Items where Year is 2008

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Number of items: 99.


Allan, J and McKenna, J and Robinson, M (2008) Building Student Resilience through First-Year Outdoor Adventure Residential Experience in Higher Education. Assessment, Learning and Teaching Journal, 4 (Summer). 6 - 9.

Beggs, CB and Shepherd, SJ and Kerr, KG (2008) Increasing the frequency of hand washing by healthcare workers does not lead to commensurate reductions in staphylococcal infection in a hospital ward. BMC infectious diseases, 8. 114 - ?. DOI:

Bjordal, JM and Lopes-Martins, RA and Joensen, J and Couppe, C and Ljunggren, AE and Stergioulas, A and Johnson, MI (2008) A systematic review with procedural assessments and meta-analysis of low level laser therapy in lateral elbow tendinopathy (tennis elbow). BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 9. 75 - ?. DOI:

Blackledge, PR (2008) Alasdair MacIntyre’s Contribution to Marxism: A Road not Taken. Analyse and Kritik, 30 (1). 215 - 227. ISSN 0171-5860

Boyle, SE and Jones, GL and Walters, SJ (2008) Physical activity among adolescents and barriers to delivering physical education in Cornwall and Lancashire, UK: a qualitative study of heads of PE and heads of schools. BMC Public Health, 8. p. 273. ISSN 1471-2458 DOI:

Bradley, Q (2008) Capturing the castle: Tenant governance in social housing companies. Housing Studies, 23 (6). 879 - 897. ISSN 0267-3037 DOI:

Branney, P (2008) Subjectivity, not personality: combining psychoanalysis and discourse analysis. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2 (2). 574 - 590. ISSN 1751-9004 DOI:

Branney, P and White, A (2008) Big boys don't cry: Depression and men. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 14 (4). 256 - 262. ISSN 1355-5146 DOI:

Bray, OP (2008) First- and last-year experience: assessment, learning and teaching on a top-up degree. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 4. 25 - 27. ISSN 1756-8781

Bridgen, A and Smith, S (2008) Perceptions of how podiatrists and physiotherapists work together in a musculoskeletal service. Podiatry Now, 11 (10). pp. 23-30. ISSN 1460-731X

Broadhead, P and Jones, P (2008) Research mentoring in the Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 3. 29 - 32.

Carless, D (2008) Narrative, identity, and recovery from serious mental illness: A life history of a runner. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 5 (4). 233 - 248. ISSN 1478-0887 DOI:

Carless, D and Douglas, K (2008) Narrative, identity and mental health: How men with serious mental illness re-story their lives through sport and exercise. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 9 (5). 576 - 594. ISSN 1469-0292 DOI:

Carless, D and Douglas, K (2008) Social support for and through exercise and sport in a sample of men with serious mental illness. Issues in mental health nursing, 29 (11). 1179 - 1199. ISSN 0161-2840 DOI:

Carless, D and Douglas, K (2008) The contribution of exercise and sport to mental health promotion in serious mental illness: An interpretative project. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 10 (4). 5 - 12. ISSN 1462-3730 DOI:

Carless, D and Sparkes, AC (2008) The physical activity experiences of men with serious mental illness: Three short stories. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 9 (2). 191 - 210. ISSN 1469-0292 DOI:

Caruana, V (2008) Internationalisation of HE in the UK: 'Where are we now and where might we go?'. Proceedings of the Education in a Changing Environment International Conference.

Carver, K and Joyce, AL and Lanfear, L and Middleton, F and Park, A and Smith, S (2008) Academic Support at Leeds Metropolitan Library. SCONUL Focus, 45. 8 - 11.

Chapman, FB and Sherwin, S (2008) Catch them before they fall. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 4. 16 - 19. ISSN 1756-8781

Clifton, IJ and Fletcher, LA and Beggs, CB and Denton, M and Peckham, DG (2008) A laminar flow model of aerosol survival of epidemic and non-epidemic strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from people with cystic fibrosis. BMC microbiology, 8. 105 - ?. DOI:

Cooke, B (2008) An integrated approach to supporting first-year students through Personal Development Planning and monitoring attendance. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 4. 35 - 37. ISSN 1756-8781

Cope, N and Sheridan-Ross, J and Bowers, T and Calvert, M and Gorra, A and Harrison, G and Joslin, M (2008) Footprint timetable: the next step. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 4. 13 - 15. ISSN 1756-8781

De Groot, M and Lodal, H and Masuhara, H and Moore, D and Pioro, T and Shelton, J (2008) X-stream inclusion. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 3. 19 - 25.

Dickinson, IM and Green, M and Smith, M and Bown, A and Gorse, C (2008) Virtual Site as an aid to first-year learning. Assessment, Learning & Teaching Journal (4). ISSN 1756-8781

Dobson, T (2008) The rise and fall of Mr Choakumchild – learning outcomes and the teaching of creative writing. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 3. 25 - 29.

Doherty, J (2008) Thinking skills and the context of higher education teaching today. What is known? Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 3. ISSN 1756-8781

Douglas, K and Carless, D (2008) Training or education? Negotiating a fuzzy line between what “we” want and “they” might need. Annual Review of Golf Coaching, 2008. 1 - 13 (13). ISSN 1747-9541

Douglas, K and Carless, D (2008) Using Stories in Coach Education. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING, 3 (1). 33 - 49. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:

Earle, L (2008) Encouraging first-year students to take more responsibility for their learning through a VLE. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 4. 38 - 40. ISSN 1756-8781

Finnigan, VB (2008) 700 into 3: your first day in Business. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 4. 10 - 12.

Flintoff, A (2008) Targeting Mr Average: Participation, gender equity and school sport partnerships. Sport, Education and Society, 13 (4). 393 - 411. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:

Flintoff, A and Fitzgerald, H and Scraton, S (2008) The challenges of intersectionality: Researching difference in physical education. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 18 (2). 73 - 85. ISSN 0962-0214 DOI:

Font, X and Tapper, R and Schwartz, K and Kornilaki, M (2008) Sustainable supply chain management in tourism. Business Strategy and the Environment, 17 (4). 260 - 271. ISSN 0964-4733 DOI:

Gardiner, C and Evans, A (2008) Dietetic management of Hyperphosphataemia. Complete Nutrition, 8 (4). pp. 40-42.

Gerodetti, N (2008) Review essay: new writings on love, sex and kisses. Journal of Contemporary History, 43 (2). 343 - 351. ISSN 1461-7250 DOI:

Griffin, D and Mitchell, A and Griffin, S (2008) Developing a case study for the MySpace generation. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 3. 15 - 19.

Guest, E (2008) Learning Objects: issues to do with obtaining and labelling. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 3. 54 - 57. ISSN 1756-8781

Hartford, T and Fitzgerald, P (2008) Involving students in the assessment process from day 1: group, peer and self assessment. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 4. 20 - 24. ISSN 1756-8781

Hind, K (2008) Recovery of bone mineral density and fertility in a former amenorrheic athlete. Journal of sports science & medicine, 7 (3). 415 - 418.

Kime, N (2008) Children's eating behaviours: The importance of the family setting. Area, 40 (3). 315 - 322. ISSN 0004-0894 DOI:

Lanfear, EJ (2008) Enhancing the first-year experience: ten ways to involve library services. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 4. 31 - 34. ISSN 1756-8781

Light, R (2008) Learning masculinities in a Japanese high school rugby club. Sport, Education and Society, 13 (2). pp. 163-180. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:

Madill, A and Gough, B (2008) Qualitative research and its place in psychological science. Psychological methods, 13 (3). 254 - 271. ISSN 1082-989X DOI:

Manley, AJ and Greenlees, I and Graydon, J and Thelwell, R and Fllby, WCD and Smith, MJ (2008) Athletes' perceived use of information sources when forming initial impressions and expectancies of a coach: An explorative study. Sport Psychologist, 22 (1). 73 - 89. ISSN 0888-4781

Manley, AJ and Meijen, C (2008) Bursting onto the big stage: Presenting at an international conference for the first time. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 4 (1). 55 - 58. ISSN 1745-4980

Marsden, G and Cattan, M and Jopson, A and Woodward, J (2008) Understanding the older traveller - stop, look and listen! Working with Older People, 12 (2). 12 - 15. ISSN 1366-3666 DOI:

Morris, D and Everest, K (2008) Visible evidence. CILIP Library & Information Gazette.

Mulligan, JA (2008) What we can learn about the relationship between ‘Events Strategy’ and ‘Events Business’ in the region. The Assessment, Learning and Teaching Journal, Winter (3).

Nunn, A (2008) Restructuring the English Working Class for Global Competitiveness. Papers in the Politics of Global Competitiveness, 9.

O'Rourke, K (2008) Finding friends and freaking out: the potential of enquiry-based learning to enhance the first-year experience. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 4. ISSN 1756-8781

Park, ACL (2008) Information literacy and the first-year learning experience. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 4. 28 - 30. ISSN 1756-8781

Parton, G and Bailey, R (2008) Problem-based Learning: A Critical Rationalist Perspective. London Review of Education, 6 (3). 281 - 292 (11). ISSN 1474-8460 DOI:

Pickford, R (2008) Editorial. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 4. 2 - 5. ISSN 1756-8781

Roberts, K and Smith, CF and Snelling, AM and Kerr, KG and Banfield, KR and Sleigh, PA and Beggs, CB (2008) Aerial dissemination of Clostridium difficile spores. BMC infectious diseases, 8. 7 - ?. DOI:

SOUTH, J and HIGGINGS, T and WOODALL, J and WHITE, S (2008) Can social prescribing provide the missing link? Primary Health Care Research and Development, 9 (4). 310 - 318. DOI:

Sharpe, S and Richards, L (2008) Web development on a stick. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 3. 7 - 15. ISSN 1756-8781

Sheridan-Ross, JW and Finlay, J (2008) Podcast Solutions Pilot – exploring teaching and learning through mobile technologies. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 3. 3 - 7. ISSN 1756-8781

Simmons, S and Estes, Z (2008) Individual differences in the perception of similarity and difference. Cognition, 108 (3). 781 - 795. ISSN 0010-0277 DOI:

Smith, J (2008) A pilot study investigating the relationship between tutorial participation and assessment performance. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 3. pp. 37-42. ISSN 1756-8781

Smith, SV and Karban, K (2008) Tutor experiences of developing an interprofessional education programme in Higher Education: recognising a parallel process. RESPONSE. ISSN 1752-0991

Soosay, MA (2008) Embedding a selection of feedback mechanisms into innovative curriculum to enhance the first-year experience. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 4. 41 - 44. ISSN 1756-8781

Soufian, M (2008) Dynamic optimisation of an industrial web process. The International Journal of Multiphysics, 2 (3). 291 - 312 (22). ISSN 1750-9548 DOI:

Spracklen, K (2008) The holy blood and the holy grail: Myths of scientific racism and the pursuit of excellence in sport. Leisure Studies, 27 (2). 221 - 227. ISSN 0261-4367 DOI:

Spracklen, K and Spracklen, C (2008) Negotiations of minority ethnic rugby league players in the Cathar country of France. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 43 (2). 201 - 218. ISSN 1012-6902 DOI:

Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou, A and Metsios, GS and Panoulas, VF and Douglas, KM and Nevill, AM and Jamurtas, AZ and Kita, M and Koutedakis, Y and Kitas, GD (2008) Cigarette smoking associates with body weight and muscle mass of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional, observational study. Arthritis Research and Therapy, 10 (3). ISSN 1478-6354 DOI:

Stevenson, J and Willott, SJ (2008) Attitudes towards reflective practice: emerging findings from a TQEF study. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 3. 46 - 51. ISSN 1756-8781

Stoppani, T (2008) Grid effects. Architectural Research Quarterly, 12 (3-4). 255 - 262. ISSN 1359-1355 DOI:

Tapp, RJ and Tikellis, G and Wong, TY and Harper, CA and Zimmet, PZ and Shaw, JE and Australian Diabetes Obesity and Lifestyle Study Group (2008) Longitudinal association of glucose metabolism with retinopathy: results from the Australian Diabetes Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study. Diabetes Care, 31 (7). pp. 1349-1354. ISSN 1935-5548 DOI:

Tum, JM (2008) The development of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for use with event management students. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 3. 42 - 46.

Warwick-Booth, L (2008) Locally Directed Policy and the Fostering of Social Capital Within Regeneration: The Case of Objective 1 South Yorkshire. Social Policy and Society, 7 (1). 53 - ?. ISSN 1474-7464 DOI:

Wilson, B and Bekker, HL and Fylan, F (2008) Reporting of Clinical Adverse Events Scale: a measure of doctor and nurse attitudes to adverse event reporting. Quality & safety in health care, 17 (5). 364 - 367. ISSN 1475-3898 DOI:

Book Section

Heinzl, J and Kor, AL and Orange, G and Kaufmann, HR (2008) "Austrian higher education institutions' idiosyncrasies and technology transfer system." In: Proceedings of European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS). UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9781902316581

Kakos, M (2008) "The Interaction between students and teachers in Citizenship education." In: Active Citizen and Education. Papazisis, Athens, pp. 202-232. ISBN UNSPECIFIED

Kor, AL and Orange, G (2008) "A survey of epistemology and its implications on an organisational information and knowledge management model." In: Proceedings of European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS). UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9781902316581

Lyle, JWB (2008) "Sport development and sport coaching." In: Sport Development: Policy, Process and Practice. Routledge, pp. 214-235. ISBN 9780415421829

Sturm, DC (2008) "‘Omigod it’s Russell Crowe’: South Park’s assault on celebrity." In: Weinstock, J, (ed.) Taking South Park Seriously. SUNY, 209 - 225 (27). ISBN 978-0-7914-7566-9

Walker, GD and Richter, I (2008) "Rhythm, routine and ritual: strategies for collective living among first year students in halls of residence." In: University life uncovered: making sense of the student experience. University of Southampton, The Higher Education Academy Social Policy and Social Work (SWAP).. ISBN 9780854328901


Cattan, M and Kime, NH and Bagnall, A (2008) Low-level support for socially isolated older people: An evaluation of telephone befriending. Project Report. Help the Aged.

Flintoff, A and Chappell, A and Gower, C and Keyworth, S and Lawrence, J and Money, J and Squires, S and Webb, L (2008) Black and Minority Ethnic Trainees' Experiences of Physical Education Initial Teacher Training: Report to the Training and Development Agency. Project Report. Training and Development Agency / Carnegie Research Institute, Leeds Metropolitan University..

Kime, NH and South, J and Lowcock, D (2008) An Evaluation of the Bradford District Health Trainers Programme - Phase 2. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.

Meah, A and Kinsella, K and South, J (2008) Community Health Information and Links, Leeds (CHILL) Evaluation. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.

Nunn, A and Fidler, Y and Wymer, P and Kelsey, S (2008) Customers Experience of First Contact with Jobcentre Plus: Findings from the Quantitative Survey. Project Report. DWP.

Nunn, A and Jassi, S and Kelsey, S and Purcell, M and Dowson, L and Hawtin, M and Halliday, SA and Stevens, A and Sweeting, D and Evans, L and Smith, I and Rust, M and Sullivan, H (2008) National Evaluation of the Capacity Building Programme in English Local Government: Evaluation of the National Programmes: Annex 2: Evaluation of the National Programmes. Project Report. Department for Communities and Local Government.

Nunn, A and Kelsey, S and Purcell, M and Halliday, S and Stevens, A (2008) National Evaluation of the Capacity Building Programme in English Local Government: Annex 3. Direct Support in Poor and Weak Local Authorities: Emerging findings. Project Report. Department for Communities and Local Government.

Nunn, A and Kelsey, S and Purcell, M and Halliday, S and Stevens, A and Dowson, L (2008) National Evaluation of the Capacity Building Programme in English Local Government: Annex 1. Seven Case Studies: The Pilot Programme. Project Report. Department for Communities and Local Government.

Nunn, A and Kelsey, S and Purcell, M and Halliday, S and Stevens, A and Dowson, L (2008) National Evaluation of the Capacity Building Programme in English Local Government: Annex 4: Follow On Study of Progress in Seven Case Study Improvement Partnerships. Project Report. Department for Communities and Local Government.

Nunn, A and Kelsey, S and Purcell, M and Halliday, S and Stevens, A and Dowson, L (2008) National Evaluation of the Capacity Building Programme in English Local Government: Overall Final Report. Project Report. Department for Communities and Local Government.

South, J and Kime, NH (2008) Evaluation plan and recommendations - ‘Can’t Wait to be Healthy’: A briefing paper on evaluation for Leeds Childhood Obesity Prevention and Weight Management Strategy. Other. Centre for Health Promotion Research Faculty of Health, Leeds Metropolitan University.

White, A and Bagnall, A and South, J and Forshaw, M and Spoor, C and Witty, K and Rooke, S (2008) An evaluation of the Working in Partnership Programme Self Care in Primary Care Initiative. Final Report. Project Report. NHS Working in Partnership Programme.

White, AK and Cash, K and Conrad, D and Branney, P (2008) The Bradford & Airedale Health of Men initiative: a study of its effectiveness in engaging with men. Project Report. Bradford & Airedale Primary Care Trust, Leeds, UK.

Wilkins, D and Payne, S and Granville, G and Branney, P (2008) The gender and access to health services study: final report. Project Report. Department of Health.

Conference or Workshop Item

Beggs, CB and Fletcher, L and Noakes, CJ and Sleigh, PA (2008) The bactericidal effects of negative ions in air. In: Indoor Air 2008 ; The 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 17 - 22 August 2008, Copenhagen.

Behringer, R (2008) Creative Technology - Research, Development, Practice. In: Marie Curie Conference, 17 Jul 2008 - 18 Jul 2008, Barcelona, Spain.

Davis, SJ (2008) ‘Workers’ Educational Association: A Crisis of Identity? Personal Perspectives on Changing Professional Identities. In: Leeds Metropolitan Post-graduate Conference, 2008, Leeds, UK.

Holden, R and Griggs, V (2008) Teaching the Politics of HRD: problems and possibilities. In: 9th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe, May 21-23, 2008, IESEG School of Management, Catholic University of Lille.

Lane, D and Solberg, K (2008) The impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Emotional vs. Ethical Decision-Making Process - A Norwegian Case Study. In: Academy of Marketing, 8-10 Jul 2008, Aberdeen, UK.

Nunn, AE (2008) Competitiveness, the New Labour Project and Part 2.2 of the Project to Restructure the Working Class. In: Changing Cultures of Competitiveness: Conceptual and Policy Issues - ESRC Seminar Series (Theme 1: Cultures of Competitiveness: Discourses and Knowledge Brands), Lancaster University.


Appleton, J and Hirst, S and Leggott, D and Mwanje, Z and Stapleford, J (2008) Hands On Internationalisation. Leeds Met Press. ISBN 978-0-9555017-9-1


Hall, HE (2008) Analysis of the opinions and use of open access repositories by researchers in different disciplines; with specific focus on the development of a new institutional repository at Leeds Metropolitan University. Masters thesis, Leeds Metropolitan University.

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