Items where Division is "Leeds Beckett University (pre-2020) > Carnegie > Sport" and Year is 2014

Abraham, A (2014) Professionalism, Golf Coaching and a Master of Science Degree: A commentary. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 9 (4). 923 - 926 (4). ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Aguiar, A and Kaiseler, M and Cunha, M and Meinedo, H and Silva, J and Abrudan, T and Almeida, PR (2014) VOCE Corpus: Ecologically Collected Speech Annotated with Physiological and Psychological Stress Assessments. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources. 1568 - 1574.
Al-Nakeeb, Y and Dodd, LJ and Lyons, M and Collins, P and Al-Nuaim, A (2014) A Cluster Analysis of Lifestyle and Health Habits of Youth from Two Geographically and Culturally Diverse Countries. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 4 (4). 193 - 203. ISSN 2162-2485 DOI:
Alder, DB and Ford, PR and Causer, J and Williams, AM (2014) The coupling between gaze behavior and opponent kinematics during anticipation of badminton shots. Human movement science, 37. 167 - 179. ISSN 0167-9457 DOI:
Aldous, DCR and Sparkes, AC and Brown, DHK (2014) Trajectories towards failure: considerations regarding post-16 transitions within the UK Sport-Education sector. Sport, Education and Society, 21 (2). 166 - 182. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:
Aldous, DCR and Sparkes, AC and Brown, DHK (2014) Transitional experiences of post-16 sports education: Jack's story. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 35 (2). 185 - 203. ISSN 0142-5692 DOI:
Arvinen-Barrow, M and Manley, AJ and Maresh, NT (2014) The potential psychological benefits of Active Video Games in the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries and deficiencies: A narrative review of the literature. Physical Therapy Reviews, 19 (6). 410 - 439. ISSN 1743-288X DOI:
Barlow, M and Gresty, K and Findlay, M and Cooke, CB and Davidson, MA (2014) The effect of wave conditions and surfer ability on performance and the physiological response of recreational surfers. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 28 (10). 2946 - 2953. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:
Barnes, JS and Caddick, N and Clarke, NJ and Cromby, J and McDermott, H and Willis, MEH and Wiltshire, G (2014) Methodological pluralism in qualitative research: Reflections on a meta-study. QMiP Bulletin, Spring (17). pp. 35-41. ISSN 2044-0820
Beggs, CB (2014) Cerebral venous outflow and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics. Veins and Lymphatics, 3 (3). ISSN 2279-7483 DOI:
Beggs, CB and Magnano, C and Shepherd, SJ and Marr, K and Valnarov, V and Hojnacki, D and Bergsland, N and Belov, P and Grisafi, S and Dwyer, MG and Carl, E and Weinstock-Guttman, B and Zivadinov, R (2014) Aqueductal cerebrospinal fluid pulsatility in healthy individuals is affected by impaired cerebral venous outflow. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, 40 (5). 1215 - 1222. ISSN 1053-1807 DOI:
Beggs, CB and Shepherd, S and Zamboni, P (2014) Cerebral venous outflow resistance and interpretation of cervical plethysmography data with respect to the diagnosis of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency. Phlebology / Venous Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine, 29 (3). 191 - 199. ISSN 0268-3555 DOI:
Bingham, DD and Parnell, D and Curran, K and Jones, R and Richardson, D (2014) Fit Fans: perspectives of a practitioner and understanding participant health needs within a health promotion programme for older men delivered within an English Premier League Football Club. Soccer and Society, 15 (6). 883 - 901. ISSN 1466-0970 DOI:
Brown, DHK and Jennings, G and Sparkes, AC (2014) Taijiquan the 'Taiji World' way: Towards a cosmopolitan vision of ecology. Societies, 4. 380 - 398 (18). ISSN 2075-4698 DOI:
Burger, N and Lambert, MI and Viljoen, W and Brown, JC and Readhead, C and Hendricks, S (2014) Tackle-related injury rates and nature of injuries in South African Youth Week tournament rugby union players (under-13 to under-18): an observational cohort study. BMJ Open, 4 (8). ISSN 2044-6055 DOI:
Campbell, MD and Walker, M and Trenell, MI and Luzio, S and Dunseath, G and Tuner, D and Bracken, RM and Bain, SC and Russell, M and Stevenson, EJ and West, DJ (2014) Metabolic implications when employing heavy pre- and post-exercise rapid-acting insulin reductions to prevent hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes patients: a randomised clinical trial. PloS one, 9 (5). e97143 - ?. DOI:
Campbell, MD and Walker, M and Trenell, MI and Stevenson, EJ and Turner, D and Bracken, RM and Shaw, JA and West, DJ (2014) A low-glycemic index meal and bedtime snack prevents postprandial hyperglycemia and associated rises in inflammatory markers, providing protection from early but not late nocturnal hypoglycemia following evening exercise in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes care, 37 (7). 1845 - 1853. ISSN 0149-5992 DOI:
Carless, D (2014) Narrative transformation among military personnel on an adventurous training and sport course. Qualitative health research, 24 (10). 1440 - 1450. ISSN 1049-7323 DOI:
Carlotto, MS and Queirós, C and Dias, S and Kaiseler, M (2014) Hardiness and burnout syndrome: A cross-cultural study among portuguese and Brazilian nurses. Temas em Psicologia, 22 (1). 121 - 132. ISSN 1413-389X DOI:
Chung, CP and Beggs, CB and Wang, PN and Bergsland, N and Shepherd, S and Cheng, CY and Ramasamy, DP and Dwyer, MG and Hu, HH and Zivadinov, R (2014) Jugular venous reflux and white matter abnormalities in Alzheimer's disease: a pilot study. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 39 (3). 601 - 609. ISSN 1387-2877 DOI:
Clarke, NJ and Harwood, CG (2014) Parenting experiences in elite youth football: A phenomenological study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15 (5). 528 - 537. ISSN 1469-0292 DOI:
Clarke, NJ and Willis, MEH and Barnes, JS and Caddick, N and Cromby, J and McDermott, H and Wiltshire, G (2014) Analytical Pluralism in Qualitative Research: A Meta-Study. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 12 (2). 182 - 201. ISSN 1478-0887 DOI:
Clarke, SB and Stephenson, ML and Jensen, RL and Drum, SN (2014) CHANGES IN RUNNING GAIT PARAMETERS DURING A 161 KM TRAIL RACE. eProceedings of the 32nd Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 1 (1). 208 - 211 (4).
Cobley, S and Till, K and O'Hara, J and Cooke, CB and Chapman, C (2014) Variable and changing trajectories in youth athlete development: further verification in advocating a long-term inclusive tracking approach. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 28 (7). 1959 - 1970. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:
Curran, K and Bingham, DD and Richardson, D and Parnell, D (2014) Ethnographic engagement from within a Football in the Community programme at an English Premier League football club. Soccer and Society, 15 (6). 934 - 950. ISSN 1466-0970 DOI:
Curran, K and Drust, B and Richardson, D (2014) 'I just want to watch the match': a practitioner's reflective account of men's health themed match day events at an English Premier League football club. Soccer and Society, 15 (6). 919 - 933. ISSN 1466-0970 DOI:
Curran, T and Hill, AP and Hall, HK and Jowett, GE (2014) Perceived coach behaviors and athletes' engagement and disaffection in youth sport: The mediating role of the psychological needs. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 45 (6). pp. 559-580. ISSN 0047-0767
Curran, T and Hill, AP and Jowett, GE and Mallinson, SH (2014) The relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and passion in junior athletes. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 45 (4). pp. 369-384. ISSN 0047-0767 DOI:
Cutts, D and Webber, D and Widdop, P and Johnston, R and Pattie, C (2014) With a little help from my neighbours: A spatial analysis ofthe impact of local campaigns at the 2010 British general election. Electoral Studies, 34. 216 - 231. ISSN 0261-3794 DOI:
Dart, J (2014) New Media, Professional Sport and Political Economy. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 38 (6). 528 - 547. ISSN 0193-7235 DOI:
Dart, J (2014) Sports review: A content analysis of the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, the Journal of Sport and Social Issues and the Sociology of Sport Journal across 25 years. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 49 (6). 645 - 668. ISSN 1012-6902 DOI:
Deighton, K and Batterham, RL and Stensel, DJ (2014) Appetite and gut peptide responses to exercise and calorie restriction. The effect of modest energy deficits. Appetite, 81. 52 - 59. ISSN 0195-6663 DOI:
Deighton, K and Stensel, DJ (2014) Creating an acute energy deficit without stimulating compensatory increases in appetite: is there an optimal exercise protocol? The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 73 (2). 352 - 358. ISSN 0029-6651 DOI:
Didymus, FF and Fletcher, D (2014) Swimmers' experiences of organizational stress: Exploring the role of cognitive appraisal and coping strategies. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 8 (2). 159 - 183. ISSN 1932-9261 DOI:
Douglas, K and Carless, D (2014) Sharing a different voice: Attending to stories in collaborative writing. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, 14 (4). 303 - 311. ISSN 1532-7086 DOI:
Dowling, F and Fitzgerald, H and Flintoff, A (2014) Narratives from the road to social justice in PETE: teacher educator perspectives. Sport, Education and Society, 20 (8). 1029 - 1047. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:
Duncan, MJ and Al-Hazzaa, HM and Al-Nakeeb, Y and Al-Sobayel, HI and Abahussain, NA and Musaiger, AO and Lyons, M and Collins, P and Nevill, A (2014) Anthropometric and Lifestyle Characteristics of Active and Inactive Saudi and British Adolescents. American Journal of Human Biology, 26 (5). 635 - 642. ISSN 1520-6300 DOI:
Fagg, J and Chadwick, P and Cole, TJ and Cummins, S and Goldstein, H and Lewis, H and Morris, S and Radley, D and Sacher, P and Law, C (2014) From trial to population: a study of a family-based community intervention for childhood overweight implemented at scale. International journal of obesity (2005), 38 (10). 1343 - 1349. ISSN 0307-0565 DOI:
Fieldhouse, E and Cutts, D and John, P and Widdop, P (2014) When Context Matters: Assessing Geographical Heterogeneity of Get-Out-The-Vote Treatment Effects Using a Population Based Field Experiment. Political Behavior, 36 (1). 77 - 97. ISSN 0190-9320 DOI:
Flintoff, A (2014) Tales from the playing field: black and minority ethnic students' experiences of physical education teacher education. Race Ethnicity and Education, 17 (3). 346 - 366. ISSN 1361-3324 DOI:
Flintoff, A and Fitzgerald, H (2014) Introducing the physical education and sport pedagogy 2012 scholar lecture. Sport, Education and Society, 19 (3). 314 - 319. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:
Griffiths, C and Frearson, A and Taylor, A and Radley, D and Cooke, CB (2014) A cross sectional study investigating the association between exposure to food outlets and childhood obesity in Leeds, UK. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11. 138 - ?. ISSN 1479-5868 DOI:
Griffiths, C and Gately, P and Marchant, PR and Cooke, CB (2014) Response to 'Area-level deprivation and adiposity in children: is the relationship linear?'. International journal of obesity (2005), 38 (1). 161 - 162. ISSN 0307-0565 DOI:
Hamill, J and Sato, K and Xian LI, J and Bradshaw, E and Strutzenberger, G and Schwameder, H and Potthast, W and Vieten, M and Colloud, F (2014) International Society of Biomechanics in Sport October Newsletter 2014.
Hanley, B (2014) Paced to perfection. Athletics Weekly. 58 - 59 (2).
Hanley, B (2014) Senior men's pacing profiles at the IAAF World Cross Country Championships. Journal of sports sciences, 32 (11). 1060 - 1065. ISSN 0264-0414 DOI:
Hanley, B (2014) Training and injury profiles of international race walkers. New Studies in Athletics, 29 (4). 17 - 23 (7). ISSN 0961-933X
Hanley, B (2014) The role of the European U23 Championships in the development of elite athletes. New Studies in Athletics, 29 (3). 41 - 56 (16). ISSN 0961-933X
Hanley, B and Bissas, A (2014) Ground reaction forces of Olympic and World Championship race walkers. European journal of sport science, 16 (1). 50 - 56. ISSN 1746-1391 DOI:
Hanley, B and Bissas, A and Drake, A (2014) Technical characteristics of elite junior men and women race walkers. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 54 (6). 700 - 707. ISSN 0022-4707
Hanley, B and Mohan, AK (2014) Changes in gait during constant pace treadmill running. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 28 (5). 1219 - 1225. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:
Hardwell, AG (2014) Book Review: Snowboarding bodies in Theory and Practice. Leisure Studies, 33 (6). pp. 658-660. ISSN 0261-4367 DOI:
Hilland, TA and Beynon, CM and Mcgee, CE and Murphy, RC and Parnell, D and Romeo-Velilla, M and Stratton, G and Foweather, L (2014) Training sports coaches to tackle tobacco: Formative evaluation of the SmokeFree Sports campaign. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 53 (1). 12 - 16. ISSN 1463-5240 DOI:
Hind, K and Birrell, F and Beck, B (2014) Prevalent morphometric vertebral fractures in professional male rugby players. PloS one, 9 (5). e97427 - ?. DOI:
Hind, K and Birrell, F and Beck, B (2014) Vertebral Deformities Consistent With Fracture In Professional Male Rugby Players. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 46 (5). 48 - 49. ISSN 0195-9131
Hind, K and Johnson, MI (2014) Complex regional pain syndrome in a competitive athlete and regional osteoporosis assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry: a case report. Journal of medical case reports, 8. 165 - ?. DOI:
Hind, K and Jones, B and King, RF (2014) Re: bone: an acute buffer of plasma sodium during exhaustive exercise? Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme, 46 (11). 819 - 820. ISSN 0018-5043 DOI:
Hind, K and Torgerson, D and McKenna, J and Ashby, R and Daly-Smith, A and Truscott, J and MacKay, H and Jennings, A (2014) Developing Interventions for Children's Exercise (DICE): a pilot evaluation of school-based exercise interventions for primary school children aged 7 to 8 years. Journal of physical activity & health, 11 (4). 699 - 704. ISSN 1543-3080 DOI:
Hobkirk, JP and King, RF and Davies, I and Harman, N and Gately, P and Pemberton, P and Smith, A and Barth, JH and Carroll, S (2014) The metabolic inter-relationships between changes in waist circumference, triglycerides, insulin sensitivity and small, dense low-density lipoprotein particles with acute weight loss in clinically obese children and adolescents. Pediatric obesity, 9 (3). 209 - 217. ISSN 2047-6302 DOI:
Holliday, A (2014) Matching energy intake to expenditure of isocaloric exercise at high- and moderate-intensities. Physiology and Behavior, 130. pp. 120-126. ISSN 1873-507X DOI:
Holliday, A (2014) A novel tool to predict food intake: The Visual Meal Creator. Appetite, 79 (1). pp. 68-75. ISSN 1095-8304 DOI:
Hopkins, M and Blundell, JE and King, NA (2014) Individual variability in compensatory eating following acute exercise in overweight and obese women. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48 (20). pp. 1472-1476. ISSN 1473-0480 DOI:
Hopkins, M and Gibbons, C and Caudwell, P and Hellström, PM and Näslund, E and King, NA and Finlayson, G and Blundell, JE (2014) The adaptive metabolic response to exercise-induced weight loss influences both energy expenditure and energy intake. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 68 (5). pp. 581-586. ISSN 1476-5640 DOI:
Hopkins, M and Gibbons, C and Caudwell, P and Webb, DL and Hellström, PM and Näslund, E and Blundell, JE and Finlayson, G (2014) Fasting leptin is a metabolic determinant of food reward in overweight and obese individuals during chronic aerobic exercise training. International Journal of Endocrinology, 2014. ISSN 1687-8337 DOI:
Hylton, K (2014) Victoria Wolcott, Race, Riots and Roller Coasters: The Struggle over Segregated Recreation in America. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012. 310pp. 17 figures. Bibliography. Index. £23.99 hbk. £17.77 Kin. Urban History, 41. 559 - 560 (2). ISSN 1469-8706 DOI:
Hylton, K and Lawrence, S (2014) Reading Ronaldo: contingent whiteness in the football media. Soccer and Society, 16 (5-6). 765 - 782. ISSN 1466-0970 DOI:
Jenkins, S (2014) Editorial. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 9 (1). III - IV. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Jenkins, S (2014) Editorial. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 9 (2). iii - iv. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Jenkins, S (2014) Editorial. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 9 (3). iii - iv. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Jenkins, S (2014) John R. Wooden, Stephen R. Covey and servant leadership. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 9 (1). 1 - 24. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Jenkins, S (2014) John R. Wooden, Stephen R. Covey and servant leadership. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 9 (1). 73 - 83. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Jenkins, S (2014) Professionalism, golf coaching and a master of science degree. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 9 (4). 693 - 715. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Jones, HS and Williams, EL and Marchant, D and Sparks, SA and Midgley, AW and Bridge, CA and McNaughton, L (2014) Distance-dependent association of affect with pacing strategy in cycling time trials. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 47 (4). 825 - 832. ISSN 0195-9131 DOI:
Kaiseler, M and Queirós, C and Passos, F and Sousa, P (2014) Stress appraisal, coping, and work engagement among police recruits: an exploratory study. Psychological reports, 114 (2). 635 - 646. ISSN 0033-2941 DOI:
Lashua, B and Spracklen, K and Long, P (2014) Introduction to the special issue: Music and Tourism. Tourist Studies, 14 (1). 3 - 9. ISSN 1468-7976 DOI:
Lashua, BD (2014) DWYL? YOLO. Annals of Leisure Research, 17 (2). 121 - 126. ISSN 1174-5398 DOI:
Long, J and Hylton, K (2014) Reviewing research evidence and the case of participation in sport and physical recreation by black and minority ethnic communities. Leisure Studies, 33 (4). 379 - 399. ISSN 0261-4367 DOI:
Marwood, M and King, R and Hind, K (2014) Bone Health And The Female Athlete Triad In Endurance Runners: A Systematic Review Of The Evidence. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 46 (5). 267 - 267. ISSN 0195-9131
Mazanov, J and Backhouse, SH and Connor, J and Hemphill, D and Quirk, F (2014) Athlete support personnel and anti-doping: Knowledge, attitudes, and ethical stance. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 24 (5). 846 - 856. ISSN 0905-7188 DOI:
McKenna, J (2014) John R. Wooden, Stephen R. Covey and servant leadership. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 9 (1). 53 - 56. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
McKenna, J (2014) Professionalism, Golf Coaching and a Master of Science Degree: A Commentary. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING, 9 (4). 927 - 929. ISSN 1747-9541
Mellis, MG and Ingle, L and Carroll, S (2014) Variability in heart rate recovery measurements over 1 year in healthy, middle-aged adults. International journal of sports medicine, 35 (2). 135 - 138. ISSN 0172-4622 DOI:
Mellis, MG and Oldroyd, B and Hind, K (2014) In vivo precision of the GE Lunar iDXA for the measurement of visceral adipose tissue in adults: the influence of body mass index. European journal of clinical nutrition, 68 (12). 1365 - 1367. ISSN 0954-3007 DOI:
Mitchell, TO and Nesti, M and Richardson, D and Midgley, AW and Eubank, M and Littlewood, M (2014) Exploring athletic identity in elite-level English youth football: a cross-sectional approach. J Sports Sci, 32 (13). pp. 1294-1299. ISSN 1466-447X DOI:
Morley, D and Morgan, G and McKenna, J and Nicholls, AR (2014) Developmental contexts and features of elite academy football players: Coach and player perspectives. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 9 (1). 217 - 232. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Nicholson, G and Mcloughlin, G and Bissas, A and Ispoglou, T (2014) Do the acute biochemical and neuromuscular responses justify the classification of strength- and hypertrophy-type resistance exercise? Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 28 (11). 3188 - 3199. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:
Norman, L (2014) A crisis of confidence: Women coaches' responses to their engagement in resistance. Sport, Education and Society, 19 (5). 532 - 551. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:
North, J (2014) Preparing young talent for world cup success. UEFA Direct, 141.
Ntoumanis, N and Ng, JY and Barkoukis, V and Backhouse, SH (2014) Personal and psychosocial predictors of doping use in physical activity settings: a meta-analysis. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 44 (11). 1603 - 1624. ISSN 0112-1642 DOI:
O'Hara, J and Carroll, S and Cooke, CB and King, RF (2014) The effect of pre-exercise galactose and glucose ingestion on high-intensity endurance cycling. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 28 (8). 2145 - 2153. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:
Paradisis, GP and Zacharogiannis, E and Mandila, D and Smirtiotou, A and Argeitaki, P and Cooke, CB (2014) Multi-Stage 20-m Shuttle Run Fitness Test, Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Velocity at Maximal Oxygen Uptake. Journal of human kinetics, 41. 81 - 87. ISSN 1640-5544 DOI:
Pardo, A and McKenna, J and Mitjans, A and Camps, B and Aranda-García, S and Garcia-Gil, J and Violan, M (2014) Physical activity level and lifestyle-related risk factors from Catalan physicians. Journal of physical activity & health, 11 (5). 922 - 929. ISSN 1543-3080 DOI:
Parnell, D and Pringle, A and McKenna, J and Zwolinsky, S (2014) Comments on Bruun, D.M. et al. Community-based recreational football: a novel approach to promote physical activity and quality of life in prostate cancer survivors. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public health 2014, 11, 5557-5585-time to raise our game. International journal of environmental research and public health, 11 (7). 6842 - 6843. ISSN 1661-7827 DOI:
Parnell, D and Richardson, D (2014) Introduction. Soccer and Society, 15 (6). 823 - 827. ISSN 1466-0970 DOI:
Patterson, LB and Duffy, PJ and Backhouse, SH (2014) Are coaches anti-doping? Exploring issues of engagement with education and research. Substance use & misuse, 49 (9). 1182 - 1185. ISSN 1082-6084 DOI:
Pearce, G and Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C and Duda, JL and McKenna, J (2014) Changing Bodies: Experiences of Women Who Have Undergone a Surgically Induced Menopause. Qualitative health research, 24 (6). 738 - 748. ISSN 1049-7323 DOI:
Petróczi, A and Dodge, T and Backhouse, SH and Adesanwo, C (2014) Review of the literature on negative health risks based interventions to guide anabolic steroid misuse prevention. Performance Enhancement and Health, 3 (1). 31 - 44. ISSN 2211-2669 DOI:
Price, OJ and Ansley, L and Hull, JH (2014) Eucapnic voluntary hyperpnoea for the diagnosis of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction: is one test enough? ALLERGY, 69. 211 - 212. ISSN 0105-4538 DOI:
Price, OJ and Hull, JH (2014) Asthma in elite athletes: Who cares? Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, 21 (2). 68 - 75. ISSN 1068-0640 DOI:
Price, OJ and Hull, JH and Ansley, L (2014) Advances in the diagnosis of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Expert review of respiratory medicine, 8 (2). 209 - 220. ISSN 1747-6348 DOI:
Price, OJ and Hull, JH and Backer, V and Hostrup, M and Ansley, L (2014) The impact of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction on athletic performance: a systematic review. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 44 (12). 1749 - 1761. ISSN 0112-1642 DOI:
Pringle, A (2014) Community nurses can encourage men to look after their health. Journal of Community Nursing, 28 (4). 16 - ?. ISSN 0263-4465
Pringle, A and Hargreaves, J and Lozano, L and McKenna, J and Zwolinsky, S (2014) Assessing the impact of football-based health improvement programmes: stay onside, avoid own goals and score with the evaluation! Soccer and Society, 15 (6). 970 - 987. ISSN 1466-0970 DOI:
Pringle, A and Parnell, D and Zwolinsky, S and Hargreaves, J and McKenna, J (2014) Effect of a health-improvement pilot programme for older adults delivered by a professional football club: the Burton Albion case study. Soccer and Society, 15 (6). 902 - 918. ISSN 1466-0970 DOI:
Pringle, A and Zwolinsky, S (2014) No effects without side effects! Perspect Public Health, 134 (6). p. 309. ISSN 1757-9139 DOI:
Pringle, A and Zwolinsky, S (2014) Physical activity promotion in 2014--the Tour de France: a local perspective. Public health, 128 (10). 955 - 956. ISSN 0033-3506 DOI:
Pringle, A and Zwolinsky, S and McKenna, J and Brown, P and Daly-Smith, A (2014) Initial effects of a free swimming pilot programme on the physical activity levels of young people. Public Health, 128 (5). pp. 485-487. ISSN 1476-5616 DOI:
Pringle, A and Zwolinsky, S and McKenna, J and Daly-Smith, A and Robertson, S and White, A (2014) Reducing CVD Risk Factors for Men/Hard-to-Reach Men Using English Premier League Soccer Clubs. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 46 (5). 595 - 595. ISSN 0195-9131 DOI:
Quarmby, T (2014) Sport and physical activity in the lives of looked-after children: a ‘hidden group’ in research, policy and practice. Sport, Education and Society, 19 (7). 944 - 958. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:
Rutherford, Z and Gough, B and Seymour-Smith, S and Matthews, CR and Wilcox, J and Parnell, D and Pringle, A (2014) 'Motivate': the effect of a Football in the Community delivered weight loss programme on over 35-year old men and women's cardiovascular risk factors. Soccer and Society, 15 (6). 951 - 969. ISSN 1466-0970 DOI:
Seims, A and O'Hara, J and King, R and Cooke, CB (2014) Inspiratory muscle training and its effect on indices of physiological and perceived stress during incremental walking exercise in normobaric hypoxia. High Altitude Medicine and Biology, 15 (2). A272. ISSN 1557-8682 DOI:
Seims, A and O'Hara, J and King, R and Cooke, CB (2014) Inspiratory muscle training and its effect on oxygen saturation and perceptions of effort and dyspnoea during a trek to Everest base camp. High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 15 (2). A273 - A273. DOI:
Spracklen, K (2014) Moral panics or the politics of pleasure? Alcohol and policy directions in tourism, leisure and events. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 6 (2). 93 - 94. ISSN 1940-7963 DOI:
Spracklen, K and Spracklen, B (2014) The Strange and Spooky Battle over Bats and Black Dresses: The Commodification of Whitby Goth Weekend and the Loss of a Subculture. Tourist Studies, 14 (1). 86 - 102. ISSN 1468-7976 DOI:
Stride, A (2014) Centralising space: the physical education and physical activity experiences of South Asian, Muslim girls. Sport, Education and Society. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:
Thomas, R and Wood, E (2014) Innovation in tourism: Re-conceptualising and measuring the absorptive capacity of the hotel sector. Tourism Management, 45. 39 - 48. ISSN 0261-5177 DOI:
Till, K and Cobley, S and O'Hara, J and Morley, D and Chapman, C and Cooke, CB (2014) Retrospective analysis of anthropometric and fitness characteristics associated with long-term career progression in Rugby League. Journal of science and medicine in sport / Sports Medicine Australia, 18 (3). 310 - 314. ISSN 1440-2440 DOI:
Till, K and Jones, B and Emmonds, S and Tester, E and Fahey, J and Cooke, CB (2014) Seasonal changes in anthropometric and physical characteristics within English academy rugby league players. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 28 (9). 2689 - 2696. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:
Till, K and Tester, E and Jones, B and Emmonds, S and Fahey, J and Cooke, CB (2014) Anthropometric and physical characteristics of english academy rugby league players. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 28 (2). 319 - 327. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:
Tucker, CB and Anderson, R and Kenny, IC (2014) The Creation and Validation of a Large-Scale Computer Model of the Golf Swing. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sport. ISSN 1999-4168
Tucker, CB and Anderson, R and Kenny, IC (2014) The Effect of the Application of Different Levels of Movement Variability on Movement Outcome. ISSN 1999-4168
Whitaker, L and Backhouse, SH and Long, J (2014) Reporting doping in sport: national level athletes' perceptions of their role in doping prevention. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 24 (6). e515 - e521. ISSN 0905-7188 DOI:
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Book Section
Cushion, CJ and Lyle, J (2014) "Conceptualising sport coaching - some key questions and issues." In: Wegener, R and Loebbert, M and Fritze, A, (eds.) Coaching-Praxisfelder: Forschung und Praxis im Dialog. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 115-134. ISBN 9783658018184
Fletcher, TE (2014) "Who do 'they' cheer for? Cricket, diaspora, hybridity and divided loyalties among British Asians." In: Nauright, J and Cobley, AG and Wiggins, DK, (eds.) Beyond C.L.R. James: Shifting boundaries of race and ethnicity in sport. University of Arkansas Press., 293 - 312 (19). ISBN UNSPECIFIED
Lyle, JWB (2014) "Reviewing the literature." In: Nelson, L and Groom, R and Potrac, P, (eds.) Research Methods in Sports Coaching. Routledge, London, pp. 66-75. ISBN 9780415626828
Sturm, D (2014) "A glamorous and high-tech global spectacle of speed: Formula One motor racing as mediated, global and corporate spectacle." In: Sports Events, Society and Culture. UNSPECIFIED, 68 - 82. ISBN 9780415826754 DOI:
Backhouse, SH and Collins, C and Defoort, Y and McNamee, M and Parkinson, A and Sauer, M and Brissonneau, C and Christensen, A and Dikic, N and Hauw, D and Horta, L and McVeigh, J and Petrou, M and Simon, P (2014) Study on Doping Prevention: A map of Legal, Regulatory and Prevention Practice Provisions in EU 28. Project Report. European Commission. DOI:
Fletcher, TE and Piggott, D and North, J and Hylton, K and Gilbert, S and Norman, L (2014) Exploring the barriers to South Asian cricket players’ entry and progression in coaching. Project Report. England and Wales Cricket Board.
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Parnell, D and Hargreaves, J and Zwolinsky, S and McKenna, J and Pringle, A (2014) Burton Albion Community Trusts, Golden Goal Over 50’s Activity Club – Project Report. Project Report. Leeds Metropolitan University..
Conference or Workshop Item
Didymus, FF and Fletcher, D (2014) The Effects of a Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention on a Sport Performer’s Appraisals of Organizational Stressors. In: Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference, 14 Oct 2014 - 18 Oct 2014, Las Vegas, USA. (Unpublished)
Hardwell, AG (2014) Service with a Smile: deconstructing the experiences of Nepali expedition workers in the Himalaya. In: Being there: Slow, fast, traditional, wild, urban, natural...2013 Adventure Conference, 22 May 2013 - 24 May 2013, Skye, Scotland, UK.
Mitchell, TO and Nesti, MS and Richardson, DJ and Littlewood, MA (2014) Identity Formation in Youth Team Football Environments. In: 4th International Conference for Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, 01 September 2014 - 03 September 2014, Loughborough.
Price, OJ and Ansley, L and Bikov, A and Hull, JH (2014) THE ROLE OF IMPULSE OSCILLOMETRY IN DETECTING AIRWAY DYSFUNCTION IN ATHLETES. In: Association for Respiratory Technology and Physiology, 30th January - 1st February 2014, Blackpool, UK.
Seims, A and O'Hara, J and King, R and Cooke, CB (2014) Inspiratory muscle training and its effect on indices of physiological and perceived stress during incremental walking exercise in normobaric hypoxia. In: X World Congress on High Altitude Medicine and Physiology & Mountain Emergency Medicine Hypoxia and Cold—From Science to Treatment, 25 May 2014 - 31 May 2014, Italy. DOI:
Seims, A and O'Hara, J and King, R and Cooke, CB (2014) Inspiratory muscle training and its effect on oxygen saturation and perceptions of effort and dyspnoea during a trek to Everest base camp. In: X World Congress on High Altitude Medicine and Physiology & Mountain Emergency Medicine Hypoxia and Cold - From Science to Treatment, 25 May 2014 - 31 May 2014, Bolzano, Italy. DOI:
Hanley, B (2014) Biomechanical Analysis of Elite Race Walking. Doctoral thesis, Leeds Metropolitan University.