Items where Division is "Leeds Beckett University (pre-2020) > Carnegie > Education & Childhood" and Year is 2019

Atkin, C and Rose, A (2019) An energy literacy matrix: tool for adult and continuing education curriculum design. Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science, 13 (3). pp. 106-113. ISSN 2454-1834
Beach, D and Fritzsche, B and Kakos, M (2019) Stigmatisation, identity, and educational exclusion in postindustrial societies: A qualitative synthesis of research from UK, Germany, and the Nordic countries. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 13 (1). pp. 54-67. ISSN 1559-5692 DOI:
Blower, SL and Gridley, N and Dunn, A and Bywater, T and Hindson, Z and Bryant, M (2019) Psychometric Properties of Parent Outcome Measures Used in RCTs of Antenatal and Early Years Parent Programs: A Systematic Review. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 22 (3). pp. 367-387. ISSN 1573-2827 DOI:
Dobson, T (2019) Story Makers Press: Disrupting Aetonormativity by Positioning Children as Authors. Story Makers' Dialogues, 2. pp. 5-7.
Dobson, T and Rose, A (2019) The use of technology to enable school governors to participate remotely in meetings: A solution to skilled governor shortages in schools? Management in Education. ISSN 0892-0206 DOI:
Dobson, T and Stephenson, L (2019) “I think it fits in”: Using Process Drama to Promote Agentic Writing with Primary School Children. Literacy, 53 (2). pp. 69-76. ISSN 1741-4369 DOI:
Dobson, T and Stephenson, L and De Arede, A (2019) Disrupting aetonormativity : involving children in the writing of literature for publication. English in Education. pp. 1-16. ISSN 0425-0494 DOI:
Glazzard, J (2019) A Whole School Approach to Supporting Children and Young People’s Mental Health. Journal of Public Mental Health. ISSN 1746-5729 DOI:
Glazzard, J and Rose, A (2019) The Impact of Teacher Well-Being and Mental Health on Pupil Progress in Primary Schools. Journal of Public Mental Health. ISSN 1746-5729 DOI:
Glazzard, J and Rose, A (2019) The impact of peer mentoring on students’ physical activity and mental health. Journal of Public Mental Health. ISSN 1746-5729 DOI:
Glazzard, J and Stones, S (2019) Student perceptions of feedback in higher education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18 (11). pp. 38-52. ISSN 1694-2116 DOI:
Green, A and Coopoo, Y and Tee, J and McKinon, W (2019) A review of the biomechanical determinants of rugby scrummaging performance. South African Journal of Sports Medicine, 31 (1). ISSN 1015-5163 DOI:
Gridley, N and Blower, S and Dunn, A and Bywater, T and Bryant, M (2019) Psychometric Properties of Child (0-5 Years) Outcome Measures as used in Randomized Controlled Trials of Parent Programs: A Systematic Review. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 22 (3). pp. 388-405. ISSN 1573-2827 DOI:
Gridley, N and Blower, S and Dunn, A and Bywater, T and Whittaker, K and Bryant, M (2019) Psychometric Properties of Parent-Child (0-5 years) Interaction Outcome Measures as Used in Randomized Controlled Trials of Parent Programs: A Systematic Review. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev, 22 (2). pp. 253-271. ISSN 1573-2827 DOI:
Hart, M (2019) Exploring Cognitive Dissonance on a Ski Mountaineering Traverse : A Personal Narrative of an Expedition to ISHINCA (5530 m) in PERU. Sports, 7 (12). ISSN 2075-4663 DOI:
Holbrey, C (2019) Geography Initial Teacher Education in three days! The new PGCE ‘PE with’ Ebacc scheme. Teaching Geography, 44 (2). pp. 56-58. ISSN 0305-8018
Holbrey, C (2019) The new ‘PE wth’ Ebacc scheme: A positive step to support recruitment issues in priority subject areas or an insult to the profession? Carnegie Education | Blog.
Iredale, A and Stapleford, K and Sheridan-Ross, J and Holbrey, CE and Tremayne, D and Farrell, L (2019) A review and synthesis of the use of social media in Initial Teacher Education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. ISSN 1475-939X DOI:
Lewis, H and Briggs, M and Holweck, T and Hunter, J and Erkkilä, R and Perunka, S (2019) Mentoring, coaching and collaborative dialogue to support professional learning throughout teachers’ career paths; exploring roles, responsibilities, tensions and opportunities. In: ICSEI Congress 2019, 08 January 2019 - 12 January 2019, Stavanger, Norway. (Unpublished)
Linfield, R (2019) ‘Living History’ – an opportunity for Living Science. ASE International Journal, 5. ISSN 2515-110X
Linfield, R and Nabb, D (2019) Teabags for Curiosity. Primary Science, 156. ISSN 0269-2465
Lofthouse, R and Whiteside, R (2019) Sustaining A Vital Profession: Evaluation Of A Headteacher Coaching Programme. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University.
Lofthouse, RM (2019) Coaching: catching the zeitgeist and making it work to improve learning at all levels in your school. In: Whole Education 9th Annual Conference, 26 February 2019 - 26 February 2019, London. (Unpublished)
Lofthouse, RM (2019) In conversation with Rachel Lofthouse. Practice, 13 (1). pp. 4-8. ISSN 0950-3153 DOI:
Lofthouse, RM (2019) "It changes the way you see yourself as a teacher". Turning the tide; can we use mentoring and coaching to better effect? In: UNSPECIFIED, Institute of Education, UCL, London. (Unpublished)
Lofthouse, RM (2019) Metacognition; supporting teachers and learners as thinkers. In: Metacognition in Action, 05 April 2019 - 05 April 2019, Scotch Corner Hotel. (Unpublished)
Lofthouse, RM (2019) Narratives of collaboration in practice; discourses, dimensions and diversity in collaborative professional development. In: TEPE; Teacher Education Policy in Europe, 16 May 2019 - 18 May 2019, Krakow, Poland. (Unpublished)
Lofthouse, RM (2019) Primary teachers learning from Specialist Coaching for Communication-rich Pedagogies. In: ICSEI Congress 2019, 08 January 2019 - 12 January 2019, Stavanger, Norward. (Unpublished)
Lofthouse, RM (2019) Using coaching and mentoring to focus on the curriculum in action. In: British Curriculum Forum; Re-imagining a curriculum for teacher knowledge, 23 February 2019 - 23 February 2019, Holborn, London. (Unpublished)
Lofthouse, RM (2019) A legacy of learning. Impact Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching (5). ISSN 1522-3175
Lofthouse, RM and Rose, A (2019) EVALUATION OF THE METACOGNITION IN SERVICE SCHOOLS SSIF INITIATIVE: An end of project report for the Swaledale Teaching Alliance. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED, Leeds.
Morley, D and Van Rossum, T and Richardson, D and Foweather, L (2019) Expert recommendations for the design of a children’s movement competence assessment tool for use by primary school teachers. European Physical Education Review, 25 (2). pp. 524-543. ISSN 1356-336X DOI:
Nguyen, T and Temple Clothier, A (2019) CollectivED Working Papers. Working Paper. Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)
Olusoga, Y (2019) Younger Infants in the Elementary School: Discursively Constructing the Under-Fives in Institutional Spaces and Practices. Genealogy, 3 (3). ISSN 2313-5778 DOI:
Pierlejewski, MJ (2019) Constructing Deficit Data-Doppelgängers: The Impact of Datafication on Children with English as an Additional Language. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. ISSN 1463-9491 DOI:
Pierlejewski, MJ (2019) The Data-doppelganger and the Cyborg-self: Theorising the Datafication of Education. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. ISSN 0965-9757 DOI:
Sharp, JG and Hemmings, B and Kay, R and Sharp, JC (2019) Academic boredom and the perceived course experiences of final year Education Studies students at university. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43 (5). pp. 601-627. ISSN 0309-877X DOI:
Sidebottom, K (2019) From ‘Prevent’ to ‘Enable’ Reclaiming Radical Thinking Spaces Through Democratic Education. Feminist Dissent (4). DOI:
Stones, S and Glazzard, J (2019) Using Minority Stress Theory as a Conceptual Lens to Frame the Experiences of Teachers Who Identify as LGBTQ+. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18 (7). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1694-2116 DOI:
Sutcliffe, R and Linfield, R and Riley, G and Nabb, D and Glazzard, J (2019) The search for 100% satisfaction with feedback. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (3). pp. 35-47. ISSN 2054-5266
Tate, S (2019) The dark skin I live in: Decolonizing racial capitalism’s aesthetic hierarchies in the diaspora. Caribbean Review of Gender Studies, 13. pp. 173-198. ISSN 1995-1108
Temple Clothier, A (2019) Curiosity, co-creation and constructing knowledge with hydroponics for sustainable wellbeing. Primary Science (156). p. 11. ISSN 0269-2465
Temple Clothier, A and Matheson, D (2019) Using Co-creation as a Pedagogic Method for the Professional Development of Students undertaking a BA (Hons) in Education Studies. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43 (6). pp. 826-838. ISSN 0309-877X DOI:
Wall, K and Cassidy, C and Robinson, C and Hall, E and Beaton, M and Kanyal, M and Mitra, D (2019) Look who’s talking: Factors for considering the facilitation of very young children’s voices. Journal of Early Childhood Research. ISSN 1476-718X DOI: