Items where Year is 2011

UNSPECIFIED (2011) Baking Professional Development Planning by design. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 11. pp. 6-9. ISSN 1756-8781
Adams, M and Raisborough, J (2011) Encountering the Fairtrade Farmer: Solidarity, Stereotypes and the Self-Control Ethos. Papers on Social Representations, 20 (1). 8.1-8.21. ISSN 1021-5573
Addesa, FA (2011) Competitive Balance In The Italian Basketball Championship. Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport, 7 (1). ISSN 1825-6678
Al-Sharkas, AA and Shubita, M (2011) An Empirical Analysis of Output, Interest and Money: The Case of Jordan. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 15 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1528-2635
Ashley, L and Jones, H and Forman, D and Newsham, A and Brown, J and Downing, A and Velikova, G and Wright, P (2011) Feasibility test of a UK-scalable electronic system for regular collection of patient-reported outcome measures and linkage with clinical cancer registry data: the electronic Patient-reported Outcomes from Cancer Survivors (ePOCS) system. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 11. 66 - ?. DOI:
Ashley, L and Jones, H and Thomas, J and Forman, D and Newsham, A and Morris, E and Johnson, O and Velikova, G and Wright, P (2011) Integrating cancer survivors' experiences into UK cancer registries: design and development of the ePOCS system (electronic Patient-reported Outcomes from Cancer Survivors). British journal of cancer, 105 Su. S74 - S81. ISSN 0007-0920 DOI:
Ashley, M and Elson, A (2011) International Reflections. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 11. pp. 150-151. ISSN 1756-8781
Backhouse, SH and McKenna, J (2011) Doping in sport: a review of medical practitioners' knowledge, attitudes and beliefs. The International journal on drug policy, 22 (3). 198 - 202. ISSN 0955-3959 DOI:
Baddley, J and Font, X (2011) Barriers to Tour Operator Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Tourism Recreation Research, 36 (3). 205 - 214. ISSN 0250-8281
Beckett, L and Struthers, D (2011) The Emerging Context and Challenge for Practitioner Research. Research Intelligence: BERA, 115 (Summer). 16 - 17.
Blackburn, M (2011) Using a business simulation to develop internationally-minded UK/China-based accounting students. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 11. ISSN 1756-8781
Bonilla-Priego, MJ and Najera, JJ and Font, X (2011) Environmental management decision-making in certified hotels. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19 (3). 361 - 381. ISSN 0966-9582 DOI:
Bozeat, R (2011) International fieldwork within the undergraduate curriculum: a personal reflection. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 11. pp. 68-82. ISSN 1756-8781
Bradley, Q (2011) Trouble at the top: The construction of a tenant identity in the governance of social housing organizations. Housing, Theory and Society, 28 (1). 19 - 38. ISSN 1403-6096 DOI:
Branney, P and Witty, K and Eardley, I (2011) Patients’ Experiences of penile Cancer. European Urology, 59 (6). 959 - 961. ISSN 1421-993X DOI:
Brown, FC (2011) Playwork: a Profession Challenging Societal Factors Devaluing Childrens Play. Journal of Student Wellbeing. Vol.5:1. The Journal of Student Wellbeing. ISSN 1835-7806 DOI:
Carless, D and Douglas, K (2011) Stories as personal coaching philosophy. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 6 (1). 1 - 12. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Carroll, S and Tsakirides, C and Hobkirk, J and Moxon, JWA and Moxon, JWD and Dudfield, M and Ingle, L (2011) Differential improvements in lipid profiles and Framingham recurrent risk score in patients with and without diabetes mellitus undergoing long-term cardiac rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 92 (9). pp. 1382-1387. ISSN 1532-821X DOI:
Caruana, V (2011) The challenges and opportunities of diversity in university settings. The Assessment, Learning and Teaching Journal, 11 (Summer). ISSN 1756-8781
Casey, DC and Clark, L (2011) Roles and responsibilities of the student nurse mentor: an update. British Journal of Nursing (Mark Allen Publishing), 20 (15). 933 - 937. ISSN 0966-0461 DOI:
Cattan, M and Kime, N and Bagnall, A (2011) The use of telephone befriending in low level support for socially isolated older people--an evaluation. Health & social care in the community, 19 (2). 198 - 206. ISSN 0966-0410 DOI:
Chang, V and De Roure, D and Wills, G and Walters, RJ and Barry, T (2011) Organisational sustainability modelling for Return on Investment (ROI): Case studies presented by a National Health Service (NHS) Trust UK. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 19 (3). 177 - 192. ISSN 1330-1136 DOI:
Cleverley, J and Morris, D (2011) Implementing EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) at Leeds Metropolitan University. Taking Stock, 20 (2). 5 - 6. ISSN 0966-6745
Croft, K and Scopes, M (2011) A sound education: using podcasts to develop study skills. SCONUL Focus, 51. 42 - 45.
Dixey, R and Woodall, J (2011) Prison staff and the health promoting prison. International journal of prisoner health, 7 (4). 8 - 16. ISSN 1744-9200 DOI:
Dulaimi, M and Hariz, A (2011) The impact of Cultural Diversity on Construction Project Team Performance. Engineering project Organisation. ISSN 2157-3727 DOI:
Duncan, A (2011) Soft skills for scientists: not a soft option. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 11. pp. 10-13. ISSN 1756-8781
Dunne, T and Gifkins, J (2011) Libya and the state of intervention. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 65 (5). 515 - 529. ISSN 1035-7718 DOI:
Fairbairn, G (2011) Narratives of Health in Prison.
Fitzpatrick, DA and O'Brien, J and Moran, C and Hasin, N and Kenny, E and Cormican, P and Gates, A and Morris, DW and Jones, GW (2011) Assessment of inactivating stop codon mutations in forty Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains: implications for [PSI] prion- mediated phenotypes. PloS one, 6 (12). e28684 - ?. DOI:
Fletcher, T (2011) "Aye, but it were wasted on thee": Cricket, British Asians, ethnic identities, and the 'magical recovery of community'. Sociological Research Online, 16 (4). DOI:
Fletcher, T (2011) The making of English cricket cultures: Empire, globalization and (post) colonialism. Sport in Society, 14 (1). 17 - 36. ISSN 1743-0437 DOI:
Giuntoli, G and Edwards, A (2011) Interview with Gianfranco Giuntoli.
Glazzard, J (2011) Perceptions of the barriers to effective inclusion in one primary school: Voices of teachers and teaching assistants. Support for Learning, 26 (2). pp. 56-63. ISSN 0268-2141 DOI:
Gold, J (2011) Theorising and practitioners in HRD: the role of abductive reasoning. Journal of European Industrial Training, 35 (3). 230 - 246. ISSN 0309-0590 DOI:
Grafton, K (2011) PMI2, Physiotherapy and international placements: our experience. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 11. 93 - 99. ISSN 1756-8781
Green, A (2011) Expanding Law’s Empire: Interpretivism, Morality and the Value of Legality. European Journal of Legal Studies, 4 (1). ISSN 1973-2937
Guth, J (2011) When is a Partner not a Partner? Conceptualisations of 'family' in EU Free Movement Law. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 33 (2). pp. 193-204. ISSN 0964-9069 DOI:
Hanley, B and Bissas, A and Drake, A (2011) Muscle activity of the stance knee in elite race walkers. Portuguese Journal of Sports Sciences, 11 (S2). 507 - 510 (4). ISSN 1999-4168
Hanley, B and Drake, A and Bissas, A (2011) Ground reaction forces of national level race walkers. Portuguese Journal of Sports Sciences, 11 (S2). 511 - 514 (4). ISSN 1999-4168
Hanley, B and Smith, LC and Bissas, A (2011) Kinematic variations due to changes in pace during men's and women's 5 km road running. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 6 (2). 243 - 252. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Harley, JA and Hind, K and O'Hara, J (2011) Three-compartment body composition changes in elite rugby league players during a super league season, measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 25 (4). 1024 - 1029. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:
Henderson, S (2011) The development of competitive advantage through sustainable event management. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 3 (3). 245 - 257. ISSN 1755-4217 DOI:
Horton, CL (2011) Recall and recognition of dreams and waking events: A diary paradigm. International Journal of Dream Research, 4 (1). 8 - 16.
Ispoglou, T and King, RF and Polman, RC and Zanker, C (2011) Daily L-leucine supplementation in novice trainees during a 12-week weight training program. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 6 (1). 38 - 50. ISSN 1555-0265
Jancovich, L (2011) Great art for everyone? Engagement and participation policy in the arts. Cultural Trends, 20 (3-4). 271 - 279. ISSN 0954-8963 DOI:
Jones, E (2011) Internationalisation, multiculturalism, a global outlook and employability. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 11. pp. 21-49. ISSN 1756-8781
Killick, D (2011) Editorial. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 11. 1 - 4. ISSN 1756-8781
Killick, D and Leggott, D (2011) Book reviews: Globalization and Internationalization in Higher Education. Theoretical, strategic and management perspectives. Edited by Felix Maringe and Nick Foskett, Continuum, 2010, 336 pages, ISBN 9781441132772 / Learning in the Global Classroom: a Guide for Students in the Multicultural University by Carol Dalglish, Peter Evans and Lynda Lawson, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011, 173 pages, ISBN 9781848448698 (hardback). Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 11. 148 - 149. ISSN 1756-8781
Leask, B (2011) Assessment, learning, teaching and internationalisation – engaging for the future. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 11. ISSN 1756-8781
Lee, C and Keegan, R and Piggott, D and Swann, C (2011) Walking the walk: A phenomenological study of long distance walking. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23 (3). 243 - 262. ISSN 1041-3200 DOI:
Leggott, DL (2011) Support for international students at Leeds Metropolitan. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 11. 107 - 118. ISSN 1756-8781
Malinowski, J and Horton, CL (2011) Re-defining discontinuity: Implications for the functions of dreaming. International Journal of Dream Research, 4 (2). 78 - 80. ISSN 1866-7953 DOI:
Manley, AJ and Backhouse, SH and McKenna, J and Whitaker, L (2011) Wii Learning: An innovative techniques for teaching sport psychology. The Higher Education Academy Psychology Network Newsletter, 59.
Manley, AJ and Whitaker, L (2011) Wii-learning: Using Active Video Games to enhance the learning experience of undergraduate sport psychology students. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 7 (2). 45 - 55. ISSN 1745-4980
Metsios, GS and Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou, A and Treharne, GJ and Nevill, AM and Sandoo, A and Panoulas, VF and Toms, TE and Koutedakis, Y and Kitas, GD (2011) Disease activity and low physical activity associate with number of hospital admissions and length of hospitalisation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther, 13 (3). R108. ISSN 1478-6362 DOI:
Miguel, C and Medina, P (2011) The Transformation of identity and privacy through Online Social Networks (The CouchSurfing case).
Morgan, JA (2011) Ethos and reform of finance systems, a tentative argument. Real World Economics Review (58). 89 - 94.
Moss, D and Richter, I (2011) Changing times of feminism and higher education: From community to employability. Gender and Education, 23 (2). 137 - 151. ISSN 0954-0253 DOI:
Nicholls, A and McKenna, J and Pohlam, R and Backhouse, SH (2011) Overtraining during Preseason: Stress and negative affective states among professional rugby union players. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 5 (3). 211 - 222. ISSN 1932-927X
Paley, CA and Bennett, MI and Johnson, MI (2011) Acupuncture for cancer-induced bone pain? Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2011. 671043 - ?. ISSN 1741-427X DOI:
Paley, CA and Johnson, MI and Tashani, OA and Bagnall, A (2011) Acupuncture for cancer pain in adults. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (1). CD007753 - ?. DOI:
Pechurina, A (2011) Russian Dolls, Icons, and Pushkin: Practicing Cultural Identity through Material Possessions in Immigration. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. ISSN 2078-1938
Ploner, J (2011) A lonesome journey? Internationalisation and the postgraduate research student experience. Assessment, Learning and Teaching Journal, 11 (Summer). 134 - 147.
Richardson, AP (2011) Be sensitive to your cross-cultural side - a reflection on course development in Events Management. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 11. 128 - 133. ISSN 1756-8781
Ridge, D and Emslie, C and White, A (2011) Understanding how men experience, express and cope with mental distress: where next? Sociology of health & illness, 33 (1). 145 - 159. ISSN 0141-9889 DOI:
Sanderson, C (2011) Reflections on an international teaching experience. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 11. 119 - 127. ISSN 1756-8781
Schreuders, ZC and McGill, T and Payne, C (2011) Empowering end users to confine their own applications: The results of a usability study comparing SELinux, AppArmor, and FBAC-LSM. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, 14 (2). ISSN 1094-9224 DOI:
Senior, AM (2011) Haunted by Henrietta: The archive, immortality and the biological arts. Contemporary Theatre Review, 21 (4). 511 - 529. ISSN 1048-6801 DOI:
Shaw, A (2011) Market segmentation and the impact of online media. Journal of Medical Marketing, 11 (3). pp. 254-262. ISSN 1745-7904 DOI:
Shore, H (2011) Criminality and Englishness in the aftermath: The racecourse wars of the 1920s. Twentieth Century British History, 22 (4). 474 - 497. ISSN 0955-2359 DOI:
Shore, H (2011) Inventing and Re-inventing the Juvenile Delinquent in British History. Memoria Y Civilizacion, 14. 105 - 132. ISSN 0300-3558
Shore, H (2011) Reforming the Juvenile in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century England. Prison Service Journal, 197. 4 - 9. ISSN 0300-3558
Smith, B and Sparkes, AC (2011) Exploring multiple responses to a chaos narrative. Health (London, England : 1997), 15 (1). 38 - 53. ISSN 1363-4593 DOI:
Snelling, AM and Saville, T and Stevens, D and Beggs, CB (2011) Comparative evaluation of the hygienic efficacy of an ultra-rapid hand dryer vs conventional warm air hand dryers. Journal of applied microbiology, 110 (1). 19 - 26. ISSN 1364-5072 DOI:
South, J and Jackson, KL and Warwick-Booth, L (2011) The community health apprentices project-the outcomes of an intermediate labour market project in the community health sector. Community, Work and Family, 14 (1). 1 - 18. ISSN 1366-8803 DOI:
Spracklen, K (2011) Dreaming of drams: Authenticity in Scottish whisky tourism as an expression of unresolved Habermasian rationalities. Leisure Studies, 30 (1). 99 - 116. ISSN 0261-4367 DOI:
Sturm, D (2011) Masculinities, affect and the (re)place(ment) of stardom in Formula One fan leisure practices. Annals of Leisure Research, 14 (2-3). 224 - 241. ISSN 1174-5398 DOI:
Sunderland, AB and Shaw, K and Hinton, G and Hope, A and Myers, D and Barrott, J and Coupe, J and Chapman, W (2011) The Yorkshire and Humber Clinical Skills Network. Simulation News (15). 11 - 12 (2).
Thorpe, R and Gold, J and Lawler, J (2011) Locating distributed leadership. International Journal of Management Reviews, 13 (3). 239 - 250. ISSN 1460-8545 DOI:
Till, C (2011) The quantification of gender: Anorexia nervosa and femininity. Health Sociology Review, 20 (4). 437 - 449. ISSN 1446-1242 DOI:
Till, K and Cobley, S and O'Hara, J and Brightmore, A and Cooke, CB and Chapman, C (2011) Using anthropometric and performance characteristics to predict selection in junior UK Rugby League players. Journal of science and medicine in sport / Sports Medicine Australia, 14 (3). 264 - 269. ISSN 1440-2440 DOI:
Troshin, PV and Postis, VL and Ashworth, D and Baldwin, SA and McPherson, MJ and Barton, GJ (2011) PIMS sequencing extension: a laboratory information management system for DNA sequencing facilities. BMC research notes, 4. 48 - ?. DOI:
White, A and McKee, M and Richardson, N and Visser, R and Madsen, SA and Sousa, BC and Hogston, R and Zatonski, W and Makara, P (2011) Europe's men need their own health strategy. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 343. d7397 - ?. ISSN 0959-8138 DOI:
Wilson, MR and Poolton, JM and Malhotra, N and Ngo, K and Bright, E and Masters, RS (2011) Development and validation of a surgical workload measure: the surgery task load index (SURG-TLX). World journal of surgery, 35 (9). 1961 - 1969. ISSN 0364-2313 DOI:
Witty, KR and White, AK and Bagnall, A and South, J (2011) Male frequent attenders of general practice and their help seeking preferences. Journal of Men's Health, 8 (1). 21 - 26. ISSN 1875-6867 DOI:
Woodall, J (2011) Social and environmental factors influencing in-prison drug use. Health Education, 112 (1). 31 - 46. ISSN 0965-4283 DOI:
Wright, R and Hind, D (2011) International Field Trips - the Tourism and Entertainment Management Field Trip to The Gambia, West Africa. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal (Leeds Met), 11 (Summer). ISSN 1756-8781
Yu, DC and Bury, JP and Tiernan, J and Waby, JS and Staton, CA and Corfe, BM (2011) Short-chain fatty acid level and field cancerization show opposing associations with enteroendocrine cell number and neuropilin expression in patients with colorectal adenoma. Molecular cancer, 10. 27 - ?. DOI:
Zhu, FF and Poolton, JM and Wilson, MR and Hu, Y and Maxwell, JP and Masters, RS (2011) Implicit motor learning promotes neural efficiency during laparoscopy. Surgical endoscopy, 25 (9). 2950 - 2955. ISSN 0930-2794 DOI:
Zivadinov, R and Poloni, GU and Marr, K and Schirda, CV and Magnano, CR and Carl, E and Bergsland, N and Hojnacki, D and Kennedy, C and Beggs, CB and Dwyer, MG and Weinstock-Guttman, B (2011) Decreased brain venous vasculature visibility on susceptibility-weighted imaging venography in patients with multiple sclerosis is related to chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency. BMC neurology, 11. 128 - ?. DOI:
Book Section
Altahhan, A (2011) "A robot visual homing model that traverses conjugate gradient TD to a variable λ TD and uses radial basis features." In: Mellouk, A, (ed.) Advances in Reinforcement Learning. INTECH, pp. 225-254. ISBN 978-953-307-369-9 DOI:
Chang, V and Wills, G and Walters, RJ (2011) "Towards business integration as a service 2.0 (BIaaS 2.0)." In: Proceedings - 2011 8th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2011. UNSPECIFIED, 341 - 346. ISBN 9780769545189 DOI:
Dean, L (2011) "Enterprise and employability: to conflate or not to conflate?" In: Kill, R and O’Rourke, K, (eds.) Inspiring Enterprise transforming Enterprise Education at Leeds Metropolitan University. Leeds Met Press, Leeds, UK. ISBN UNSPECIFIED
Diers-Lawson, AR and Hatfield, K (2011) "Shepard’s fence: An iconic image examined." In: Ross, SD and Lester, PM, (eds.) Images that Injure: Pictorial Stereptypes in the Media. Praeger, pp. 153-162. ISBN 0313378924, 978-0313378928
Dixon, SJ and Dixon, MB and Elliott, J and Guest, E and Mullier, DJ (2011) "DScentTrail: A new way of viewing deception." In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, 311 - 324. ISBN 9781447123170 DOI:
Dixon, SJ and Dixon, MB and Elliott, J and Guest, E and Mullier, DJ (2011) "A neural network for counter-terrorism." In: Res. and Dev. in Intelligent Syst. XXVIII: Incorporating Applications and Innovations in Intel. Sys. XIX - AI 2011, 31st SGAI Int. Conf. on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intel., 2011. UNSPECIFIED, 229 - 234. ISBN 9781447123170 DOI:
Gardiner, C and Lindley, E and Aspinall, L and Garthwaite, E (2011) "Management of Fluid Status in Haemodialysis Patients: The Roles of Technology and Dietary Advice, Technical Problems in Patients on Hemodialysis." In: Goretti Penido, M, (ed.) Management of Fluid Status in Haemodialysis Patients: The Roles of Technology and Dietary Advice. Intech Open. ISBN 9533074035, 9789533074030
Hudson-Miles, R (2011) "Digital Fashion." In: Eicher, J and Tortora, P, (eds.) Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, Volume 10: Global Perspectives,. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 0199757372, 978-0199757374, 9781847883995 DOI:
Hudson-Miles, R (2011) "Slow Fashion." In: Eicher, J and Tortora, P, (eds.) Berg Encyclopaedia of World Dress and Fashion, Volume 10: Global Perspectives. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781847883995 DOI:
Jones, RJ and Cope, E (2011) "Teaching Games for Understanding: an Inclusive Teaching Model." In: Hardman, K and Green, K, (eds.) Contemporary Issues in Physical Education. Meyer & Meyer Sport, 122 - 141. ISBN 978-1-84126-312-0
Karban, K and Smith, S (2011) "Health and Social Care Professionals : a holistic approach." In: Rankin, C and Brock, A, (eds.) Professionalism in the Interdisciplinary Early Years Team: Supporting Young Children and their Families. Continuum, 109 - 122 (23). ISBN 9781441194763
Long, J and Hylton, K and Lewis, H and Ratna, A and Spracklen, K (2011) "Space for inclusion? The Construction of Sport and Leisure Spaces as Places for Migrant Communities." In: Community and Inclusion in Leisure Research and Sport Development. Leisure Studies Association, 33 - 53. ISBN 9781905369256
Lyle, JWB (2011) "Sport development, sport coaching and domain specificity." In: Houlihan, B and Green, M, (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Sports Development. Routledge, London, pp. 487-500. ISBN 9780415479950
Lyle, JWB (2011) "What is a coach and what is coaching?" In: Coaching Children in Sport. Routledge, London, pp. 5-16. ISBN 9780415493918
Smith, SV (2011) "Developing enterprise skills in students: problem based learning and a student-led course conference." In: Kill, R and O'Rourke, K, (eds.) Inspiring Enterprise. Leeds Met Press, pp. 74-80. ISBN 978-1-907240-22-5
Smith, SV and Price, A (2011) "The Institute for Enterprise Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning: history, context, work and issues for future sustainability." In: Kill, R and O'Rourke, K, (eds.) Inspiring Enterprise. Leeds Met Press, Leeds, UK, pp. 2-18. ISBN 978-1-907240-22-5
Stott, CR (2011) "The Future Lifecycle of Intelligent Facades." In: Bodart, M and Evrard, A, (eds.) Proceedings of 27th International conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture: ARCHITECTURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. UCL Presses, 363 - 368 (6). ISBN 978-2-87463-276-1
Stott, CR and Martin, CL (2011) "The Nectar Project: Solar Development of Post-Industrial Urban Communities." In: Bodart, M and Evrard, A, (eds.) Proceedings of 27th International conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture: ARCHITECTURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. UCL Presses, 401 - 406 (6). ISBN 978-2-87463-277-8
Taylor, L (2011) "Nurturing enterprise in work-based learning." In: Kill, R and O'Rourke, K, (eds.) Inspiring Enterprise: transforming Enterprise Education. Leeds Met Press, Leeds, UK, 80 - 87. ISBN 978-1-907240-22-5
Caruana, V and Ploner, J (2011) A Critical Review of Contemporary Practice in Internationalisation in the Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism (HLST) Subject Communities. Project Report. Higher Education Academy.
Cross, RM and Kinsella, K and South, J (2011) An evaluation of the C-Card Scheme in Bradford District. Project Report. Bradford & Airedale NHS Trust.
Devins, D and Bickerstaffe, T and Nunn, A and Mitchell, B and McQuaid, R and Egdell, V and Lindsay, C (2011) The Role of Skills from Worklessness to Sustainable Employment with Progression. Project Report. UK Commission for Employment and Skills.
Dixon, S and Guest, E and Dixon, MB and Elliot, J and Mullier, D (2011) DScent Final Report. Technical Report. Leeds Metropolitan University.
Foweather, L and Hilland, T and Romeo-Velilla, M and McGee, C and Parnell, D (2011) SmokeFree Sports Project Report. Project Report. Liverpool John Moores University.
GIUNTOLI, G and SOUTH, J and KISELLA, K and KARBAN, K (2011) Mental health, resilience and the recession in Bradford. Project Report. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Ingle, L and Rivett, M and Long, JA (2011) Evaluation of Cycling for Health Innovative Pilot Projects - Final Report. Project Report. Government Regional Office East Midlands.
Johnston, DK and Miles-Shenton, D and Bell, M and Wingfield, J (2011) Airtightness of buildings — towards higher performance: Final Report — Domestic Sector Airtightness. Project Report. Department for Communities and Local Government.
Lofthouse, RM and Tiplady, L (2011) Creative Partnerships: Creating purpose, permission and passion for outdoor learning in school ground. Documentation. Research Centre for Learning and Teaching, Newcastle University, UK.
Nunn, A and Mailand, M and Leshke, J and Bickerstaffe, T (2011) The Role of Skills from Worklessness to Sustainable Employment with Progression: International Case Study Reports. Project Report. UK Commission for Employment and Skills.
Oreszczyn, T and Mumovic, M and Davies, M and Ridley, I and Bell, M and Smith, M and Miles-Shenton, D (2011) Condensation risk – impact of improvements to Part L and robust details on Part C Final report: BD2414. Project Report. A Report to the ODPM Building Regulations Division under the Building Operational Performance Framework.
Pattinson, C and Cross, R (2011) Does "thin client" mean "energy efficient"? Project Report. JISC.
Piggott, D and Leslie, G and Poller, G (2011) Widening Participation in Golf: Barriers to Participation and GolfMark. Project Report. English Golf Union.
South, J and Woodward, J and Rooke, S (2011) People in Public Health. Research Summary. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Widdop, PAUL and Cutts, D (2011) Cultural Consumption Mapping: Analysis of the Taking Part and Active People Surveys. Project Report. Institute for Social Change, University of Manchester.
Widdop, PAUL and Cutts, D (2011) Cultural Consumption in Scotland: Analysis of the Scottish Household Survey Culture Module. Project Report. Institute for Social Change, University of Manchester.
Wingfield, J and Bell, M and Miles-Shenton, D and South, T and Lowe, RJ (2011) Evaluating the impact of an enhanced energy performance standard on load-bearing masonry domestic construction: Understanding the gap between designed and real performance: lessons from Stamford Brook. Project Report. Communities and Local Government.
Woodward, S (2011) Developing cycle hubs in a destination – a how to guide. UNSPECIFIED. Glendale Gateway Trust.
Conference or Workshop Item
Allan, J and McKenna, J (2011) Psychological resilience and academic achievement in University Inductees. In: 13th European Congress of Sport Psychology, 12-17 July 2011, Madeira, Portugal.
Anderson, L (2011) Story Development in Cinematography. In: Talking Shop, July 4-5, 2011, BFI Southbank, London, UK.
Behringer, R and Christian, J and Krieger, H and Moore, D and Holzinger, A (2011) Interaction Design of Augmented Education Environments - Augmented and Mixed Reality for performance and training support of Aviation / Automotive Technicians. In: The CAL Conference 2011 - Learning Futures: Education, Technology and Sustainability, April 13-15, 2011, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.
Behringer, R and Curland, S and Holzinger, A (2011) Using SCORM for Interactive Teaching in Higher Education. In: The CAL Conference 2011 - Learning Futures: Education, Technology and Sustainability, April 13-15, 2011, Manchester, UK.
Boldyreff, C and Dastbaz, M and Liu, H and Arafa, Y (2011) Engineering Advanced Training Environment for Crisis Management: The Pandora Project. In: AC&T 2011 - Advances in Computing and Technology, University of East London, London, UK.
Bradley, Q (2011) New nomads: the dispossession of the consumer in social housing. In: Housing Studies Association: Housing in Hard Times: Class, Poverty and Social Exclusion, April 13-15, 2011, University of York.
Coates, C and Laxton, J and Taylor, J and Smith, SV (2011) Extending the concept of the ALPS CETL competency mapping and interprofessional assessments processes to enhance student learning and employability skills beyond Health and Social Care. In: Eden 2011, 19 June 2011 - 22 June 2011, Dublin.
Dean, L (2011) The STEEL synthesis project. In: HEA Conference. Enhancing business performance. The role of technology in developing skills and knowledge, 21 February 2011 - 21 April 2011, E Science Centre Edinburgh.
Didymus, FF and Fletcher, D (2011) Getting to the heart of the matter: An examination of swimmers’ appraisals of organizational stressors. In: The 13th FEPSAC European Congress of Sport Psychology, 12 Jul 2011 - 17 Jul 2011, Madeira, Portugal.
Didymus, FF and Fletcher, D and Sheen, J (2011) Organizational stressors, coping, and coping effectiveness in collegiate squash players. In: Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference, 20 Sep 2011 - 24 Sep 2011, Honoululu, Hawaii, USA. (Unpublished)
Didymus, FF and Hill, DM (2011) Choking under pressure: The case of elite figure skaters. In: The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Annual Conference, 06 Sep 2011 - 08 Sep 2011, University of Essex, Essex, United Kingdom. (Unpublished)
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