Items where Division is "Leeds Beckett University (pre-2020) > Carnegie > Education & Childhood" and Year is 2018

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Number of items: 63.


Beresin, A and Brown, FC and Patte, M (2018) "Brian Sutton-Smith’s Views on Play." In: Smith, PK and Roopnarine, J, (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Play: Developmental and Disciplinary Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, pp. 383-398. ISBN 9781107192515

Brown, FC (2018) Playing as a Therapeutic Device. Healing Power of the Imagination. (Unpublished)

Brown, FC (2018) "Playwork." In: Brock, A and Jarvis, P and Olusoga, EA, (eds.) Perspectives on Play: Learning for Life. Routledge, London. ISBN 0815367112, 978-0815367116

Brown, FC and Brock, A and Jarvis, P (2018) "Three Perspectives on Play." In: Brock, A and Jarvis, P and Olusoga, EA, (eds.) Perspectives on Play: Learning for Life. Routledge, London, p. 356. ISBN 0815367112, 978-0815367116

Brown, FC and Greenfields, M (2018) "Roma Children and Early Childhood Education: A Story of Discrimination." In: Roopnarine, J and Johnson, J and Quinn, S and Patte, M, (eds.) International Handbook of Early Childhood Education. Routledge. ISBN 9781138673038

Bywater, T and Berry, V and Blower, S and Cohen, J and Gridley, N and Kiernan, K and Mandefield, L and Mason-Jones, A and McGilloway, S and McKendrick, K and Pickett, K and Richardson, G and Teare, D and Tracey, L and Walker, S and Whittaker, K and Wright, J (2018) Enhancing Social-Emotional Health and Wellbeing in the Early Years (E-SEE): A Study Protocol of a Community-based Randomised Controlled Trial with Process and Economic Evaluations of the Incredible Years Infant and Toddler Parenting Programmes, delivered in a Proportionate Universal Model. BMJ Open. ISSN 2044-6055 DOI:


Clark, M and Atkinson, S and Reid, S and Bayley, J and Glazzard, J (2018) The phonics screening check 2012-2017: an independent enquiry into the views of head teachers, teachers and parents. Project Report. Newman University, Birmingham.


Dobson, T (2018) In the Woods, Alive and Kicking. Story Makers' Dialogues (1).

Dobson, T and Rose, A and Parton, G and Hart, M (2018) Boundary Crossing in School Governing Bodies: Perspectives from the Business Community. Educational Management Administration and Leadership. ISSN 1741-1432 DOI: Article information

Dobson, T and Stephenson, L (2018) Challenging boundaries to cross: primary teachers exploring drama pedagogy for creative writing with theatre educators in the landscape of performativity. Professional Development in Education. ISSN 1941-5257 DOI:

Dobson, T and Stephenson, L (2018) Preservice Teachers’ Identity-Agency With Progressive Writing Pedagogies. Global Journal of Human Science: Linguistics and Education.. ISSN 2249-460X

Doharty, N (2018) “I FELT DEAD”: Applying a racial microaggressions framework to Black students’ experiences of Black History Month and Black History. Race Ethnicity and Education, 22 (1). pp. 110-129. ISSN 1361-3324 DOI:


Florian, L and Beaton, MC (2018) Inclusive pedagogy in action: getting it right for every child. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22 (8). pp. 870-884. ISSN 1360-3116 DOI:


Glazzard, J (2018) The Role of Schools in Supporting Children and Young People’s Mental Health. Education and Health, 36 (3). ISSN 0265-1602

Glazzard, J (2018) Trainee Teachers with Dyslexia: Results of a Qualitative Study of Teachers and their Mentors. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 16 (12). ISSN 1694-2493 DOI:

Glazzard, J and Coverdale, L (2018) 'It feels like its sink or swim': newly qualified teachers' experiences of their induction year. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 17 (11). pp. 89-101.


Holbrey, C (2018) Explosive storytelling. Primary Geography, 97.


Iredale, AC and Dutton, C and Wardle, J (2018) Beyond Performance Management by Observation: An Enquiry into Effective Professional Development for Teachers across a Multi Academy Trust. In: BERA Annual Conference, 11 September 2018 - 13 September 2018, Newcastle. (Unpublished)


Joseph-Salisbury, R (2018) Black mixed-race men, perceptions of the family, and the cultivation of ‘post-racial’ resilience. Ethnicities, 18 (1). pp. 86-105. ISSN 1468-7968 DOI:



Linfield, R (2018) ‘Living History’ – an opportunity for Living Science. Primary Science, 152. ISSN 0269-2465

Linfield, R and Nabb, D and Riley, G (2018) Science Swap Shop – Science from Art. Primary Science, 153. ISSN 0269-2465

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Beyond the buzzword; why bother with coaching for CPD. In: Teacher Development Trust; Coaching in Schools, dialogue to drive performance, 14 November 2018 - 14 November 2018, Manchester Enterprise Academy, Manchester. (Unpublished)

Lofthouse, RM (2018) COACHING: putting hearts and minds into professional and personal development. In: 2nd Women Leading in Education Yorkshire and Humberside Conference 2018, 17 March 2018, Leeds. (Unpublished)

Lofthouse, RM (2018) "Changing the landscape through professional learning." In: Netolicky, D and Andrews, J and Paterson, C, (eds.) Flip the System Australia: What matters in education. Routledge. ISBN 9781138367869

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Coaching from within; Moving coaching forward by understanding its architecture. In: National Coaching Symposium, 15 June 2018, Whittlebury Hall, Towcester. (Unpublished)

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Coaching in Education: a professional development process in formation. In: 2018 ATEE Spring Conference ‘Designing Teacher Education and Professional Development for the 21st Century: Current Trends, Challenges and Directions for the Future’, 07 June 2018 - 09 June 2018, Bialystok, Poland. (Unpublished)

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Coaching in Education: a professional development process in formation. Professional Development in Education, 45 (1). pp. 33-45. ISSN 1941-5257 DOI:

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Liberating the learning; tackling the complexities of mentoring through our ‘sayings, doings and relatings’. In: Education Partnerships Conference, 05 July 2018, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Long live metacognition, lessons learned from a life in the field. CollectivED Working Papers, 4. pp. 70-76.

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Mentoring as part of the foundation for career long professional development and learnin. CollectivED Working Papers, 5. pp. 28-36.

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Mentoring; engaging with heart, mind and soul for the good of the profession. In: Developing Outstanding Mentoring across the SHU Partnership, 29 June 2018, Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished)

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Mentoring; engaging with heart, mind and soul for the good of the profession. In: Education Partnerships Conference, 05 July 2018, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Re-imagining mentoring as a dynamic hub in the transformation of initial teacher education: The role of mentors and teacher educators. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 7 (3). pp. 248-260. ISSN 2046-6854 DOI:

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Supporting children’s speech and language development through inter-professional coaching; a case study of collaboration. CollectivED Working Papers, 3. pp. 10-19.

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Talking Matters. Working Paper. Leeds Beckett University, Leeds.

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Teachers’ Learning Matters: Exploring lessons from research and practice. In: Professorial Inaugural lectures of Professor Rachel Lofthouse and Professor Jonathan Glazzard, 02 May 2018, Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Twister: Creating a professional future where teachers can lean on each other, laugh with each other and learn from each other through coaching. In: 5th Northern Rocks Education Conference 2018, 19 May 2018, Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)

Lofthouse, RM (2018) Unique places, universal professional challenges; learning from Western Quebec mentoring, coaching and induction practice. In: IPDA International Conference 2018, 16 November 2018 - 17 November 2018, Aston University, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Lofthouse, RM (2018) What is more important to the success of schools? Teacher collaboration or the management of teachers? CollectivED Working Papers, 2. pp. 16-20.

Lofthouse, RM (2018) A virtuous circle: Making the most of mentoring. The Profession: The annual publication for early career teachers (1).

Lofthouse, RM and Cowie, K (2018) Joining the dots: Using lesson study to develop metacognitive teaching. Impact: Journal of The Chartered College of Teaching, 3. ISSN 2514-6955

Lofthouse, RM and Flanagan, J and Wigley, B (2018) Talking it through: using specialist coaching to enhance teachers’ knowledge from speech and language sciences. Impact: Journal of The Chartered College of Teaching (2). pp. 85-88. ISSN 2514-6955

Long, L and Joseph-Salisbury, R (2018) Black Mixed-Race Men’s Perceptions and Experiences of the Police. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42 (2). pp. 198-215. ISSN 1466-4356 DOI:


Newman, S (2018) Vygotsky, Wittgenstein, and sociocultural theory. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 48 (3). pp. 350-368. ISSN 1468-5914 DOI:


Poynter, EA (2018) Talking Time in Children's Adventure Fiction: Which Gender Controls the Discourse? International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 7 (5). pp. 87-95. ISSN 2200-3592 DOI:


Ronchetti, P and Casarin, S (2018) Enhancing L2 skills through independent learning: the case study of Italian e-magazine. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)


Sharp, JG and Hemmings, B and Kay, R and Atkin, R (2018) Academic boredom, approaches to learning and the final-year degree outcomes of undergraduate students. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 42 (8). pp. 1055-1077. ISSN 1469-9486 DOI:

Sharp, JG and Sharp, J and Young, E (2018) Academic boredom, engagement and the achievement of undergraduate students at university: a review and synthesis of relevant literature. Research Papers in Education. ISSN 1470-1146 DOI:

Spratt, J and Anderson, K and Beaton, M and Rahko-Ravantti, R (2018) Seeing education with northern eyes: University of the Arctic Thematic Network for Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education. Education in the North, 25 (1-2). pp. 175-180. ISSN 0424-5512


Takriti, RL and Elhoweris, H and Atkinson, SJ (2018) Examining the Expectations of Early Years Teachers in the UAE Regarding a Successful Start to School for Children With and Without Special Educational Needs. Early Child Development and Care. ISSN 0300-4430 DOI:

Tate, S (2018) "Border bodies: Mixedness and passing in Prison Break." In: Grzinic, M, (ed.) Border Thinking. Stenberg Press, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-95679-383-7

Tate, S (2018) Too dark skinned to win Strictly: Alexandra Burke, race hate and why love still matters. Beauty Demands.

Tate, S and Arshad Mather, N (2018) "Visioning Muslim women leaders and organizational leadership in the 21st century." In: Broadbridge, A and Fielden, S, (eds.) Research Handbook of Diversity and Careers. Edward Elgar, pp. 292-307. ISBN 978178536 5591 DOI:

Tate, S and Gopinath, G and Hemmings, C and Dahl, U and Kennedy-Macfoy, M and Sunden, J and Galvez Munoz, L and Martinez Jimenez, L (2018) Femininity revisited – A round table. European Journal of Women's Studies, 25 (3). pp. 384-393. ISSN 1350-5068 DOI:

Tate, S and Page, D (2018) Whiteliness and institutional racism: Hiding behind (un)conscious bias. Ethics and Education, 13 (1). pp. 141-155. ISSN 1744-9642 DOI:


Wilde, A (2018) Troubling images? The re-presentation of disabled womanhood: Britain’s Missing Top Model. Journal of Popular Television, 6 (1). pp. 41-58. ISSN 2046-9861 DOI:

Wilde, A and Millett, S (2018) Watching ‘Freaks’ – young people negotiating what it is to be human. In: Leeds Beckett Media Research Festival, 19 January 2018 - 19 January 2018, Rose Bowl, Leeds Beckett University.

Wilde, A and Sheldon, A and Crawshaw, G (2018) Talking about the shape of water: Three women dip their toes in. Disability and Society, 33 (9). pp. 1528-1532. ISSN 0968-7599 DOI:

Wilde, A and ap Gruffudd, GS and Spencer, LH and Payne, JS (2018) Poverty, Education, and Cultural Wealth in Welsh Schools and Communities. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2018, 10 April 2018 - 12 April 2018, Northumbria University.

Wilkinson, C (2018) "Implementing a cross-curricular digital project into a PGCE computer science initial teacher education course." In: 2017 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys). IEEE, pp. 751-756. ISBN 978-1-5090-6436-6, 978-1-5090-6435-9 DOI:

Wilkinson, C (2018) Third Edition of the Training and Assessment Toolkit Reflections/Discussion (NASBTT 2018). CollectiveEd.


Zervas, K and Glazzard, J (2018) Sport Management Student as Producer: Embedding Critical Management Studies in Sport through Contemporary Pedagogy. Sport Education and Society, 23 (9). pp. 928-937. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:

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