Items where Year is 2007

Abbott-Halpin, EF and trevorrow, P and Griffin, D and Wootton, C (2007) The Effects of Internet Filtering on Active Youth Citizenship in the Information Age: Exploratory Experience from Public Libraries. Canadian Journal of Library and Information Science.
Aslett-Bentley, A (2007) Working to improve the learning experience: engaging students in workrelated learning and promoting employability. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 1 (1). ISSN 1756-8781
Bianchini, F and Ghilardi, L (2007) Thinking culturally about place. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 3 (4). 280 - 286. ISSN 1751-8040 DOI:
Bjordal, JM and Johnson, MI and Lopes-Martins, RA and Bogen, B and Chow, R and Ljunggren, AE (2007) Short-term efficacy of physical interventions in osteoarthritic knee pain. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised placebo-controlled trials. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 8. 51 - ?. DOI:
Brealey, SD and Atwell, C and Bryan, S and Coulton, S and Cox, H and Cross, B and Fylan, F and Garratt, A and Gilbert, FJ and Gillan, MG and Hendry, M and Hood, K and Houston, H and King, D and Morton, V and Orchard, J and Robling, M and Russell, IT and Torgerson, D and Wadsworth, V and Wilkinson, C (2007) Improving response rates using a monetary incentive for patient completion of questionnaires: an observational study. BMC medical research methodology, 7. 12 - ?. DOI:
Cardoso-Castro, P and Chavarro, A (2007) Teorias de internacionalizacion. Panorama, 1 (3). pp. 4-23. ISSN 1909-7433 DOI:
Cardoso-Castro, P and Chavarro, A and Ramirez, C (2007) Las PYMES Bogotanas y sus Procesos de internacionalizacion. Un Primer Balance. Panorama, 1 (3). pp. 24-42. ISSN 1909-7433 DOI:
Carless, D (2007) Phases in Physical Activity Initiation and Maintenance Among Men with Serious Mental Illness. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion., 19 (2). 17 - 27. ISSN 1462-3730
Chapman, FB and Clegg, P (2007) Bridging the theory practice gap: an innovative approach to praxis in professional education. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 1 (1). ISSN 1756-8781
D'Sena, P (2007) Some lessons from school on unravelling the global dimension and 'global citizenship'. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 1 (1). ISSN 1756-8781
Dean, J (2007) Cognitive apprenticeship: meeting the needs of student teachers. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 2. pp. 26-31. ISSN 1756-8781
Fisher, J and Smith, S (2007) To PB or not PB: making wikis work for your library. SCONUL Focus, 42. 44 - 45 (2). ISSN 1745-5790
Fletcher, LA and Gaunt, LF and Beggs, CB and Shepherd, SJ and Sleigh, PA and Noakes, CJ and Kerr, KG (2007) Bactericidal action of positive and negative ions in air. BMC microbiology, 7. 32 - ?. DOI:
Gorra, A and Moore, D (2007) Preparation of assessment, learning and teaching materials for dyslexic students that benefit all students: presentation of results from an empirical study. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 2. 40 - 44. ISSN 1756-8781
Gorse, CAAM (2007) Engaging students in group work. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal (No.2.). pp 14 -19 - ?.
Hanley, B and Drake, A (2007) The effects of fatigue on race walking technique. Proceedings of the XXV International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. 256 - 259 (4). ISSN 1999-4168
Hartford, T (2007) Computer based feedback: friend or foe? Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 1 (1). ISSN 1756-8781
Hirst, S (2007) Teaching smarter with a blend of different learning experiences. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 2. pp. 3-7. ISSN 1756-8781
Hunter, S (2007) Negotiating professional and social voices in research principles and practice. Journal of Social Work Practice, 19 (2). pp. 149-162. ISSN 0265-0533 DOI:
Jones, OW and Kerr, M (2007) Student engagement with blended learning: leading the horse to water. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 2. 7 - 14. ISSN 1756-8781
Killick, D (2007) Internationalisation of the curriculum: cross-cultural capability and global perspectives. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 2. 35 - 40. ISSN 1756-8781
Loughran, HJ and Peacock, A (2007) Big Bens and time beings - freshers’ festival 2007 at Leeds Met. SCONUL Focus, 42.
Loughran, HJ and Young, D (2007) Implementing RFID at Leeds Met. CILIP Update, 6 (4). 40 - 41.
Lyle, JWB (2007) Modelling the complexity of the coaching process: A commentary. International journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 2 (4). pp. 407-409. ISSN 1747-9541
Lyle, JWB and Vergeer, I (2007) Mixing methods in assessing coaches' decision making. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 78 (3). pp. 225-235. ISSN 2168-3824
Manley, AJ (2007) With a little help from my friends: The importance of supportive resources for postgraduates. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 3 (2). 30 - 42. ISSN 1745-4980
Martindale, RJJ and Collins, D and Abraham, A (2007) Effective talent development: The elite coach perspective in UK sport. JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, 19 (2). 187 - 206. ISSN 1041-3200 DOI:
McKenna, J and Whatling, M (2007) Qualitative accounts of urban commuter cycling. Health Education, 107 (5). 448 - 462. ISSN 0965-4283 DOI:
Mcgrath, JP (2007) Reading Autism. Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, 8 (2). 100 - 113.
Moore, D (2007) Making e-learning less didactic. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 1 (1). ISSN 1756-8781
Noakes, C and Sleigh, A and Beggs, CB (2007) Modelling the air cleaning performance of negative air ionisers in ventilated rooms. DOI: 978-952-99905-2-8
Orange, G and Burke, A and Elliman, T and Kor, A (2007) CARE: An Integrated Framework to Support Continuous, Adaptable, Reflective Evaluation of E-Government Systems. International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce (IJCEC), 3 (3). 18 - 32. DOI:
Orange, G and Elliman, T and Kor, A and Tassabehji, R (2007) Local government and social or innovation value. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 1 (3). 242 - 254. ISSN 1750-6166 DOI:
Pechurina, A (2007) Сара Пинк, Интервью с видеокамерой: представление, саморепрезентация и нарратив (краткий перевод статьи Сары Пинк, выполненный А.В. Печуриной и А.В Колосовым: Pink S. Performance, self-representation and narrative: Interviewing with video // Seeing is Believing? Approaches to visual research. Studies in qualitative methodology. Vol. 7 / Ed. by C. Pole. London: Elseiver Science, 2004), Социологический журнал, 3: 90-107. Социологический журнал (3). pp. 90-107.
Pechurina, A (2007) Vizualizatsija sotsial'nykh issledovanij: novije danije ili novije znanija? (in Russian). Sotsiologicheskij Journal, 3. pp. 81-89.
Pickford, R and Clothier, H (2007) Retaking the lecture theatre: a model for effective student learning in a traditional environment. ssessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 1 (1). ISSN 1756-8781
Pickford, R and D'Sena, P and Moore, D (2007) Editorial. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 1 (1). ISSN 1756-8781
Race, P (2007) Feedback within 24 hours. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 1 (1). ISSN 1756-8781
Rotheram, B (2007) Good question! In praise of multiple choice. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 2. pp. 19-23. ISSN 1756-8781
Sanderson, C (2007) Using debates to develop and assess critical reasoning abilities. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal (Leeds Met), 2. 23 - 25. ISSN 1756-8781
Sterchele, D (2007) The limits of inter-religious dialogue and the form of football rituals: The case of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Social Compass, 54 (2). 211 - 224. ISSN 0037-7686 DOI:
Tee, JC and Bosch, AN and Lambert, MI (2007) Metabolic consequences of exercise-induced muscle damage. Sports Medicine, 37 (10). pp. 827-836. ISSN 0112-1642 DOI:
Thomas, RW (2007) Tourism partnerships and small firms: Power, participation and partition. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 8 (1). 37 - 43. DOI:
Trevorrow, PA and McKenna, J (2007) New digital media and the student learning experience. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 1 (1). 12 - 16.
Warwick-Booth, L (2007) ‘Being Involved in Community Based Research; Lessons from the Objective 1 South Yorkshire Context’. Journal of Community Work and Development, 9. 67 - 85. ISSN 1475-9047
Warwick-Booth, L (2007) Learning together: is peer buddying a useful tool for the advancement of understanding within the context of seminars? Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 1 (1). ISSN 1756-8781
Warwick-Booth, L (2007) Teaching and feminist thought: can feminist perspectives contribute to gender equality in learning and teaching within higher education? Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 2. 31 - 35. ISSN 1756-8781
Woodall, J (2007) Barriers to positive mental health in a young offenders institution: A qualitative study. Health Education Journal, 66 (2). 132 - 140. ISSN 0017-8969 DOI:
Wright, S (2007) When Drugs Become Weapons. The Guardian.
Wyatt-Millington, RA and Sheriff, RE and Hu, YF (2007) Performance analysis of satellite payload architectures for mobile services. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 43 (1). pp. 197-213. ISSN 0018-9251 DOI:
Book Section
Chang, V and Mills, H and Newhouse, S (2007) "From Open Source to long-term sustainability: Review of Business Models and Case studies." In: Chang, V, (ed.) Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007. University of Edinburgh / University of Glasgow (acting through the NeSC). ISBN 978-0-9553988-3-4
Cockcroft, T (2007) "Police culture(s): some definitional, methodological, contextual and analytical considerations." In: Police Occupational Culture: New Debates and Directions. Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, Vol. 8 . Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 85-102. ISBN 9780762313075 DOI:
Drummond, A (2007) "Keep on Moving, Don't Stop Now: Anti-trespass Laws on the Island of Ireland." In: Hayes, M and Acton, T, (eds.) Travellers, Gypsies, Roma: The Demonisation of Difference. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 1-84718-127-9, 9781847181275
Fabri, M and Peter, C and Girard, S and Agius, H (2007) "An effective application for tackling patient depression." In: Peter, C and Beale, R and Crane, E and Axelrod, L and Blyth, G, (eds.) Emotion in HCI: Joint Proceedings of the 2005, 2006, and 2007 Intl. Workshops. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 191 - 195. ISBN 978-3-8167-7540-9
Kor, A (2007) "Ontology, Web Services, and Semantic Web Portals." In: Tatnall, A, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications. IGI Global, ? - ? (1308). ISBN 159140990X, 9781591409908 DOI:
Kor, A (2007) "Semantic Web, RDF, and Portals." In: Tatnall, A, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications. IGI Global, ? - ? (1308). ISBN 159140990X, 9781591409908 DOI:
Kor, AL and Orange, G and Elliman, T and Tassabehji, R (2007) "A value oriented conceptual model for innovation in local government." In: Proceedings of the 13th American Conference on Information Systems. UNSPECIFIED, 1661 - ?. ISBN 9781604233810
Sturm, DC (2007) "Motorvehicle sports: Formula One racing." In: Booth, D and Thorpe, H, (eds.) Berkshire Encyclopedia of Extreme Sport. Berkshire, Great Barrington, MA, pp. 204-209. ISBN 0977015955, 978-0977015955
Marsden, G and Jopson, A and Cattan, M and Woodward, J (2007) Transport and Older People: Integrating Transport Planning Tools with User Needs. Project Report. Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds and Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Newell, C and Cross, RM and South, J and Kennedy, M (2007) The Sure Start Mellow Valley area Through the lens of a camera. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Nunn, A and Johnson, S and Monro, S and Bickerstaffe, T and Kelsey, S (2007) Factors Influencing Social Mobility: Department for Work and Pensions Research Report 450. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions.
Nunn, AE (2007) Migrant Workers and the Labour Market: Rapid Review of the LSC Research on Labour Market Participation, Skills and Skills Provision for Migrant Workers. Project Report. Learning and Skills Council.
South, J and Akhionbare, K and Farrar, M and Gomez, L and Newell, C and Tilford, S (2007) Hamara Healthy Living Centre - an evaluation. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Welch, M and Long, J (2007) Beyond the Bottom Line: An analysis of the social, technical and intellectual capital provided by National Governing Bodies of Sport. Project Report. Prepared for CCPR by the Carnegie Research Institute, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Welch, M and Long, J (2007) NGB Funding - An analysis of the funding profiles of National Sports Organisations. Project Report. Prepared for CCPR by the Carnegie Faculty, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Welch, M and Long, J (2007) Sports Clubs: Their economic and social impact. Project Report. Prepared for CCPR by the Carnegie Research Institute, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Conference or Workshop Item
Jones, G and Llewellyn, DJ and Asghar, M (2007) Risk Factors for Injury from Rock Climbing. In: UNSPECIFIED. DOI:
Llewellyn, D and Jones, G and Colby, S (2007) Motivation and disinhibition in elite ice climbers. In: Annual conference of the british association of sport and exercise sciences 11 – 13 September, 11 September 2007 - 13 September 2007, University of Wolverhampton, Walsall Campus,. DOI:
Lyle, JWB (2007) Dealing with complexity in conceptualising coaching in team sports. In: 1st Congresso Internacional de Jogos desportivos, 12 July 2007 - 14 July 2007, Porto.
Smith, SV and Karban, K (2007) Tutor experiences of developing an interprofessional learning (IPL) programme in higher education (HE): recognising a parallel process in tutors and students. In: World Conference of Physical therapy, 02 June 2007 - 06 June 2007, Vancouver.
Stoppani, T (2007) L'histoire assassinée. Manfredo Tafuri and the architecture of the present. In: The Role of the Humanities in Design Creativity, 15 Nov 2007 - 16 Nov 2007, University of Lincoln, UK.
Ziakas, V and Costa, CA (2007) Developing New Products: A Case Study in Adventure Sport Tourism. In: 22nd Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), May 30 - June 2, 2007, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.
Gorra, A (2007) An analysis of the relationship between individuals’ perceptions of privacy and mobile phone location data - a grounded theory study. Doctoral thesis, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Ziakas, V (2007) An event portfolio in rural development: an ethnographic investigation of a community's use of sport and cultural events. Doctoral thesis, The University of Texas at Austin.
Collins, T (2007) 1895 and all that: the past, present and future of rugby. [Video] (Unpublished)
Teaching Resource
Race, P (2007) Feedback. [Teaching Resource]
Fryer, AK (2007) The Stupids - liner notes. Ed Wenn.