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Abraham, AG and von Cramon, DY (2009) Reality = relevance? Insights from spontaneous modulations of the brain's default network when telling apart reality from fiction. PloS one, 4 (3). e4741 - ?. DOI:

Addesa, FA (2009) Il Competitive Balance nel campionato italiano di Basket. Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport. ISSN 1825-6678

Andergassen, M and Behringer, R and Finlay, J and Gorra, A and Moore, D (2009) Weblogs in Higher Education - Why Do Students (Not) Blog? Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 7 (3). 203 - 211. ISSN 1479-4403

Andersen, T and Hansen, ME and Moltesen, J and Feiler, L and Götz, R and Wilthagen, T and Borghouts, I (2009) The role of the Public Employment Ser-vices related to ‘Flexicurity’ in the Euro-pean Labour Markets. Project Report. European Commision.

Andre, MH (2009) The game inside the school: a representation of 5th graders Physical Education classes. Motriz : Revista de Educacao Fisica, 15 (2). pp. 284-296. ISSN 1980-6574

Atkinson, S (2009) Reflection: ‘TEL Us More’ winner. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 7. 35 - 35. ISSN 1756-8781


Backhouse, SH and McKenna, J and Patterson, L (2009) Prevention through education: A review of current international social science literature: A focus on the prevention of bullying, tobacco, alcohol and social drug use in children, adolescents and young adults. Project Report. World Anti-Doping Agency.

Bamber, D and Maheshwari, V and Vandewalle, I (2009) "Place Pulling Power: a case of Liverpool’08." In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing Institute For Tourism Studies. UNSPECIFIED, Macao, China. ISBN 978-99937-51-32-8

Baume, D (2009) Course design for increased student satisfaction. Leeds Met Press. ISBN 978-1-907240-05-8

Baume, D (2009) Writing and using good learning outcomes. Leeds Metropolitan University. ISBN 978-0-9560099-5-1

Beggs, CB and Shepherd, SJ and Kerr, KG (2009) How does healthcare worker hand hygiene behaviour impact upon the transmission of MRSA between patients?: an analysis using a Monte Carlo model. BMC infectious diseases, 9. 64 - ?. DOI:

Behringer, R and Elliott, J (2009) A Concept for Exploring Western Music Tonality in Physical Space.

Bianchini, F (2009) Cities for Citizens. [UNSPECIFIED]

Bradley, Q (2009) Heroes of their own story: agency and resistance in UK housing governance. In: Theorising Governance Early Career Symposium, University of Glasgow.

Bradley, Q (2009) The Tenants' Movement: the domestication and resurgence of a social movement in English housing policy. In: ISA International Housing Conference, Housing Assets, Housing People, 1st - 4th September 2009, University of Glasgow.

Branney, P and White, A and Jain, S and Hiley, C and Flowers, P (2009) Choosing health, choosing treatment: patient choice after diagnosis of localized prostate cancer. Urology, 74 (5). 968 - 971. ISSN 0090-4295 DOI:

Brierley, C and Atwell, E (2009) Exploring complex vowels as phrase break correlates in a corpus of English speech with ProPOSEL, a prosody and POS English lexicon. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH. 868 - 871.

Brown, FC (2009) "The Idealization of Play." In: Carlisle, RP, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Play in Today's Society. Sage. ISBN 9781412966702 DOI:

Brown, FC (2009) "Play Therapy." In: Carlisle, RP, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Play in Today's Society. Sage Publications, London. ISBN 9781412966702 DOI:

Brown, FC (2009) "Playwork." In: Carlisle, RP, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Play in Today's Society. Sage. ISBN 9781412966702 DOI:

Brown, FC (2009) "Romania." In: Carlisle, RP, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Play in Todays Society. Sage. ISBN 9781412966702 DOI:

Bryant, A (2009) Innovation and Entrepreneurs: Creative Destruction and Destructive Creation’. In: Innovating with Information and Communication Technologies: Social and Organizational Engagement and Transformation; 9th Social Study of ICT workshop (SSIT9), LSE.

Burnapp, D (2009) Transitions and tensions: getting a project off the ground. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 5. ISSN 1756-8781


Cardoso-Castro, P and Chavarro, A (2009) La internacionalización de pymes de alta tecnología de Bogotá. Casos de estudio. Panorama, 1 (3). pp. 43-64. ISSN 1909-7433 DOI:

Carey, A (2009) A nutritional path to improved human performance. [Video] (Unpublished)

Carless, D and Douglas, K (2009) Opening doors: Poetic representation of the sport experiences of men with severe mental health difficulties. Qualitative Inquiry, 15 (10). 1547 - 1551. ISSN 1077-8004 DOI:

Carless, D and Douglas, K (2009) We haven't got a seat on the bus for you or All the seats are mine: Narratives and career transitions in professional golf. Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, 1 (1). 51 - 66. DOI:

Caruana, V (2009) The Internationalisation of UK Higher Education: From ‘technical observance’ to ‘relational participation’, the road to CAPRI…. Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, 2 (1).

Cattan, M and Hughes, S and Purcell, M and Woodward, J and Kime, NH (2009) Promoting and maintaining health of people with sight loss: A scoping study. Project Report. Thomas Pocklington Trust.

Chan, MA (2009) "Twenty-First Century Gothic Representations of Post-Human Existence in Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed Ex-Machina and Vexille'." In: Cherry, B and Ruddell, C and Howell, P, (eds.) Twenty First Century Gothic. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, pp. 85-98. ISBN 978-1-4438-2389-0

Chapman, V (2009) Employability and disability. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 5. ISSN 1756-8781

Chen, X and Shao, F and Barnes, CJ and Childs, T and Henson, B (2009) Exploring relationships between touch perception and surface physical properties. International Journal of Design, 3 (2). 67 - 76. ISSN 1991-3761

Clegg, S and Stevenson, J and Willott, J (2009) Extending conceptualisations of the diversity and value of extracurricular activities: a cultural capital approach to graduate outcomes. Project Report. Higher Education Academy.


Dart, JJ (2009) Blogging the 2006 FIFA World Cup Finals. Sociology of Sport Journal, 26 (1). 107 - 126. ISSN 0741-1235

Dart, JJ (2009) Confessional tales from former football hooligans: a nostalgic, narcissistic wallow in football violence. Soccer & Society, 9 (1). 42 - 55. ISSN 1466-0970 DOI:

Dart, JJ (2009) 'Here We Go, Here We Go'. Football Fans’ World Cup Travelogues. Sport in History, 29 (2). pp. 311-329. ISSN 1746-0263 DOI:

De Groot, M and Harrison, G (2009) You Tube if you want to – a Web 2.0 approach to staff development in web conferencing. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal (Leeds Met), 7. 36 - 39.

Dean, L (2009) Reflection: A critical look at the use of metaphors in the development of electronic learning resources. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 6. ISSN 1756-8781

Dean, L and Smith, S and Webb, G (2009) Supporting the assessment, learning and teaching needs of parttime teaching staff. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 6. ISSN 1756-8781

Devins, D and Nunn, A and Stewart, J (2009) Review of Employer Collective Measures: Policy Prioritisation. Project Report. UK Commission for Employment and Skills.

Dixey, RA (2009) Health, Social Justice & Access to Learning. [UNSPECIFIED]

Dolphin, A (2009) MagNular: Symbolic Control of an External Sound Engine Using an Animated Interface. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). 159 - 160.

Dolphin, A (2009) SpiralSet: A Sound Toy Utilising Game Engine Technologies. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). 56 - 57.

Douglas, K and Carless, D (2009) Abandoning the performance narrative: Two women's stories of transition from professional sport. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 21 (2). 213 - 230. ISSN 1041-3200 DOI:

Douglas, K and Carless, D (2009) Exploring taboo issues in professional sport through a fictional approach. Reflective Practice, 10 (3). 311 - 323. DOI:

Dulaimi, M and Ang, AF (2009) Elements Of Learning Organisations in Singapore’s Construction Industry. Emirates Journal of Engineering Research. ISSN 1022-9884


Everest, K and Lanfear, E (2009) What is library space at Leeds Met? Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 7. 40 - 41. ISSN 1756-8781


Finlay, J and Stewart, J (2009) Editorial. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 7. ISSN 1756-8781

Folley, DA and Wilkinson, S and Thomson, S (2009) Rebooting the student’s attention span by using Personal Response Systems. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 6. ISSN 1756-8781

Fraser, M and Orange, G and Kor, A (2009) The creation, operation and future of HE in FE partnerships. In: HELP CETL conference: HE in FE culture and experience: a partnership perspective, 30th - 31st March 2009, University of Warwick.


Gebhart, M and Maher, B and Koons, C and Diammond, J and Grattz, P and Marino, MD and Ranganathan, N and Behnam, R and Smith, A and Burril, J and Keckler, S and Burger, D and McKinley, K (2009) "An evaluation of the TRIPS computer system." In: Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems. Association for Computing Machinery, 1 - 12. ISBN 978-1-60558-406-5 DOI:

Gerodetti, N (2009) ""Unters besonder guenstigen Verhaeltnissen arbeiten". Eugenic Thinking and Practice in Switzerland’." In: Westermann, R and Kuehl, R and Gross, D, (eds.) Medizin im Dienst der "Erbgesundheit": Beitraege zur Geschichte der Eugenik un „Rassenhygiene. Literaturverlag. ISBN 3643104782, 978-3643104786

Gibbs, G (2009) Developing teaching in research-intensive environments: implications for teaching-intensive universities. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 5. ISSN 1756-8781

Gilson, N and Brown, WJ and Faulkner, G and McKenna, J and Murphy, M and Pringle, A and Proper, K and Puig-Ribera, A and Stathi, A (2009) The International Universities Walking Project: development of a framework for workplace intervention using the Delphi technique. Journal of physical activity & health, 6 (4). 520 - 528. ISSN 1543-3080

Gilson, ND and Puig-Ribera, A and McKenna, J and Brown, WJ and Burton, NW and Cooke, CB (2009) Do walking strategies to increase physical activity reduce reported sitting in workplaces: a randomized control trial. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 6. 43 - ?. DOI:

Gold, J (2009) Conversations outside the comfort zone: identity formation in SME manager action learning. Action Learning: research and practice, 6 (3). 229 - 242. ISSN 1476-7341 DOI:

Gold, J and Anderson, L and Clarke, J and Thorpe, R (2009) To Act and Learn: A Bakhtinian Exploration of Action Learning. Action Learning: research and practice, 6 (2). 121 - 130. ISSN 1476-7341 DOI:

Gorra, A and Finlay, J (2009) Podcasting to support students using a business simulation. Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning, ICEL, 2009-J. 151 - 157. ISSN 2048-8882

Gorra, A and Trevorrow, PA (2009) Investigating the use of podcasts to support basic and intermediary skills development, in excel, at undergraduate and foundation levels. In: 10th Annual Conference of the Higher Education Academy- Information Computer Sciences.

Green, A and Mitchell, C (2009) X-stream assessments: utilising new technology to assess sports marketing students. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 7. 18 - 21. ISSN 1756-8781

Griggs, V and Holden, R (2009) The practice of HRD in the voluntary sector: towards an understanding of impact. In: 10th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe, June 10-12, 2009, Newcastle, UK.

Guest, E (2009) Action Stories for Counter Terrorism (extended abstract). In: The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2009, July 10th - July 13th, 2009, Orlando, FL, USA.

Guest, E (2009) Library Cataloguing and Role and Reference Grammar for Natural Language processing Applications. In: The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2009, July 10th - July 13th, 2009, Orlando, FL, USA.

Guest, E (2009) Parsing Using the Role and Reference Grammar Paradigm. In: The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2009, July 10th - July 13th, 2009, Orlando, FL, USA.


Hanley, B and Bissas, A and Drake, A (2009) Angular kinematics in elite race walking performance. Proceedings of the XXVII International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. 163 - 166 (4). ISSN 1999-4168

Hanley, B and Bissas, A and Drake, A (2009) Gait parameter differences between the legs during race walking. In: BASES Annual Conference, London, UK.

Hanley, B and Drake, A and Bissas, A (2009) The measurement of kinetic variables in race walking. Proceedings of the XXVII International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. 685 - 688 (4). ISSN 1999-4168

Hanley, B and Duxbury, S (2009) Kinematic differences between defended and undefended shots in netball. In: BASES Annual Conference, Leeds, UK.

Hanley, B and Miller, S (2009) Effects of different footwear on landing forces from a grand jeté in trained dancers. In: BASES Annual Conference, Leeds, UK.

Hanley, B and Smith, L (2009) Effects of fatigue on technique during 5 km road running. Proceedings of the XXVII International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. 382 - 385 (4). ISSN 1999-4168

Hardwell, AG (2009) "Authentic Experience: The importance of climbing to indoor-only climbers." In: Ormrod, J and Wheaton, B, (eds.) On the Edge: Leisure, Consumption and the Representation of Adventure Sports. Leisure Studies Association, pp. 161-203. ISBN 978-1-905369-15-7

Harrison, G and Gray, J (2009) Highlighting accessibility issues to staff. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 7. pp. 29-31. ISSN 1756-8781

Harte, VA and Stewart, J (2009) “What can students do in here that they can’t do anywhere else?”. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 7. 42 - 44. ISSN 1756-8781

Hassall, J and Loughran, HJ (2009) A reflection on the ‘Big Draw’ events (October 2007 and 2008). Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 6. 31 - 32. ISSN 1756-8781

Henderson, S (2009) Cayamo - A case study of a music themed cruise. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 27 (4). 549 - 557. ISSN 0263-4503 DOI:

Hirst, S (2009) Same place - different space? Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 7. pp. 4-6. ISSN 1756-8781


Jarzbkowski, P and Giulietti, M and Oliveira, B and Amoo, N (2009) 'We Don’t Need No Education’ – Or Do We? The Impact of Management Education upon Alumni Adoption of Strategy Tools. In: BRITISH ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, 15 September 2009 - 17 September 2009, Brighton Centre, Brighton, U.K..

Johnston, D and Miles-Shenton, D (2009) "Airtightness of UK dwellings." In: Proceedings of the Construction and Building Research Conference. UNSPECIFIED, London, 271 - 280. ISBN 095523901X, 9780955239014

Jones, OW (2009) Beginning to blog: methods for dialogue with students. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 6. 18 - 20. ISSN 1756-8781

Jones, OW (2009) The magic bullet: formative assessment with peer and tutor feedback in the VLE. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 7. 14 - 17. ISSN 1756-8781

Jones, SR (2009) Re-using externally sourced learning objects. The Assessment, Learning and Teaching Journal, 7. 32 - 34. ISSN 1756-8781


Kennedy, J (2009) Creating a culture of co-construction. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 7. pp. 7-9. ISSN 1756-8781

Kenyon, AJ and Wood, E (2009) Exploring Ethics Sample Consent Form. The Higher Education Academy: Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Network.

Kenyon, AJ and Wood, E (2009) Resource Guide in Exploring Ethics: A Practical Resource Guide for Tutors and Students. The Higher Education Academy: Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Network.

Kill, R (2009) Mapping the case for a permacultural provision in the Faculty of Arts and Society: or, what is creative enterprise? Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 6. 36 - 38. ISSN 1756-8781

Kime, N (2009) How children eat may contribute to rising levels of obesity children's eating behaviours: An intergenerational study of family influences. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 47 (1). 4 - 11. ISSN 1463-5240 DOI:

Kirk, K and Greaves, A (2009) Absorbing the shock of the early undergraduate experience. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 5. pp. 5-8. ISSN 1756-8781

Kitchen, MS and Ransley, JK and Greenwood, DC and Clarke, GP and Conner, M and Jupp, J and Cade, JE (2009) Study protocol: a cluster randomised controlled trial of a school based fruit and vegetable intervention - Project Tomato. BMC Health Services Research, 9. 101 - ?. ISSN 1472-6963 DOI:


Lambourne, R (2009) ELPSS: e-learning in Physical Science through sport. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 5. pp. 27-29. ISSN 1756-8781

Lane, D (2009) Personal Examination Feedback Using MP3 Audio. In: Academy of Marketing, 7th - 9th Jul 2009, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Lebor, M (2009) Assessing Art subjects in Personal and Professional Development modules. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 6. pp. 33-35. ISSN 1756-8781

Long, J and Hylton, K and Spracklen, K and Ratna, A and Bailey, S (2009) Systematic Review of the Literature on Black and Minority Ethnic Communities in Sport and Physical Recreation. Other. Sporting Equals and the Sports Council.

Lowcock, D and Kime, NH and South, J (2009) An evaluation of the Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) pilot project. Project Report. Bradford and Airedale Teaching PCT.

Luker, W and Sheppard, NE (2009) Implementing an Institutional Repository for Leeds Metropolitan University-Final report. Project Report. JISC: Repositories and Preservation Programme.

Lyle, JWB (2009) Sporting success, role models and participation: a policy related review. Project Report. sportscotland, Edinburgh.

Lyle, JWB and Mallett, C and Trudel, P and Rynne, S (2009) Formal vs informal coach education: S response to commentaries. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 4 (3). pp. 359-364. ISSN 1747-9541

Lyle, JWB and Vergeer, I (2009) Coaching experience: Examining its role in coaches' decision making. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 7 (4). pp. 431-449. ISSN 1557-251X DOI:


Manley, AJ and Codner, J (2009) Applied Practice and Academia: The Two Goals for Psychology Training. The Psychologist, 22 (1). 66 - 68.

Manley, AJ and Meijen, C (2009) Reflections on the accreditation process: Advice for in-training practitioners. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 5 (1). 44 - 47. ISSN 1745-4980

Martin, I (2009) Britain's first computer centre for banking: What did this building do?

Masson, H and Frost, N and Parton, N (2009) Reflections from the 'frontline': Social workers' experiences of post-qualifying child care training and their current work practices in the new children's services. Journal of Children's Services, 3 (3). 54 - 64. ISSN 1746-6660 DOI:

Maynard, M and Baker, G and Rawlins, E and Anderson, AS and Harding, S (2009) Developing obesity prevention interventions among minority ethnic children in schools and places of worship: The DEAL (DiEt and Active Living) study. BMC Public Health, 9 (480). ISSN 1471-2458 DOI:

Millward, P (2009) Getting into Europe: Identification, Prejudice and Politics in English Football Culture. VDM Verlag. ISBN 978-3639147872, 3639147871

Moss, S and Joughin, G (2009) Book Reviews: "Enhancing the Experience of Chinese Students in UK Higher Education – Lessons from a Collaborative Project" SEDA Special 23, edited by Monika Foster AND "Events Management" by Razaq Raj, Paul Walters and Tahir Rashid. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 6. 45 - 45. ISSN 1756-8781

Mothersdale, SJ (2009) Missing only the inkwells – or is this truly a learning space fit for the 21st century? Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 7. 45 - 48. ISSN 1756-8781

Munyangeyo, T (2009) Enhancing learner engagement in e-learning provision. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 7. 10 - 13. ISSN 1756-8781

Musgrave, J and Raj, R (2009) "Introduction to a conceptual framework for sustainable events." In: Event Management and Sustainability. Cabi, 1 - 12. ISBN 9781845935245

Musgrave, J and Thomas, RW and Kusyj, B (2009) Learning from visiting speakers: the case of events management. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 6. 42 - 44. ISSN 1756-8781


Newman, S and Jahdi, K (2009) Marketisation of education: marketing, rhetoric and reality. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 33 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 0309-877X DOI:

Nunn, A and Bickerstaffe, T and Wymer, P (2009) Explaining Levels of Customer Satisfaction with First Contact with Jobcentre Plus: results of qualitative research with Jobcentre Plus Staff. Project Report. Department of Work and Pensions. DOI: Explaining Levels of Customer Satisfaction with First Contact with Jobcentre Plus: results of qualitative research with Jobcentre Plus Staff

Nunn, A and Walton, F and Jassi, S (2009) A qualitative study of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with Jobcentre Plus; an exploration of issues identified in the 2007 Customer Satisfaction Survey with a particular focus on those most likely to be dissatisfied. Project Report. Department for Work and Pensions. DOI: 978 1 84712 559 0


Parkin, C and Carver, K (2009) Working with graphic design students to promote ‘Land of Lost Content’ at Leeds Met. SCONUL Focus, 47. pp. 36-39. ISSN 1745-5782

Parr, J and Van Horssen, J and Van Der Veen, J (2009) The practice of history shared across differences: Needs, technologies, and ways of knowing in the megaprojects new media project. Journal of Canadian Studies, 43 (1). pp. 35-58. ISSN 0021-9495

Peters, J and Burkinshaw, S and Hughes, P and Keenan, C and Kumar, A and Ward, R (2009) Building research capacity in a practitioner network: the National Action Research Network on researching and evaluating Personal Development Plannin. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 5. ISSN 1756-8781

Phoenix, C and Sparkes, AC (2009) Being Fred: Big stories, small stories and the accomplishment of a positive ageing identity. Qualitative Research, 9 (2). 219 - 236. ISSN 1468-7941 DOI:

Pickford, R (2009) Editorial. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 5. 2 - 2. ISSN 1756-8781

Pickford, R and Leeds Beckett First Level Assessment and Feedback project team (2009) Designing First-Year Assessment and Feedback: A guide for university staff. Leeds Metropolitan University. ISBN 978-0-9560099-8-2

Pickford, R and Leeds Beckett First Level Assessment and Feedback project team (2009) Student guide to University Assessment. Leeds Metropolitan University. ISBN 978-0-9560099-9-9

Pickford, R and Priestley, J and Asghar, M (2009) First-year assessment: aligning perceptions and practice with purpose. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 5. 9 - 12. ISSN 1756-8781

Pimenidis, E and Jahankhani, H and Dastbaz, M (2009) Improving Public Administration Performance through Electronic Government Applications. In: 14th International Scientific Symposium SM 2009 (Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management), 21-22 May 2009, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Poole, G and Dawson, S (2009) When learning spaces become learning homes: applications and implications. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 7. pp. 49-51. ISSN 1756-8781

Poole, L and Lefever, R and Stevenson, J and Dirrane, S and Wilson, A (2009) The Leeds Met Book of Resilience. Leeds Met Press. ISBN 978-1-907240-04-1

Popovic, C and Tomas, C (2009) Creating future proof graduates. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 5. ISSN 1756-8781


Race, P (2009) In at the deep end - starting to teach in higher education. Leeds Met Press. ISBN 978-1-907240-00-3

Race, P (2009) Learn with Leeds Met: top tips towards your success. Leeds Met Press. ISBN 978-1-907240-07-2

Race, P and Leeds Beckett Teacher Fellows (2009) Using peer observation to enhance teaching. Leeds Met Press. ISBN 978-0-9560099-7-5

Raj, R and Musgrave, J (2009) "The economics of sustainable events." In: Event management and sustainability. CABI Publishing, 56 - 65. ISBN 9781845935245

Rankin, C and Brock, A and Matthews, J (2009) Why can't every year be a National Year of Reading? An evaluation of the NYR in Yorkshire. Library and Information Research, 33 (104). 11 - 25. ISSN 1756-1086

Rayner, A (2009) Editorial. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 6. ISSN 1756-8781

Renshaw, T and Soosay, MA (2009) Enriching student experience through access to novel technology. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 7. 25 - 28. ISSN 1756-8781

Robertson, S and Hacking, S and Robinson, M (2009) 'Working our way to health': Final Evaluation Report. Project Report. NHS Sefton PCT.

Robinson, M (2009) Other Worlds & Endless Journeys. [Video] (Unpublished)

Rotheram, B (2009) Sounds Good: using audio to give assessment feedback. Assessment, Teaching & Learning Journal, 7. pp. 22-24. ISSN 1756-8781


Sagar, S and Lavallee, D and Spray, C (2009) Coping with the effects of fear of failure: A preliminary investigation of young elite athletes. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 3 (1). 73 - 98. ISSN 1932-9261

Sagar, SS and Stoeber, J (2009) Perfectionism, fear of failure, and affective responses to success and failure: the central role of fear of experiencing shame and embarrassment. Journal of sport & exercise psychology, 31 (5). 602 - 627. ISSN 0895-2779

Sahota, P and Bowyer, S and Woodward, J (2009) Leeds Free School Meals Research Project (Phase 2 Report: Findings from the pilot phase Leeds Metropolitan University). Project Report. ..

Sanderson, C (2009) Student-centred learning - reality or rhetoric? Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 6. 4 - 6. ISSN 1756-8781

Seims, A and O'Hara, JP and Cooke, CB and King, RFGJ (2009) The effect of inspiratory muscle training on inspiratory muscle fatigue and perception of breathlessness during exercise in hypoxia and normoxia. In: Birmingham Medical Research Expeditionary Society, Altitude Research Conference.

Selvarani, R and Nair, TRG and Ramachandran, M and Prasad, K (2009) Software Metrics Evaluation Based on Entropy. Volume 8, pp 20-28, 2009.

Sheppard, NE (2009) Promoting Open Access to research: an Institutional Repository for Leeds Metropolitan University. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal (Leeds Met), 6. 28 - 30.

Shore, H (2009) 'The reckoning': Disorderly women, informing constables and the Westminster justices, 1727-33. Social History, 34 (4). 409 - 427. ISSN 0307-1022 DOI:

Smith, N and Nguyen, MH and Hoang, D and Nguyen, TS and Baulch, B and Nguyen, TLT (2009) Coconut in the Mekong Delta: An Assessment of Competitivenessand Industry Potential. Other. Prosperity Initiative.

Smith, SV and Dean, L and Webb, G (2009) Supporting the assessment, learning and teaching needs of part time teaching staff. Assessment, Learning and Teaching Journal Leeds Metropolitan University. ISSN 1756-8781

Sommerlad, H and Sanderson, P (2009) Training and Regulating those providing Publicly Funded Legal Advice Services: A Case Study of Civil Provision. Project Report. Ministry of Justice.

South, J and Meah, A and Branney, P (2009) People in public health. Expert hearings: a summary report. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.

Stettler, C and Witt, N and Tapp, RJ and Thom, S and Allemann, S and Tillin, T and Stanton, A and O'Brien, E and Poulter, N and Gallimore, JR and Hughes, AD and Chaturvedi, N (2009) Serum amyloid A, C-reactive protein, and retinal microvascular changes in hypertensive diabetic and nondiabetic individuals: an Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) substudy. Diabetes Care, 32 (6). pp. 1098-1100. ISSN 1935-5548 DOI:

Stevens, RC and Marchant, P and Raybould, D and Renshaw, T (2009) Are You Seeing What I'm Seeing? An Eye-Tracking Evaluation of Dynamic Scenes. Digital Creativity, 20 (3). pp. 153-163. ISSN 1462-6268 DOI:

Stevens, RC and Renshaw, T and Denton, P (2009) ‘Towards understanding engagement in games: an eye-tracking study’. On the Horizon, 17 (4). 408 - 420. DOI:

Stevenson, J and Leconte, M and Robinson, S (2009) Embedding ethics and ethical practice within and across the curriculum: emerging findings from a TQEF-funded project. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 6. 7 - 10. ISSN 1756-8781

Sutcliffe, NMG and Brooke, S (2009) Rigorous and relevant? The challenge of managing and assessing learning on a work placement. Assessment, Teaching and Learning Journal, 6. 39 - 41. ISSN 1756-8781


TEL Team (2009) TEL Us More 2009: recommendations for good practice. Leeds Met Press.

Tashani, O (2009) The scientific research in libya: the role of the new generation of researchers. The Libyan journal of medicine, 4 (4). 129 - 130. ISSN 1993-2820 DOI:

Tashani, O and Johnson, MI (2009) Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) A Possible Aid for Pain Relief in Developing Countries? The Libyan journal of medicine, 4 (2). 62 - 65. ISSN 1993-2820 DOI:

Temperley, J (2009) Souvenir shopping in Switzerland: A qualitative analysis of travel blogs and its implications for the souvenir trade. 29 - 39.

Temperley, JH (2009) Consumers Reactions to Tesco's market entry in Taiwan - a comparison with the UK experience.

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