado.
Diers-Lawson, AR and Bruce, H (2015) Socially responsible joint venture, brand misconduct and recovery communication: Implications for relationship quality. In: Academy of Management Sciences Annual Conference, 13 May 2015, Denver, Colorado.
Diers-Lawson, AR and Wan, Y and Ivanova, S and Sotiorpoulou, E and Al-Hajiri, S (2015) Whose crisis is it anyway? Examining complexity in blame attribution and reputational risk in the airline industry. In: Crisis4 – an International Crisis Communication Conference, 08 October 2015 - 10 December 2016, Lund University in Helsingborg, Sweden.
Douglas, DJ and Radicic, D and Pugh, G (2015) Additionality effects of public support programmes on cooperation for innovation: evidence from European manufacturing SMEs. In: 5th European conference on corporate R&D and innovation.
Finlayson, A and Douglas, DJ (2015) Achieving best for project success outcomes through optimal employee engagement – a proposal for organisations operating engineering alliances. In: British Academy of Management (BAM), 08 September 2015 - 10 September 2015, Portsmouth UK.
Gondim Mariutti, F (2015) Country Brand Challenges: Why is Brazil’s image complex and multifaceted? In: 2015 Academy of Marketing Conference - The Magic in Marketing, 7-9 July 2015, Limerick, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Gondim Mariutti, F and Oguz, K and Yeomans, L (2015) Looking Through Different Lenses: Women’s Feminist Perspectives in Public Relations. In: EUPRERA 2015 ANNUAL CONGRESS: THE MANAGEMENT GAME OF COMMUNICATION: How PR/Corporate Communication Supports Organizations and What Communicators Can Learn from Management Disciplines, 1-3 October, 2015, Oslo, Norway.
Kershaw-Solomon, H and Zhang, C and Gold, J (2015) The Betrothal Knot – Engaging British University Academic Staff. In: UFHRD, 15 June 2015 - 18 June 2015, Ireland.
Trem, KR (2015) The Role of Spiral-Dynamics in Creating Sustainable, Values-Based-Organisations. In: UFHRD Cork 2015, Cork.
Lampadarios, E (2015) Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs): An Empirical Study in the UK Chemical Distribution Industry. Post-Doctoral thesis, Leeds Beckett University.