Items where Author is "Kinsella, K"

Band, R and Kinsella, K and Ellis, J and James, E and Ciccognani, S and Breheny, K and Kandiyali, R and Ewings, S and Rogers, A (2025) Social network intervention for loneliness and social isolation in a community setting: the PALS cluster-RCT. Public Health Research, 13 (1). pp. 1-86. ISSN 2050-439X DOI:
Bagnall, A-M and South, J and Kinsella, K and Trigwell, J and Sheridan, K and Harden, A (2025) Community engagement approaches to improve health: a cross-case study analysis of barriers and facilitators in UK practice. BMC Public Health. ISSN 1471-2458 (In Press)
Homer, C and Kinsella, K and Brown, T and Marwood, J and Drew, K and Radley, D and Freeman, C and Ojo, A and Teke, J and Clare, K and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) ‘Life changing or a failure’? Qualitative experiences of service users from the weight maintenance phase of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot for type 2 diabetes. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Radley, D and Drew, K and Homer, C and Brown, T and Kinsella, K and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) Participant experiences during the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot. Findings from an online survey. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. pp. 1-91. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Homer, C and Kinsella, K and Marwood, J and Brown, T and Radley, D and Clare, K and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) Re:Mission study. Evaluating the NHS Low Calorie Diet pilot - an overview of service user data collection methods. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. pp. 1-4. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Homer, C and Kinsella, K and Brown, T and Marwood, J and Drew, K and Radley, D and Freeman, C and Ojo, A and Teke, J and Clare, K and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) “Trying to make healthy choices”: the challenges of the food reintroduction phase of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot for type 2 diabetes. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Homer, C and Kinsella, K and Drew, K and Marwood, J and Brown, T and Rowlands, S and Radley, D and Freeman, C and Ojo, A and Teke, J and Clare, K and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) A fresh start with high hopes: a qualitative evaluation of experiences of the Total Diet Replacement phase of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot. The British Journal of Diabetes, 24. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Marwood, J and Kinsella, K and Homer, C and Drew, KJ and Brown, T and Evans, TS and Dhir, P and Freeman, C and Jones, S and Bakhai, C and Ells, LJ (2024) Is the NHS low-calorie diet programme delivered as planned? An observational study examining adherence of intervention delivery to service specification. Clinical Obesity. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1758-8103 DOI:
Drew, K and Homer, C and Radley, D and Freeman, C and Kinsella, K and Maynard, M and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2023) Equity and Local Health Systems – a qualitative evaluation of the experiences of Local Health Service Leads during the first two years of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot. The British Journal of Diabetes, 23 (2). pp. 77-12. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
South, J and Woodall, JR and Southby, K and Jones, R and Yates, G and Kinsella, K and May, E (2020) Volunteerism, social context and health impacts: a qualitative study of Glasgow Commonwealth Games event volunteers. Cities & Health. ISSN 2374-8834 DOI:
Warwick-Booth, L and South, J and Giuntoli, G and Kinsella, K and White, JL (2020) ‘Small Project, Big Difference’: capacity building through a national volunteering fund : An Evaluation of The Department of Health’s Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund. Voluntary Sector Review: an international journal of third sector research, policy and practice, 11 (1). pp. 21-40. ISSN 2040-8056 DOI:
Woodall, JR and Cross, RM and Kinsella, K and Bunyan, A (2018) Using peer research processes to understand strategies to support those with severe, multiple and complex health needs. Health Education Journal. ISSN 1748-8176 DOI:
Woodall, JR and Kinsella, K (2018) Striving for a ‘good’ family visit: the facilitative role of a prison visitors’ centre. Journal of Criminal Psychology. ISSN 2009-3829 DOI:
Woodall, JR and Kinsella, K (2017) Playwork in prison as a mechanism to support family health and well-being. Health Education Journal. ISSN 1748-8176 DOI:
South, J and Giuntoli, G and Kinsella, K and Carless, D and Long, J and McKenna, J (2017) Walking, connecting and befriending: a qualitative pilot study of participation in a lay-led walking group intervention. Journal of Transport and Health. ISSN 2214-1405 DOI:
Warwick-Booth, L and Trigwell, J and Kinsella, K and Jeffreys, K and Sankar, D and Dolezalova, M (2017) Health within the Leeds Migrant Roma Community; An Exploration of Health Status and Needs within One UK Area. Health, 9. pp. 669-684. ISSN 1363-4593 DOI:
South, J and Woodall, JR and Kinsella, K and Bagnall, A (2016) A qualitative synthesis of the positive and negative impacts related to delivery of peer-based health interventions in prison settings. BMC Health Services Research, 16:525. ISSN 1472-6963 DOI:
Kinsella, K and Woodall, J (2016) ‘Pure bonding time’: Prisoner and staff perceptions of the impact of taking part in a drama project for imprisoned men and their children. Prison Service Journal (223). 11 - 17.
Bagnall, A and South, J and Hulme, C and Woodall, JR and Vinall-Collier, K and Raine, G and Kinsella, K and Dixey, R and Harris, L and Wright, NM (2015) A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of peer education and peer support in prisons. BMC Public Health, 15 (290). ISSN 1471-2458 DOI:
South, J and Bagnall, A and Hulme, C and Woodall, J and Longo, R and Dixey, R and Kinsella, K and Raine, G and Vinall-Collier, K and Wright, J (2014) A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of peer-based interventions to maintain and improve offender health in prison settings. Health Services and Delivery Research, 2 (35). ISSN 2050-4349 DOI:
Robinson, M and Tilford, S and Branney, P and Kinsella, K (2014) Championing mental health at work: emerging practice from innovative projects in the UK. Health promotion international, 29 (3). 583 - 595. ISSN 0957-4824 DOI:
Woodall, JR and Kinsella, K and Stephenson, L (2014) ‘It was just like we were a family again’: play as a means to maintain family ties for children visiting an imprisoned parent. International Journal of Play, 3 (2). 169 - 181. ISSN 2159-4937 DOI:
South, J and Woodall, J and Kinsella, K and Dixey, R and Penson, B and de Viggiani, N (2012) Peers in Prison Settings (PiPS) Expert Symposium. Peers in Prison Settings (PiPS) Expert Symposium Conference Proceedings.
Warwick-Booth, L and Cross, R and Di Martino, S and Kinsella, K and Freeman, C (2019) An Evaluation of the Positive Impact Project. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University.
Woodall, J and Surr, C and Kinsella, K and Bunyan, A (2016) An independent evaluation of ‘Dementia Diaries’. Project Report. The Centre for Health Promotion Research, Institute for Health and Wellbeing, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK.
Bagnall, A and Raine, G and Kinsella, K and Southby, K and Spoor, C and South, J and Giuntoli, G (2016) Measuring Well-being Outcomes In Older People Receiving Help From The Age UK ‘Together for Health’ Initiative: A Social Return on Investment Analysis: Final Report. Project Report. The Centre for Health Promotion Research, Institute for Health and Wellbeing, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK.
Jeffreys, K and Sankar, D and Dolezalova, M and Warwick-Booth, L and Trigwell, J and Kinsella, K (2016) Health within the Leeds Roma Community: Final Report. Project Report. Leeds City Council / Leeds Beckett University.
Warwick-Booth, L and Trigwell, J and Kinsella, K (2016) MAKING ADVICE WORK (CALDERDALE) EVALUATION FINAL REPORT. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University.
Woodward, J and White, J and Kinsella, K and Robinson, M (2016) The Mental Health Support Experiences of Black Women, born outside of the UK, in Leeds. Project Report. Touchstone Support, Leeds.
Woodall, JR and South, J and Southby, K and Kinsella, K and May, E and Bagnall, A and Coan, S (2016) Exploring the experiences and impacts of volunteer applicants for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Project Report. Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH).
Bagnall, A and Kinsella, K and Trigwell, J and South, J and Sheridan, K and Harden, A (2016) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Primary Research Report 1: Community engagement – approaches to improve health: map of current practice based on a case study approach. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Beckett University / Institute for Health and Human Development, University of East London.
Warwick-Booth, L and Cross, RM and Woodall, JR and Kinsella, K and Trigwell, J and Coan, S (2015) The Way Forward Evaluation Final Report. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University.
Bagnall, A and South, J and Trigwell, J and Kinsella, K and White, J and Harden, A (2015) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Review 4: Community engagement – approaches to improve health: map of the literature on current and emerging community engagement policy and practice in the UK. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Beckett University / Institute for Health and Human Development, University of East London, Leeds.
Woodall, JR and Dixey, R and Kinsella, K and Braybrook, D (2015) Jigsaw visitors’ centre evaluation. Project Report. Institute for Health and Wellbeing, Leeds.
South, J and Giuntoli, G and Cross, RM and Kinsella, K and Warwick-Booth, L and Woodall, JR and White, J (2013) An evaluation of the Department of Health’s Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund. Project Report. Institute for Health & Wellbeing, Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.
South, J and Giuntoli, G and Kinsella, K (2013) An evaluation of the Walking for Wellness project and the befriender role. Project Report. Institute for Health & Wellbeing, Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Woodward, J and Kinsella, K and South, J (2013) Evaluation of the HSCVF Bursary Scheme. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Woodward, J and White, J and Kinsella, K and Giuntoli, G and Roexe, A (2013) The Leeds Winter Warmth Campaign: Stakeholder Evaluation. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Giuntoli, G and Kinsella, K and South, J (2012) Evaluation of the Altogether Better Asset Mapping in Sharrow and Firth Park, Sheffield. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.
South, J and Woodall, J and Kinsella, K and White, J (2012) Community health champions and older people: A Review of the Evidence. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Cross, RM and Kinsella, K and South, J (2011) An evaluation of the C-Card Scheme in Bradford District. Project Report. Bradford & Airedale NHS Trust.
South, J and Meah, A and Bagnall, A and Kinsella, K and Branney, P and White, J and Gamsu, M (2010) People in Public Health - a study of approaches to develop and support people in public health roles. Project Report. Report for the National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation programme, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Meah, A and Kinsella, K and South, J (2008) Community Health Information and Links, Leeds (CHILL) Evaluation. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Conference or Workshop Item
Bagnall, A and South, J and Trigwell, J and Kinsella, K (2017) Exclusion of community-led initiatives by publication bias: evidence from a systematic scoping review of community engagement in the UK. In: Society for Social Medicine, 06 September 2017 - 08 September 2017, Manchester, UK.
South, J and White, J and Trigwell, J and Kinsella, K and Harden, A and Bagnall, A (2016) An inter-sectoral map of UK policy promoting community engagement and empowerment in health. In: 9th European Public Health Association (EUPHA) conference, 09 November 2016 - 12 November 2016, Vienna. DOI:
Bagnall, A and South, J and Trigwell, J and Kinsella, K and Harden, A and McKeown, A and Dan-Ogosi, I (2016) Community engagement in practice in the UK: a systematic mapping review. In: EUPHA (European Public Health Association), 09 November 2016 - 12 November 2016, Vienna, Austria.