Items where Author is "Radley, D"

Evans, TS and Dhir, P and Matu, J and Radley, D and Hill, AJ and Jones, A and Newson, L and Freeman, C and Kolokotroni, KZ and Fozard, T and Ells, LJ (2025) Behavior change techniques in low‐calorie and very low‐calorie diet interventions for weight loss: A systematic review with meta‐analysis. Obesity Reviews. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1467-7881 DOI:
Radley, D and Evans, TS and Marwood, J and Keyworth, C and Homer, C and Ells, LJ (2024) The NHS Low-Calorie Diet Digital Programme: Fidelity of behaviour change technique delivery. Diabetic Medicine. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0742-3071 DOI:
Matu, J and Griffiths, A and Shannon, OM and Jones, A and Day, R and Radley, D and Feeley, A and Mabbs, L and Blackshaw, J and Sattar, N and Ells, L (2024) The association between excess weight and COVID‐19 outcomes: An umbrella review. Obesity Reviews. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1467-7881 DOI:
Burton, W and Padgett, L and Nixon, N and Ells, L and Drew, K and Brown, T and Bakhai, C and Radley, D and Homer, C and Marwood, J and Dhir, P and Bryant, M (2024) Transferability of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme: a qualitative exploration of factors influencing the programme’s transfer ahead of wide-scale adoption. Diabetic Medicine. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0742-3071 DOI:
MacKinlay, B and Heneghan, K and Potts, A and Radley, D and Sanders, G and Walker, I (2024) Process evaluation of implementation of the early stages of a whole systems approach to obesity in a small island. BMC Public Health, 24. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1471-2458 DOI:
Homer, C and Kinsella, K and Brown, T and Marwood, J and Drew, K and Radley, D and Freeman, C and Ojo, A and Teke, J and Clare, K and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) ‘Life changing or a failure’? Qualitative experiences of service users from the weight maintenance phase of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot for type 2 diabetes. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. pp. 1-16. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Radley, D and Drew, K and Homer, C and Brown, T and Kinsella, K and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) Participant experiences during the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot. Findings from an online survey. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. pp. 1-91. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Homer, C and Kinsella, K and Marwood, J and Brown, T and Radley, D and Clare, K and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) Re:Mission study. Evaluating the NHS Low Calorie Diet pilot - an overview of service user data collection methods. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. pp. 1-4. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Homer, C and Kinsella, K and Brown, T and Marwood, J and Drew, K and Radley, D and Freeman, C and Ojo, A and Teke, J and Clare, K and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) “Trying to make healthy choices”: the challenges of the food reintroduction phase of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot for type 2 diabetes. British Journal of Diabetes, 24. pp. 1-14. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Homer, C and Kinsella, K and Drew, K and Marwood, J and Brown, T and Rowlands, S and Radley, D and Freeman, C and Ojo, A and Teke, J and Clare, K and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) A fresh start with high hopes: a qualitative evaluation of experiences of the Total Diet Replacement phase of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot. The British Journal of Diabetes, 24. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Drew, K and Homer, C and Radley, D and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) A qualitative study of the experiences of individuals who did not complete the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme Pilot. The British Journal of Diabetes, 24. ISSN 2397-6241 DOI:
Drew, KJ and Homer, C and Radley, D and Jones, S and Freeman, C and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2024) Normalisation and equity of referral to the NHS Low Calorie Diet programme pilot; a qualitative evaluation of the experiences of health care staff. BMC Public Health, 24. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1471-2458 DOI:
Drew, K and Homer, C and Radley, D and Freeman, C and Kinsella, K and Maynard, M and Bakhai, C and Ells, L (2023) Equity and Local Health Systems – a qualitative evaluation of the experiences of Local Health Service Leads during the first two years of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot. The British Journal of Diabetes, 23 (2). pp. 77-12. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Chang, M and Radley, D (2023) Using planning powers to promote healthy weight environments in England. Emerald Open Research, 1 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2631-3952 DOI:
Evans, T and Drew, K and McKenna, J and Dhir, P and Marwood, J and Freeman, C and Hill, AJ and Newson, L and Homer, C and Matu, J and Radley, D and Ells, L (2023) Can the delivery of behavioural support be improved in the NHS England Low‐Calorie Diet Programme? An observational study of behaviour change techniques. Diabetic Medicine. ISSN 0742-3071 DOI:
Griffiths, C and Radley, D and Gately, P and South, J and Sanders, G and Morris, M and Clare, K and martin, A and Heppenstall, A and McCann, M and Rodgers, J and Nobles, J and Coggins, A and Cooper, N and Cooke, C and Gilthorpe, M and Ells, L (2023) A complex systems approach to obesity: A transdisciplinary framework for action. Perspectives in public health. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1757-9139 DOI:
Evans, TS and Dhir, P and Radley, D and Duarte, C and Keyworth, C and Homer, C and Hill, AJ and Hawkes, R and Matu, J and McKenna, J and Ells, LJ (2022) Does the design of the NHS Low-Calorie Diet Programme have fidelity to the programme specification? A documentary review of service parameters and behaviour change content in a type 2 diabetes intervention. Diabetic Medicine. pp. 1-30. ISSN 0742-3071 DOI:
Christensen, A and Griffiths, C and Hobbs, M and Gorse, C and Radley, D (2022) Investigating where adolescents engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity and sedentary behaviour: An exploratory study. PLoS One, 17 (12). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1932-6203 DOI:
Radley, D and Sanders, G (2022) Leeds Dying Well in the Community Project. Project Report. Leeds Beckett.
Christensen, A and Radley, D and Hobbs, M and Gorse, C and Griffiths, C (2022) Investigating how researcher-defined buffers and self-drawn neighbourhoods capture adolescent availability to physical activity facilities and greenspaces: An exploratory study. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 43. ISSN 1877-5845 DOI:
Clare, K and Ojo, A and Teke, J and Willis, M and Akhtar, G and Clegg, B and Goddard, C and Freeman, C and Drew, KJ and Radley, D and Homer, C and Ells, L (2022) 'Valued and listened to': the collective experience of patient and public involvement in a national evaluation. Perspect Public Health, 142 (4). pp. 199-201. ISSN 1757-9147 DOI:
Evans, T and Hawkes, R and Keyworth, C and Newson, L and Radley, D and Hill, A and Matu, J and Ells, L (2022) How is the NHS Low-Calorie Diet Programme expected to produce behavioural change to support diabetes remission: An examination of underpinning theory. British Journal of Diabetes, 22 (1). pp. 20-29. ISSN 2397-6233 DOI:
Marwa, WL and Radley, D and Davis, S and McKenna, J and Griffiths, C (2021) Exploring factors affecting individual GPS-based activity space and how researcher-defined food environments represent activity space, exposure and use of food outlets. International Journal of Health Geographics, 20 (1). p. 34. ISSN 1476-072X DOI:
Nobles, JD and Radley, D and Mytton, OT (2021) The Action Scales Model: A conceptual tool to identify key points for action within complex adaptive systems. Perspectives in Public Health. p. 175791392110067. ISSN 1757-9139 DOI:
Christensen, A and Griffiths, C and Hobbs, M and Gorse, G and Radley, D (2021) Accuracy of buffers and self-drawn neighbourhoods in representing adolescent GPS measured activity spaces: An exploratory study. Health & Place, 69. p. 102569. ISSN 1353-8292 DOI:
Hobbs, M and Moltchanova, E and Wicks, C and Pringle, AR and Griffiths, C and Radley, D and Zwolinsky, S (2020) Investigating the environmental, behavioural, and sociodemographic determinants of attendance at a city-wide public health physical activity intervention: Longitudinal evidence over one year from 185,245 visits. Preventive Medicine. ISSN 0091-7435 DOI:
Morris, JL and Archbold, V and Radley, D (2020) Project HE:RO Evaluation of a 1-year Pilot Study, Lessons Learnt. Project Report. Guy St Thomas and Evolve, Leeds Beckett University, UK.
Staniford, LJ and Radley, D and Gately, P and Blackshaw, J and Coulton, V and Thompson, L (2020) Employees’ experiences of participating in a workplace supported weight management service : A qualitative inquiry. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 13 (2). pp. 203-221. ISSN 1753-8351 DOI:
Hobbs, M and Radley, D (2020) Obesogenic environments and obesity : a comment on ‘Are environmental area characteristics at birth associated with overweight and obesity in school-aged children? Findings from the SLOPE (Studying Lifecourse Obesity PrEdictors) population-based cohort in the south of England’. BMC Medicine, 18 (1). ISSN 1741-7015 DOI:
Nobles, J and Christensen, A and Butler, M and Radley, D and Pickering, K and Saunders, J and Weir, C and Sahota, P and Gately, P (2019) Understanding how local authorities in England address obesity: A wider determinants of health perspective. Health Policy, 123 (10). pp. 998-1003. ISSN 0168-8510 DOI:
Radley, D and Nobles, J and Weir, C and Saunders, J and Pickering, K and Gately, P and Sahota, P (2019) Whole systems approach to obesity programme. Learning from co-producing and testing the guide and resources. Project Report. Public Health England.
Radley, D (2019) Whole systems approach to obesity. A guide to support local approaches to promoting a healthy weight. Project Report. Public Health England.
Wilkins, EL and Morris, M and Radley, D and Griffiths, C (2019) Methods of measuring associations between the Retail Food Environment and weight status: importance of classifications and metrics. SSM - Population Health. ISSN 2352-8273 DOI:
Wilkins, EL and Radley, D and Morris, M and Hobbs, M and Christensen, A and Lameck Marwa, W and Morrin, A and Griffiths, C (2019) A systematic review employing the GeoFERN framework to examine methods, reporting quality and associations between the Retail Food Environment and obesity. Health and Place, 57. pp. 186-199. ISSN 1353-8292 DOI:
Marwa, W and Davis, S and Griffiths, C and Radley, D and Strachan, E (2019) Keeping Track: Triangulating Methods to Measure the Food Environment: A Pilot Study. Juniper Online Journal of Public Health, 4 (3). ISSN 2573-2153 DOI:
Bagnall, A and Radley, D and Jones, R and Gately, P and Nobles, J and Van Dijk, M and Blackshaw, J and Montel, S and Sahota, P (2019) Whole systems approaches to obesity and other complex public health challenges: a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 19 (8). ISSN 1471-2458 DOI:
Bagnall, A and Sahota, P and Radley, D (2018) Protocol: Systematic Review of Whole System Approaches to Obesity. Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)
Green, M and Radley, D and Lomax, N and Morris, M and Griffiths, C (2018) Is adolescent body mass index and waist circumference associated with the food environments surrounding schools and homes? A longitudinal analysis. BMC Public Health. ISSN 1471-2458 DOI:
Wilkins, EL and Radley, D and Morris, M and Griffiths, C (2017) Examining the validity and utility of two secondary sources of food environment data against street audits in England. Nutrition Journal. ISSN 1475-2891 DOI:
Wilkins, EL and Morris, MA and Radley, D and Griffiths, C (2017) Using Geographic Information Systems to measure retail food environments: discussion of methodological considerations and a proposed reporting checklist (Geo-FERN). Health and Place, 44. pp. 110-117. ISSN 1353-8292 DOI:
Nobles, J and Radley, D and Dimitri, P and Sharman, K (2016) Psychosocial Interventions in the Treatment of Severe Adolescent Obesity: The SHINE Program. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59 (5). pp. 523-529. ISSN 1054-139X DOI:
Nobles, JD and Radley, D and Dimitri, P and Sharman, K (2016) Psychosocial Interventions in the Management of Severe Adolescent Obesity. In: ISBNPA, 8-11 June 2016, Cape Town, SA.
Fagg, J and Cole, TJ and Cummins, S and Goldstein, H and Morris, S and Radley, D and Sacher, P and Law, C (2015) After the RCT: who comes to a family-based intervention for childhood overweight or obesity when it is implemented at scale in the community? Journal of epidemiology and community health, 69 (2). 142 - 148. ISSN 0143-005X DOI:
Kolotourou, M and Radley, D and Gammon, C and Smith, L and Chadwick, P and Sacher, PM (2015) Long-Term Outcomes following the MEND 7-13 Child Weight Management Program. Childhood obesity (Print), 11 (3). 325 - 330. ISSN 2153-2168 DOI:
Fagg, J and Chadwick, P and Cole, TJ and Cummins, S and Goldstein, H and Lewis, H and Morris, S and Radley, D and Sacher, P and Law, C (2014) From trial to population: a study of a family-based community intervention for childhood overweight implemented at scale. International journal of obesity (2005), 38 (10). 1343 - 1349. ISSN 0307-0565 DOI:
Griffiths, C and Frearson, A and Taylor, A and Radley, D and Cooke, CB (2014) A cross sectional study investigating the association between exposure to food outlets and childhood obesity in Leeds, UK. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11. 138 - ?. ISSN 1479-5868 DOI:
Kolotourou, M and Radley, D and Chadwick, P and Smith, L and Orfanos, S and Kapetanakis, V and Singhal, A and Cole, TJ and Sacher, PM (2013) Is BMI alone a sufficient outcome to evaluate interventions for child obesity? Childhood obesity (Print), 9 (4). 350 - 356. ISSN 2153-2168 DOI:
Smith, LR and Chadwick, P and Radley, D and Kolotourou, M and Gammon, CS and Rosborough, J and Sacher, PM (2013) Assessing the short-term outcomes of a community-based intervention for overweight and obese children: The MEND 5-7 programme. BMJ Open, 3 (5). DOI: