Items where Year is 2010

Avramidis, S and McKenna, J and Long, JA and Butterly, R and Llewellyn, DJ (2010) Application for the 4W Model of Drowning for Prevention, Rescue and Treatment, Research and Education.
Avramidis, S and Stallman, RK (2010) Proceedings of the Lifesaving Foundation’s 2010 Research Conference & Ireland Medal Ceremony.
Baker, G and Maynard, M and Rawlins, E and Harding, S (2010) Developing obesity prevention interventions among minority ethnic children in schools and places of worship: The DEAL study. Obesity Reviews, 11 (Suppl). 456 - 456. ISSN 1467-789X DOI:
Baldaro Booth, R (2010) The Music Studio Challenge: effective practice in developing enterprise and employability skills while supporting transition. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. pp. 18-21. ISSN 1756-8781
Beggs, CB and Shepherd, SJ and Kerr, KG (2010) Potential for airborne transmission of infection in the waiting areas of healthcare premises: stochastic analysis using a Monte Carlo model. BMC infectious diseases, 10. 247 - ?. DOI:
Bell, M (2010) Getting real on ‘zero’. CIBSE Journal (12). 5 - 5 (1). ISSN 1759-846X
Bentley, G and Bailey, D and Shutt, J (2010) From rdas to LEPS: A new localism? Case examples of West Midlands and Yorkshire. Local Economy, 25 (7). 535 - 557. ISSN 0269-0942 DOI:
Berrie, M and Naven, L and Bell, I (2010) Engaging employers in the provision of work-related learning. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 10. pp. 37-39. ISSN 1756-8781
Boettinger, F and Timmis, IG and Park, J (2010) Self Directed Noticing for Defossilisation: Three Case Studies. International Journal of English Studies, 10 (1). 43 - 64. ISSN 1578-7044
Boyle, S and Talbot, JC and Bismil, Q and Schilders, E (2010) Arthroscopic removal of a plastic soft drink bottle cap in the knee: a case report. Cases journal, 3. 72 - ?. DOI:
Branine, M and Pollard, D (2010) Human resource management with Islamic management principles: A dialectic for a reverse diffusion in management. Personnel Review, 39 (6). 712 - 727. ISSN 0048-3486 DOI:
Branney, P and Hiley, C (2010) Reply by the Authors. Urology, 75 (3). 751 - 752. ISSN 0090-4295 DOI:
Branney, P and Robertson, S and Jain, S (2010) Choosing treatment for localised prostate cancer: a patient-conducted-interview study. Psychology & Health, 25 (Supple). 164 - ?. DOI:
Brealey, SD and Andronis, L and Dennis, L and Atwell, C and Bryan, S and Coulton, S and Cox, H and Cross, B and Fylan, F and Garratt, A and Gilbert, F and Gillan, M and Hendry, M and Hood, K and Houston, H and King, D and Morton, V and Robling, M and Russell, I and Wilkinson, C (2010) Participants' preference for type of leaflet used to feed back the results of a randomised trial: a survey. Trials, 11. 116 - ?. DOI:
Cardoso-Castro, P and Camacho, C (2010) La Problematica Ambiental y los Centros de Desarrolo Academico. Poliantea, 6 (11). pp. 253-270. ISSN 2145-3101 DOI:
Carless, D (2010) Who the hell was that? Stories, bodies and actions in the world. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 7 (4). 332 - 344. DOI:
Carter, L (2010) Community Enterprise: success stories of engaging students in social enterprise. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. pp. 15-18. ISSN 1756-8781
Cartledge, J (2010) An enquiry-based and self-developmental approach to employability at the University of Birmingham. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 10. pp. 18-20. ISSN 1756-8781
Casey, DC and Egan, D (2010) The use of professional portfolios and profiles for career enhancement. British journal of community nursing, 15 (11). 547 - 552. ISSN 1462-4753
Coates, C and Smith, S (2010) Promoting the concept of competency maps to enhance the student learning experience. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 10. 21 - 25. ISSN 1756-8781
Crossan, M and McTavish, A and Bayley, V (2010) The reality of employer engagement in work-based learning. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 10. pp. 33-36. ISSN 1756-8781
Curwin, J (2010) Using the principles of digital storytelling for student engagement and assessment. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 9. pp. 16-18. ISSN 1756-8781
Dart, JJ (2010) Review essay. The Damned Life of Brian. Sport in Society, 13 (3). pp. 530-559. ISSN 1743-0437 DOI:
Dashper, K (2010) 'It's a Form of Freedom': The experiences of people with disabilities within equestrian sport. Annals of Leisure Research, 13 (1-2). 86 - 101. ISSN 1174-5398 DOI:
Dean, L (2010) Editorial. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 10. p. 2. ISSN 1756-8781
Dean, L (2010) Enterprise and employability: to conflate or not to conflate? Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal (Leeds Met), Number 8 (Spring), pp.21-23., 8. 21 - 23. ISSN 1756-8781
Deignan, T (2010) Using activity theory and Q methodology to model activity and subjectivity in enterprise education. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. 37 - 41. ISSN 1756-8781
Diers-Lawson, AR and Tomaino, K (2010) Comparing Strawberries and Quandongs: A Cross-National Analysis of Crisis Response Strategies. Observatorio, 4 (3). ISSN 1646-5954
Dillon, MJ and Tannehill, D and O'Sullivan, M (2010) LEARNING TO TEACH ADVENTURE EDUCATION: PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ PERSPECTIVES AND EXPERIENCES. Physical Education, Physical Activity and Youth Sport.
El Dief, M and Font, X (2010) The determinants of hotels' marketing managers' green marketing behaviour. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18 (2). 157 - 174. ISSN 0966-9582 DOI:
Elders, V and Sheehan, S and Wilson, AD and Levesley, M and Bhakta, B and Mon-Williams, M (2010) Head-torso-hand coordination in children with and without developmental coordination disorder. Developmental medicine and child neurology, 52 (3). 238 - 243. ISSN 0012-1622 DOI:
FAIRBAIRN, G (2010) Can you have bullying without a bully?
FAIRBAIRN, G (2010) 'Who is responsible when 'attempted suicide' goes wrong?
Fitzgerald, P (2010) Enhancing employability in a final-year undergraduate module using groupwork and peer assessment. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 10. 3 - 5. ISSN 1756-8781
Gibbs, G (2010) Book review: Using assessment to support student learning. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 9. p. 44. ISSN 1756-8781
Gillibrand, WP and Holdich, P (2010) Supporting people with diabetes related stress and depression. Practice Nursing, 21. pp. 362-365. ISSN 0964-9271 DOI:
Gold, J (2010) Problem-based leadership: nurturing managers during turbulent times. Business Strategy Series, 11 (3). 145 - 151. ISSN 1751-5637 DOI:
Gorra, A and Kornilaki, M (2010) Grounded theory: experiences of two studies with a focus on axial coding and the use of the NVivo qualitative analysis software. Methodology: Innovative approaches to research, 1. 30 - 32. ISSN 2043-698X
Halafihi, NG (2010) Academic reflections between Polynesian tattooing and reflective practice. The Assessment, Learning and Teaching Journal, 9 (Summer). 37 - 41 (5).
Hall, G (2010) Using new technologies to develop Student Y. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 9. pp. 10-11. ISSN 1756-8781
Hanley, B and Bissas, A (2010) Gait parameters differences between the legs during race walking. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27 (Supple). ISSN 1466-447X
Harte, VA and Stewart, J (2010) Enterprise education: now you see it, now you don’t! Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. 30 - 33. ISSN 1756-8781
Harte, VA and Stewart, J (2010) Evaluating the impact of enterprise education. Or is it entrepreneurship education? It’s not as easy as you think! Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. 33 - 36. ISSN 1756-8781
Horsfall, JM and Pitt, K (2010) How green in our library? Relay - The Journal of the University, College and Research Group, 61. 30 - 36.
Hylton, K (2010) How a turn to critical race theory can contribute to our understanding of 'race', racism and anti-racism in sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 45 (3). 335 - 354. ISSN 1012-6902 DOI:
Ingle, L (2010) Pre-Participation Cardiac Screening: consideration for Young Athletes. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 5 (8). pp. 381-384. ISSN 1749-6403
Ingle, L (2010) Pre-participation Cardiac Screening in Young Athletes: Models and Criteria. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 5 (9). pp. 426-432. ISSN 1749-6403 DOI:
Jankowska, M (2010) Concept mapping - a reflective tool in Personal Development Planning. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 10. pp. 14-17. ISSN 1756-8781
Jones, GL and Palep-Singh, M and Ledger, WL and Balen, AH and Jenkinson, C and Campbell, MJ and Lashen, H (2010) Do South Asian women with PCOS have poorer health-related quality of life than Caucasian women with PCOS? A comparative cross-sectional study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 8. p. 149. ISSN 1477-7525 DOI:
Jones, RJ and Cope, E (2010) Thinking (and feeling) outside the box: Affect and the teaching of games. Physical Education Matters, 5. 16 - 19.
Jones, S (2010) Stuck in neutral? HE entrepreneurship and enterprise education and gender. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. ISSN 1756-8781
Kenyon, A (2010) Exploring enterprising partnerships with West Yorkshire Police. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal (Leeds Met), 8 (Spring). 12 - 15.
Kor, AL and Bennett, B (2010) Reasoning mechanism for cardinal direction relations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6304 L. 32 - 41. ISSN 0302-9743 DOI:
Lang, M and Light, R (2010) Interpreting and Implementing the Long Term Athlete Development Model: English Swimming Coaches’ Views on the (Swimming) LTAD in Practice. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 5 (3). pp. 389-402. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Lloyd, R and Hind, K and Parr, B and Davies, S and Cooke, CB (2010) The Extra Load Index as a method for comparing the relative economy of load carriage systems. Ergonomics, 53 (12). 1500 - 1504. ISSN 0014-0139 DOI:
Lloyd, R and Parr, B and Davies, S and Cooke, CB (2010) No 'free ride' for African women: A comparison of head-loading versus back-loading among Xhosa women. South African Journal of Science, 106 (3-4). ISSN 0038-2353 DOI:
Lloyd, R and Parr, B and Davies, S and Partridge, T and Cooke, CB (2010) A comparison of the physiological consequences of head-loading and back-loading for African and European women. European journal of applied physiology, 109 (4). 607 - 616. ISSN 1439-6319 DOI:
Lyle, JWB (2010) Holism in sports coaching: Beyond humanistic psychology: A commentary. International journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 5 (4). pp. 449-452. ISSN 1747-9541
López-Pastor, VM and Arribas, JCM and Aguado, RM and Fernández, JMG (2010) Formative assessment in project-oriented learning to improve academic performance. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 9. ISSN 1756-8781
Maheshwari, V (2010) Place branding and the Liverpool ’08 brand campaign in 'City of Liverpool'. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the University Network of European Capitals of Culture. 119 - 126. ISSN 2068-2123
Manley, A and Greenlees, I and Thelwell, R and Smith, M (2010) Athletes' use of reputation and gender information when forming initial expectancies of coaches. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 5 (4). 517 - 532. ISSN 1747-9541 DOI:
Manley, AJ (2010) The Supervision Process through the Eyes of the Supervisor. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 6 (2). 43 - 46. ISSN 1745-4980
Martin, I (2010) Materiality, modernity and space: the British banks and their computer centres, 1961-1963.
Matheson, CB and Matheson, DJ and Saunders, JH and Howarth, C (2010) The views of doctors in their first year of medical practice on the lasting impact of a preparation for house officer course they undertook as final year medical students. BMC Medical Education, 10:48. ISSN 1472-6920 DOI:
Maynard, MJ and Harding, S (2010) Ethnic differences in psychological well-being in adolescence in the context of time spent in family activities. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 45 (1). 115 - 123. ISSN 0933-7954 DOI:
Maynard, MJ and Harding, S (2010) Perceived parenting and psychological well-being in UK ethnic minority adolescents. Child: care, health and development, 36 (5). 630 - 638. ISSN 0305-1862 DOI:
Metsios, GS and Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou, A and Sandoo, A and van Zanten, JJ and Toms, TE and John, H and Kitas, GD (2010) Vascular function and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis: the role of physical activity. Open Cardiovasc Med J, 4. pp. 89-96. ISSN 1874-1924 DOI:
Morris, D and Watson, A (2010) Leeds Met Library Facebook application. SCONUL Focus, 48. 23 - 24.
Moss, D (2010) Memory, space and time: Researching children's lives. Childhood, 17 (4). 530 - 544. ISSN 0907-5682 DOI:
Moss, D and Richter, I (2010) Understanding young people's transitions in university halls through space and time. Young, 18 (2). 157 - 176. ISSN 1103-3088 DOI:
Mulligan, JA (2010) Bringing creativity, risk and reality into the classroom. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. 9 - 11. ISSN 1756-8781
Nabi, G and Holden, R and Walmsley, A (2010) Entrepreneurial intentions among students: towards a re-focused research agenda. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 17 (4). 537 - 551. ISSN 1758-7840 DOI:
Naven, L and Berrie, M and Bell, I (2010) Work-related learning in undergraduate non-vocational courses: a case study. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 10. pp. 40-43. ISSN 1756-8781
Newton, LAA and Cowham, E and Sharp, D and Leslie, R and Davis, J (2010) Plumbagin: A natural product for smart materials? New Journal of Chemistry, 34 (3). 395 - 397. ISSN 1144-0546 DOI:
Norry, J (2010) Influencing skills: a how-to guide, or, How to get what you want without making enemies. SCONUL Focus, 48.
O'Rourke, K (2010) Enhancing and embedding enterprise. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. pp. 3-5. ISSN 1756-8781
O'Rourke, K (2010) A pioneering approach to engaging students in enterprise. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. pp. 6-8. ISSN 1756-8781
Oliver, S and Bagnall, A and Thomas, J and Shepherd, J and Sowden, A and White, I and Dinnes, J and Rees, R and Colquitt, J and Oliver, K and Garrett, Z (2010) Randomised controlled trials for policy interventions: a review of reviews and meta-regression. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 14 (16). 1 - iii. ISSN 1366-5278 DOI:
Parkin, CM and Lanfear, E (2010) Information literacy clinics: creativity on prescription. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 9. 27 - 29. ISSN 1756-8781
Pechurina, A (2010) Чалфен Р. Семейные фотографии как коммуникация посредством изображений / Пер. с англ. А.В. Печуриной. Социологический журнал, 2. pp. 98-117. ISSN 1684-1581
Pechurina, A (2010) Увидеть необычное в обычном: исследования семейной фотографии. Социологический журнал, 2. pp. 92-97. ISSN 1562-2495
Phoenix, C and Smith, B and Sparkes, AC (2010) Narrative analysis in aging studies: A typology for consideration. Journal of Aging Studies, 24 (1). 1 - 11. ISSN 0890-4065 DOI:
Pusey, A (2010) Social centres and the new cooperativism of the common. Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action.
Race, P (2010) Making enterprise happen. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. pp. 27-29. ISSN 1756-8781
Rayner, A (2010) Editorial. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 9. p. 2. ISSN 1756-8781
Samy, M and Odemilin, G and Bampton, R (2010) Corporate social responsibility: A strategy for sustainable business success. An analysis of 20 selected British companies. Corporate Governance, 10 (2). 203 - 217. ISSN 1472-0701 DOI:
Sawada, D and Kentel, J (2010) Educating Seth: An Ecosophical Conversation. Trumpeter, 26 (3). ISSN 1705-9429
Schrettl, M and Carberry, S and Kavanagh, K and Haas, H and Jones, GW and O'Brien, J and Nolan, A and Stephens, J and Fenelon, O and Doyle, S (2010) Self-protection against gliotoxin--a component of the gliotoxin biosynthetic cluster, GliT, completely protects Aspergillus fumigatus against exogenous gliotoxin. PLoS pathogens, 6 (6). e1000952 - ?. ISSN 1553-7366 DOI:
Shaw, RA and Lee, J (2010) Met mates: the development and evaluation of a course-specific social network site for pre-registration Nursing students. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 9. 12 - 15. ISSN 1756-8781
Shelton, J and Webb, G (2010) EuroFone: calling all language learners. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 9. ISSN 1756-8781
Shepherd, SJ and Beggs, CB and Smith, CF and Kerr, KG and Noakes, CJ and Sleigh, PA (2010) Effect of negative air ions on the potential for bacterial contamination of plastic medical equipment. BMC infectious diseases, 10. 92 - ?. DOI:
Sheppard, NE (2010) Learning How to Play Nicely: Repositories and CRIS. Ariadne, 64. DOI:
Shubita, M and Al-Sharkas, A (2010) Causal relations among different sizes of stock returns, interest rates, real activity, and inflation. Banking and Finance Review, 2 (1). pp. 95-106. ISSN 1947-7945
Smith, J and Chapman, FB and Cooke, B and Moore, D and Rotheram, B and Sanderson, C and Timmis, I and Tum, J (2010) Scousers, traffic lights and the ‘red’ bits of Peer Observation of Teaching. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 9. 3 - 6. ISSN 1756-8781
Smith, SV (2010) Editorial. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. 2 - 2. ISSN 1756-8781
Speight, H (2010) Darwinism and the Durham Award: the missing link between education, employment and engagement. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 10. ISSN 1756-8781
Spracklen, K and Timmins, S and Long, J (2010) Ethnographies of the imagined, the imaginary and the critically real: Blackness, whiteness, the north of England and rugby league. Leisure Studies, 29 (4). 397 - 414. ISSN 0261-4367 DOI:
Stevenson, J (2010) Student employability and enterprise: a widening participation perspective. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. pp. 24-27. ISSN 1756-8781
Strange, I and Long, JA (2010) Cultural Policy in Leeds. The Yorkshire and Humber Regional Review, 19 (2). 26 - 27.
Sutcliffe, NMG (2010) The state of the art: development of the research degree in the UK: part 1. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 9. 34 - 36. ISSN 1756-8781
Tapp, RJ and O'Neil, A and Shaw, JE and Zimmet, PZ and Oldenburg, BF and AusDiab Study Group (2010) Is there a link between components of health-related functioning and incident impaired glucose metabolism and type 2 diabetes? The Australian Diabetes Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study. Diabetes Care, 33 (4). pp. 757-762. ISSN 1935-5548 DOI:
Tashani, OA and Johnson, MI (2010) Avicenna's concept of pain. The Libyan journal of medicine, 5. 164 - 165. ISSN 1993-2820 DOI:
Thomas, C (2010) What KUBIS did: creating educational space for small and medium-sized enterprises. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 10. pp. 48-50. ISSN 1756-8781
Till, K and Cobley, S and Wattie, N and O'Hara, J and Cooke, CB and Chapman, C (2010) The prevalence, influential factors and mechanisms of relative age effects in UK Rugby League. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 20 (2). 320 - 329. ISSN 0905-7188 DOI:
Waby, JS and Chirakkal, H and Yu, C and Griffiths, GJ and Benson, RS and Bingle, CD and Corfe, BM (2010) Sp1 acetylation is associated with loss of DNA binding at promoters associated with cell cycle arrest and cell death in a colon cell line. Molecular cancer, 9. 275 - ?. DOI:
Ward, R and Strivens, J (2010) How e-portfolio technologies can support the employer engagement agenda. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 10. pp. 44-47. ISSN 1756-8781
Warnock, N (2010) Opinion: Enterprise education or entrepreneurial graduates? Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 8. pp. 45-46. ISSN 1756-8781
Warwick, T (2010) Middlesbrough's steel magnates and the Guild of Help. Cleveland History. ISSN 0966-0704
Webb, G (2010) Enhancing the employability of language graduates. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 10. pp. 30-32. ISSN 1756-8781
Whitrow, MJ and Harding, S and Maynard, MJ (2010) The influence of parental smoking and family type on saliva cotinine in UK ethnic minority children: a cross sectional study. BMC public health, 10. 262 - ?. DOI:
Wilkinson, K (2010) Reflection: The Learn With Leeds Met project. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 9. pp. 42-43. ISSN 1756-8781
Wilson, AD and Snapp-Childs, W and Bingham, GP (2010) Perceptual learning immediately yields new stable motor coordination. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance, 36 (6). 1508 - 1514. ISSN 0096-1523 DOI:
Wilson, JL (2010) Information Smoothies: embedding information skills in assessed learning. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal (Leeds Met) (9).
Woodall, J (2010) Exploring concepts of health with male prisoners in three category-C English prisons. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 48 (4). 115 - 122. ISSN 1463-5240 DOI:
Yu, DC and Waby, JS and Chirakkal, H and Staton, CA and Corfe, BM (2010) Butyrate suppresses expression of neuropilin I in colorectal cell lines through inhibition of Sp1 transactivation. Molecular cancer, 9. 276 - ?. DOI:
Zulu, S and Smith, M and Douglas, I (2010) A Reflective Evaluation of Group Assessment. The Assessment Learning & Teaching Journal, 9. 19 - 22.
Book Section
Chang, V and Bacigalupo, D and Wills, G and De Roure, D (2010) "A categorisation of cloud computing business models." In: CCGrid 2010 - 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing, 2010. UNSPECIFIED, 509 - 512. ISBN 9781424469871 DOI:
Chang, V and Wills, G and De Roure, D (2010) "A review of cloud business models and sustainability." In: Proceedings - 2010 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing, CLOUD 2010. UNSPECIFIED, 43 - 50. ISBN 9780769541303 DOI:
Cushion, CJ (2010) "Conceptual development in sports coaching." In: Lyle, J, (ed.) Sports Coaching: Professionalisation and Practice. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9780702030543
Hoang, D (2010) "Does compliance with codes of conduct make workers better off?: : A study at three garment factories in Vietnam." In: Siltaoja, M and Lämsä, A-M and Kujala, J, (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th EBEN Research Conference 2010. University of Jyväskylä Press, Finland, 86 - 99. ISBN 978-951-39-3876-5
Kor, AL and Orange, G (2010) "A survey of epistemology and its implications for an organisational information and knowledge management model." In: Innovative Knowledge Management: Concepts for Organizational Creativity and Collaborative Design. UNSPECIFIED, 95 - 124. ISBN 9781605667010 DOI:
Lyle, JWB (2010) "Coaches' decision making: a Naturalistic Decision making analysis." In: Lyle, J, (ed.) Sports Coaching: Professionalisation and Practice. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp. 27-42. ISBN 9780702030543
Lyle, JWB (2010) "Narrowing the field: Some key questions about sports coaching." In: Lyle, J and Cushion, C, (eds.) Sports Coaching: Professionalisation and Practice. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp. 243-252. ISBN 9780702030543
Lyle, JWB (2010) "Planning for team sports." In: Lyle, J and Cushion, C, (eds.) Sports Coaching: Professionalisation and Practice. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp. 85-98. ISBN 9780702030543
Lynn, A and Lyle, J (2010) "Coaching workforce development." In: Lyle, J, (ed.) Sports Coaching: Professionalisation and Practice. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp. 193-208. ISBN 9780702030543
Raj, R and Walters, P (2010) "Corporate Events." In: Tassiopoulos, D, (ed.) Event Management. Juta Legal and Academic Publishers. ISBN 978-0702177798
Raj, R and Walters, P (2010) "Festivals." In: Tassiopoulos, D, (ed.) Event Management. Juta Legal and Academic Publishers. ISBN 9780702177798
Strange, I and Usher, D (2010) "Evaluation of Public Art - Frameworks, Logic Models and Emerging Impact." In: Devins, D and Long, P and Koutsoukos, S, (eds.) A Collection of Essays on Place, Skills and Governance in the Yorkshire and Humber Region. Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK, 35 - 44. ISBN 1907240136, 9781907240133
Abraham, A and Muir, B and Morgan, G (2010) UK Centre for Coaching Excellence Scoping Project Report: National and International Best Practice in Level 4 Coach Development. Project Report. Sports Coach UK.
Bassett, D and Mulligan, J and Dewhurst, D and Thomas, R and Wood, E and Bowdin, G and O'Brien, D and Tum, J (2010) Engaging Students Engaging Industry Engaging Enterprise. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Bell, M and Wingfield, J and Miles-Shenton, D and Seavers, J (2010) Low carbon housing: lessons from Elm Tree Mews. Project Report. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Blake, B and Mulligan, JA (2010) PES Celebration. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Campbell, J and Folley, D and Pattinson, J and Paddock, S (2010) INN Placement Website. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Campbell, J and Lazarevski, S and Calvert, M (2010) Forensic flavour. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Caruana, V and Ploner, J (2010) Internationalisation and Equality and Diversity in Higher Education: Merging Identities. Project Report. Equality Challenge Unit (ECU).
Cockcroft, TW and Bryant, R (2010) An Evaluation of Shepway Community Safety Unit's 'Four Shots and a Funeral' DVD. Other. UNSPECIFIED.
Cushion, CJ and Nelson, L and Armour, K and Lyle, J and Jones, R and Sandford, R and O'Callaghan, C (2010) Coach learning and development: A review of literature. Project Report. Sports Coach UK, Leeds.
Daley, CP and Jemicz, M and Lodorfos, G and Smith, S and Ridley, AM (2010) First year student experience. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Dean, AA (2010) Engaging students in ethical debates. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Deignan, T (2010) Creative enterprise in west Yorkshire Arts organisations. Project Report. West Yorkshire Lifelong Learning Network, Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Devins, DM and Stewart, J and Iles, P (2010) From Shop floor to top floor. An exploratory study of sustainable progression in the retial sector: the case of Morrisons. Project Report. Leeds Metropolitan University. DOI: 978-1-907240-14-0
Duffy, P (2010) South African Coaching Framework: Scoping report. Project Report. UK Sport.
Fieldhouse, E and Widdop, P and Ling, R and Li, Y and Cutts, D and Morales, L (2010) CIVIC LIFE: Evidence Base for the Triennial Review. Project Report. Institute For Social Change - University of Manchester.
Gorra, A and Chippindale, P (2010) Podcasting. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Halafihi, NG (2010) Enterprise in the sports industry - business simulation & engagement. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Harte, VA and Stewart, J (2010) Evaluation of 'Advanced Database Management' module. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL), Leeds, UK.
Harte, VA and Stewart, J (2010) Evaluation of 'Business Enterprise' Module. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL), Leeds, UK.
Harte, VA and Stewart, J (2010) Student experiences of enterprise education. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Harte, VA and Stewart, J (2010) An evaluation of Simventure. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL), Leeds, UK.
Ingle, L and Rivett, M and Long, JA (2010) Cycling and Health Innovative Pilot Projects (Executive summary). Project Report. Cycling England (led by the Directorate of Public Health, East Midlands and the Carnegie Research Insitute).
Kenyon, AJ and Singh, B and Wheldon, L and Lavelle, S (2010) Burglary project. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Lofthouse, RM and Leat, D and Towler, C (2010) Improving Teacher Coaching in Schools; A Practical Guide. Project Report. National College for Teaching and Leadership.
Nunn, A and Bickerstaffe, T and Jassi, S and Wymer, P (2010) Early effects of the economic downturn on the Welfare to Work System in deprived areas (WP83). Working Paper. Department for Work and Pensions.
Nunn, A and Bickerstaffe, T and Mitchell, B (2010) International Review of Performance Management Systems in Public Employment Services. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. DOI: 978 1 84712 664 1
Nunn, A and Jassi, S (2010) Jobcentre Plus Jobseeker's Allowance off-flow rates: Key Management Indicator Post-Implementation Review. Project Report. HMSO.
SOUTH, J and BRANNEY, P and WHITE, J and Gamsu, M (2010) Engaging the public in delivering health improvement: Research Briefing. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds. (Unpublished)
SOUTH, J and RAINE, G and WHITE, J (2010) Community Health Champions: Evidence Review. Project Report. Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds. (Unpublished)
SOUTH, J and ROBINSON, M and RAINE, G (2010) Altogether Better - Mental Health and Employment. Thematic evaluation summary. Project Report. Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Observatory, Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Observatory.
Sahota, P and Wordley, J and Woodward, J (2010) Literature Review - Health behaviour change models and approaches for families and young people to support HEAT 3: Child Healthy Weight Programmes. Project Report. NHS Health Scotland.
Sanderson, C and Neal, M (2010) Social Enterprise Education for Health Care Professionals. Project Report. Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Shutt, J and Kumi-Ampofo, F (2010) Evolutionary Devolution - Building Strategic Capacity: The Next Steps for Functional Sub-Regions in Yorkshire 2009-2012. Project Report. Local government Yorkshire and the Humber- LGYH.
Smith, SV and Coates, C (2010) Collaborative working across CETLs at Leeds Metropolitan University. Project Report. CETL ALPS (Assessment and Learning in Practice Settings).
South, J and Meah, A and Bagnall, A and Kinsella, K and Branney, P and White, J and Gamsu, M (2010) People in Public Health - a study of approaches to develop and support people in public health roles. Project Report. Report for the National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation programme, Leeds Metropolitan University.
South, J and White, J and Raine, G (2010) Community health champions: Evidence summary. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED, Leeds. (Unpublished)
South, J and White, J and Woodall, J (2010) Altogether Better Community Health Champions and Empowerment: Thematic evaluation summary. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Thomson, S (2010) Unicycle Project Report. Project Report. Higher Education Academy/JISC Open Educational Resources Programme.
WOODALL, J and RAINE, G and SOUTH, J and WARWICK-BOOTH, L (2010) Empowerment & health and well-being: evidence review. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Witty, KR and White, A (2010) The Tackling Men's Health Evaluation Study. UNSPECIFIED. Centre for Men’s Health. Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK.
Woodward, SC (2010) Review of current economic impact and development potential of wildlife tourism in East Yorkshire - Research Study. Project Report. Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.
Conference or Workshop Item
Alabas, OA and Tashani, OA and Tabasam, G and Johnson, MI (2010) Gender role expectation of pain predicts response to experimentally-induced pain in healthy Libyan participants. In: 13th World Congress of the International Study of Pain Congress, Montreal, Canada.
Allan, J (2010) Physical Resilience: From Surviving to Thriving...Adventure and the tightrope of resilience in Higher Education. In: Resilience: Counselling and Coaching for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK.
Anderson, V and Griggs, V and Holden, R and Stewart, J and Tame, G (2010) Teaching, learning and assessment in HRD: Innovation and creativity or more or the same? In: BMAF Annual Conference 2010: Assessment & Assessment Standards: Challenges for Business Education, April 20-21, 2010, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Branney, J and Fenton, G and McArthur, K and Branney, P and Mowat, E (2010) Was it worth it? Psychological support and the Leeds Community Diabetes Service. In: 6th National Primary Care Diabetes Society Conference - Ensuring a new decade of high quality diabetes care, 19-20 November 2010, Birmingham. (Unpublished)
Branney, P and Robertson, S and Jain, S (2010) Choosing treatment for localised prostate cancer: A patient-conducted-interview study. In: “Health in context”: 24th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 1st - 4th September 2010, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. DOI:
Branney, P and Witty, K and Eardley, I (2010) Conducting interviews about penile cancer: A patient-conducted-interview study. In: 24th European Health Psychology Conference: Health in Context, Cluj-Napoca, September 1-4, 2010, Romania.
Cardoso-Castro, P (2010) Facilitating self-organisation in non-hierarchical communities: A methodology for regeneration programs. In: Northern Leadership Academy Fellows 2009 Conference, 09 October 2009 - 10 October 2009, University of Leeds.
Chang, V and Wills, G and De Roure, D (2010) Cloud business models and sustainability: impacts for businesses and e-research. In: UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2010, Software Sustainability Workshop, 13-16 September 2010, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Chang, V and Wills, G and De Roure, D and Chee, C (2010) Investigating the cloud computing business framework – modelling and benchmarking of financial assets and job submissions in clouds. In: UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2010, Research Clouds: Hype or Reality Workshop, 13 - 16 Sep 2010, Cardiff, GB.
Coates, C and Smith, S (2010) Embedding the concept of competency maps to improve the student learning experience and preparation for work based learning and employability. In: International Conference on Assessment and Learning in Practice.
Coates, C and Taylor, J (2010) Promoting the concept of competency maps and interprofessional assessments linked to e-portfolios to enhance the student learning experience in preparation for work based learning, employability and life long learning. In: Eden Conference, 9th - 12th June 2010, Valencia, Spain.
Darbyshire, K and Waterworth, G and Webb, DC (2010) The Investigation of Pump Performance and Evaluation over the Internet. In: 20th CIRP Design Conference, April 19 - 21, 2010, Nantes, France.
Holden, R and Griggs, V (2010) Power and influence in Human Resource Development: teaching the politics of HRD on a professional programme. In: Critical Perspectives on Lifelong Learning Conference, Leeds, UK.
Jarzabkowski, P and Giulietti, M and Amoo, NA and Oliveira, B (2010) The Use and Value of Strategy Tools in the Different Stages of the Strategy Process. In: The Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference on the Intersections of Strategy Processes and Strategy Practices, 17 March 2010 - 20 March 2010, Finland.
Manley, AJ and Luis-Pascual, J-C (2010) Sport as a privilege in Spain. In: The 21st Pan-Asian Congress of Sports and Physical Education, April 23-24, 2010, China.
Moss, D (2010) Memory, space and time: researching children's lives. In: 3rd International Conference on Childhood and Youth in Transition, July 6-8, 2010, Sheffield University.
Purcell, ME (2010) Development Needs of Volunteers in the Children’s Workforce. In: NCVO/VSSN Researching the Voluntary Sector Conference, 6-7 September 2010, Leeds, UK.
Sanderson, IR (2010) Issues and Challenges in Using Evidence in Policy Development and Delivery. In: DCSF Conference: The Use of Evidence in Policy Development and Delivery, London, UK.
Smith, SV (2010) Embedding the concept of competency maps to improve the student learning experience and their preparation for work based learning and employability. In: Higher Education Academy Annual Conference, 22 June 2010 - 22 June 2010, University of Hertfordshire.
Stewart, J and Harte, VA (2010) Learning spaces: evaluation. In: Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Stewart, J and Harte, VA (2010) The second Space symposium- learning spaces. In: Institute for Enterprise (CETL).
Munyangeyo, T and Lines, M, eds. (2010) Diversity: poems and reflections by young writers. Leeds Met Press. ISBN 978-1-907240-12-6
Anderson, L and Baldaro Booth, R and Dean, L and Finlay, J and Garbett, C and Mitchell, C and Nisar, S and Sinclair, G and Smith, S (2010) Technology Enhanced Employability and Employee Learning: a staff guide. Leeds Met Press. ISBN 978-1-907240-21-8
Gibbs, G (2010) Using assessment to support student learning. Leeds Met Press. ISBN 978-1-907240-06-5
Joughin, G (2010) A short guide to oral assessment. Leeds Met Press in association with University of Wollongong. ISBN 978-1-907240-09-6
Race, P (2010) Making personal tutoring work. Leeds Met Press. ISBN 978-1-907240-11-9
Stevenson, J and Anderson, L and Clegg, S (2010) The Leeds Met Book of Student Futures. Leeds Met Press. ISBN 978-1-907240-18-8
Thomson, S (2010) A staff guide to Open Educational Resources. Leeeds Metropolitan University. ISBN 978-1-907240-10-2
Kaiseler, MH (2010) Gender and personality differences in coping in sport. Doctoral thesis, The University of Hull.
Harte, VA (2010) Learning space evaluation. Institute for Enterprise (CETL), Leeds, UK.