Items where Division is "Leeds Beckett University (pre-2020) > Faculty of Health and Social Sciences > School of Health and Community Studies" and Year is 2018

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Bagnall, A (2018) Well-being and community life: Keeping isolation at bay? Psychreg Journal of Psychology, 2 (2). ISSN 2515-138X DOI:

Bagnall, A and Sahota, P and Radley, D (2018) Protocol: Systematic Review of Whole System Approaches to Obesity. Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Bagnall, A and South, J and Di Martino, S and Southby, K and Pilkington, G and Mitchell, B and Pennington, A and Corcoran, R (2018) A systematic review of interventions to boost social relations through improvements in community infrastructure (places and spaces). Working Paper. What Works Centre for Wellbeing/ Leeds Beckett University, Leeds.

Bagnall, A and South, J and Di Martino, S and Southby, K and Pilkington, G and Mitchell, B and Pennington, A and Corcoran, R (2018) A systematic review of interventions to boost social relations through improvements in community infrastructure (places and spaces). Technical Report. What Works Centre for Wellbeing.

Bagnall, A and South, J and Pearmain, D and Quick, A and Arnold, S (2018) Perfect design or practical study? A workshop on navigating the challenges of community based prevention research. In: Society of Social Medicine annual meeting 2018, 05 September 2018 - 07 September 2018, Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)

Brown, FC (2018) "Foreword." In: Huertas-Abril, C and Gomex-Parra, M, (eds.) Early Childhood Education From an Intercultural and Bilingual Perspective. IGI Global, Hershey, PA. ISBN 9781522551676

Brown, FC (2018) "Restoring Hope Through Play - Therapeutic Playwork with Children in Transylvania." In: Nell, M and Drew, W, (eds.) A Portrait of the Promise of Play. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN UNSPECIFIED (Unpublished)

Brown, FC (2018) "Therapeutic Playwork: Theory and Practice." In: Brown, F and Hughes, B, (eds.) Aspects of Playwork. Play and Culture Studies, 14 . University Press of America, Lanham, MD. ISBN 9780761870609

Brown, FC and Long, AM and Wragg, M (2018) "Playwork: A Unique way of working with children." In: Smith, PK and Roopnarine, J, (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Play: Developmental and Disciplinary Perspectives. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781316640906

Burden, SE (2018) Evaluating simulation as a teaching and learning strategy to develop student skills and confidence in End of Life Care. In: RCN Education Forum National Conference. ‘Partners in Practice: Nurses Working Together Through Change, 20 March 2018 - 21 March 2018, Newcastle Civic Centre. (Unpublished)

Burden, SE (2018) Supporting performance and assessing competence in practice. In: Bradford NHS Trust & Airedale NHS Trust Practice educator Conference, 10 July 2018, Bradford, UK. (Unpublished)


Casey, DC and Clark, L and Gould, KL (2018) Developing a digital learning version of a mentorship training programme. British Journal of Nursing, 27 (2). pp. 82-86. ISSN 0966-0461 DOI:

Cross, RM and Warwick-Booth, L (2018) Evaluating a gender-specific intensive intervention programme: young women's voices and experiences. Health Education Journal. ISSN 0017-8969 DOI:

Cross, RM and Warwick-Booth, L (2018) Neoliberal salvation through a gendered intervention: A critical analysis of vulnerable young women's talk. Alternative Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 29. ISSN 0702-8865


Di Martino, S and Di Napoli, I and Esposito, C and Arcidiacono, C (2018) Measuring Care and Justice Moral Orientation: Italian validation and revision of the MMO-2 scale. Ethics and Behavior. ISSN 1050-8422 DOI:

Di Martino, S and Di Napoli, I and Esposito, C and Prilleltensky, I and Arcidiacono, C (2018) Measuring subjective well-being from a multidimensional and temporal perspective: Italian adaptation of the I COPPE scale. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. ISSN 1477-7525 DOI:

Dransfield, R and Clark, L (2018) An exploration of the mental health needs of asylum seeking women and children in the UK: implications for health visiting practice. Community Practitioner. ISSN 1462-2815


Fisher, P and Balfour, B and Moss, S (2018) Advocating co-productive engagement with marginalised people: a specific perspective on and by survivors of childhood sexual abuse. British Journal of Social Work, 48 (7). pp. 2096-2113. ISSN 1468-263X DOI:

Fisher, P and Buckner, L (2018) 'Time for ‘resilience’': community mediators working with marginalised young people offer a novel approach. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 38 (9/10). pp. 794-808. ISSN 0144-333X DOI:

Fisher, R and Fisher, P (2018) Peer education and empowerment: perspectives from young women working as peer educators with Home-Start. Studies in the Education of Adults, 50 (1). pp. 74-91. ISSN 1478-9833 DOI:


Gamsu, M and White, J and Coan, S (2018) Evaluating Enhanced Primary Care In Airedale, Wharfedale And Craven. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)

Godfrey, M and Young, J and Shannon, R and Skingley, A and Woolley, R and Arrojo, F and Brooker, D and Manley, K and Surr, CA (2018) The Person, Interactions and Environment Programme to improve care of people with dementia in hospital: a multisite study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 6 (23). ISSN 2050-4349 DOI:

Griffiths, AW and Parveen, S and Shafiq, S and Oyebode, J (2018) Development of the Adolescent Attitudes towards Dementia Scale (A-ADS). International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33 (8). pp. 1139-1145. ISSN 1099-1166 DOI:


Hanna, ES and Gough, B and Hudson, N (2018) Fit to father? Online accounts of lifestyle changes and help-seeking on a male infertility board. Sociology of Health and Illness, 40 (6). pp. 937-953. ISSN 1467-9566 DOI:

Hill, DJ and Agu, L and Mercer, D (2018) Exploring and Locating Social Work: A Foundation for Practice. Palgrave - Macmillan, Basingstoke- England. ISBN 9781137604347

Hill, DJ and Frost, N (2018) "Social work in England: regulation, competition and change." In: TRABAJO SOCIAL EN EL SIGLO XXI: Desafíos para la formación académica y profesional. Social Work in the XXI st century: Challenges to educational and professional training. Dykinson: Madrid. Dykinson, Madrid. ISBN 978-84-9148-669-5

Hills, J (2018) The psychosomatics of distress: case study insights into lived experience and therapeutic change. Self and Society, 46 (2). ISSN 0306-0497

Hills, JW and Cahill, J and Lees, J and Freshwater, D (2018) "Indices of Change: Analysing the Indexical Properties of Data from Psychotherapy Case Work to Discern Patterns of Therapeutic Change Over Time." In: Costa, AP and Reis, LP and Souza, FND and Moreira, A, (eds.) Computer Supported Qualitative Research: Second International Symposium on Qualitative Research (ISQR 2017). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 621 . Springer Verlag, pp. 418-424. ISBN 9783319611204 DOI:


Kennedy, M-C and Pallotti, P and Dickinson, R and Harley, C (2018) “If you can’t see a dilemma in this situation you should probably regard it as a warning”. A metasynthesis and theoretical modeling of general practitioners’ opioid prescription experiences in primary care. British Journal of Pain. ISSN 2049-4637 DOI:

Klingenberg, MK (2018) Assessment of nursing applicants: restating complexities. In: Partners in Practice: Nurses Working Together Through Change RCN Education Forum National Conference and Exhibition 2018, 20 March 2018 - 21 March 2018, Newcastle.


Laredo, E (2018) PROBATION PROFESSIONAL SESSION. In: NAPO Annual General Meeting, 12 October 2018 - 14 October 2018, East Midlands Conference Centre. (Unpublished)

Laredo, EA (2018) Leeds Beckett Inaugaral Gender Research Conference. In: Inaugaral Gender Research Conference, 06 March 2018 - 06 March 2018, Cloth Hall Court, Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)

Long, AM (2018) Practice-based research in children's play. International Journal of Play. ISSN 2159-4937 DOI:


Parveen, S and Farina, N and Shafiq, S and Hughes, L and Griffiths, AW (2018) What do adolescents perceive to be key features of an effective dementia education and awareness initiative? Dementia. ISSN 1471-3012 DOI:


Seims, A and Woodward, J and White, J and Bunyan, A-M and O'Dwyer, L (2018) Wise Up To Cancer - can it make a difference? Project Report. Yorkshire Cancer Research.

Seims, A and Woodward, J and White, J and Bunyan, A-M and O'Dwyer, L (2018) Wise Up To Cancer - can it make a difference? Executive Summary. Project Report. Yorkshire Cancer Research.

South, J and Connolly, AM and Stansfield, JA and Johnstone, P and Henderson, G and Fenton, KA (2018) Putting the public (back) into public health: leadership, evidence and action. Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1741-3850 DOI:

South, J and Jones, R and Stansfield, J and Bagnall, A (2018) What quantitative and qualitative methods have been developed to measure health-related community resilience at a national and local level? Project Report. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.

Southby, K and Bennett, S (2018) A new pathway to parenthood. Midwives, Winter.

Southby, K and Gamsu, M (2018) Factors affecting general practice collaboration with voluntary and community sector organisations. Health Soc Care Community. ISSN 1365-2524 DOI:

Southby, K and Robinson, O and Cork, W (2018) Delivering holistic low level support to intellectually able autistic adults: Lessons from an advocacy, information and mentoring service. Good Autism Practice, 19 (2). pp. 75-80. ISSN 1466-2973

Southby, K and Rodgers, F and Robinson, J (2018) 'Feel Good' evaluation report. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research (CHPR) at Leeds Beckett University.

Stansfield, J and South, J (2018) A knowledge translation project on community-centred approaches in public health. Journal of Public Health, 40. DOI:

Stonehouse, D and Piper, C and Briggs, M and Brown, FC (2018) Play Within the Pre-registration Children's Nursing Curriculum Within the United Kingdom: A Content Analysis of Programme Specifications. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 41. ISSN 0882-5963 DOI:

Surr, CA and Griffiths, AW and Kelley, R (2018) Implementing Dementia Care Mapping as a practice development tool in dementia care services: A systematic review. Clinical Interventions in Aging. ISSN 1176-9092 DOI:

Surr, CA and Sass, C and Burnley, N and Drury, M and Smith, S and Parveen, S and Burden, S and Oyebode, J (2018) Components of impactful dementia training for general hospital staff: a collective case study. Aging and Mental Health. ISSN 1360-7863 DOI:


Warwick-Booth, L and Woodall, JR and Cross, RM and Bagnall, A and South, J (2018) Health promotion education in changing and challenging times: reflections from the UK. Health Education Journal. ISSN 1748-8176 DOI:

Warwick-Booth, L and Woodward, J and O'Dwyer, L (2018) An evaluation of a local Gypsy and Traveller Health Improvement Project. In: Festival of Public Health, 05 July 2018 - 05 July 2018, Manchester University. (Unpublished)

Warwick-Booth, L and Woodward, J and O'Dwyer, L and Di Martino, S (2018) An Evaluation of Leeds CCG Gypsy and Traveller Health Improvement Project. Project Report. Leeds Beckett Univeristy.

White, AK and Ironmonger, L and Steele, R and Ormiston-Smith, N and Crawford, C and Seims, A (2018) A review of sex-related differences in colorectal cancer incidence, screening uptake, routes to diagnosis, cancer stage and survival in the UK. BMC Cancer, 18 (906). ISSN 1471-2407 DOI:

Woodall, JR (2018) Why has the health promoting prison concept failed to translate to the US? American Journal of Health Promotion, 32 (4). pp. 858-860. ISSN 0890-1171 DOI:

Woodall, JR and Cross, RM and Kinsella, K and Bunyan, A (2018) Using peer research processes to understand strategies to support those with severe, multiple and complex health needs. Health Education Journal. ISSN 1748-8176 DOI:

Woodall, JR and Kinsella, K (2018) Striving for a ‘good’ family visit: the facilitative role of a prison visitors’ centre. Journal of Criminal Psychology. ISSN 2009-3829 DOI:

Woodall, JR and Trigwell, J and Bunyan, A and Raine, G and Eaton, V and Davis, J and Hancock, L and Cunningham, M and Wilkinson, S (2018) Understanding outcomes and processes of a social prescribing service: a mixed method analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 18 (604). ISSN 1472-6963 DOI:

Woodall, JR and Warwick-Booth, L and South, J and Cross, RM (2018) What makes health promotion research distinct? Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1403-4948 DOI:

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