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Abraham, A and Hermann, C (2015) Biases in probabilistic category learning in relation to social anxiety. Frontiers in psychology, 6. 1218 - ?. DOI:

Abraham, AG (2015) Editorial: Madness and Creativity – Yes, No or Maybe? Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078 DOI:

Abraham, AG (2015) Gender and creativity: An overview of psychological and neuroscientific literature. Brain Imaging and Behavior. ISSN 1931-7565 DOI:

Abraham, AG and Bubic, A (2015) Semantic memory as the root of imagination. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078 DOI:

Adams, S and Topic, M (2015) Towards an Ethical PR? An Exploration into Student’s Ethical Perceptions towards the Sainsbury’s WWI Campaign. International Journal of Ethics, 11 (3). ISSN 1937-433X

Ahearne, G (2015) Between the Sex Industry and Academia: Navigating Stigma and Disgust. Graduate Journal of Social Science, 11 (2). 28 - 37. ISSN 1572-3763

Ahmad, M and Ahmad, FK and Nasir, M and Khan, G (2015) Internal Absorption and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: A new Approach towards Market Size. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 2 (3). 400 - 410. ISSN 2148-8347

Ajayi, SO and Oyedele, LO and Bilal, M and Akinade, OO and Alaka, HA and Owolabi, HA and Kadiri, KO (2015) Waste effectiveness of the construction industry: Understanding the impediments and requisites for improvements. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 102. pp. 101-112. ISSN 0921-3449 DOI:

Ajayi, SO and Oyedele, LO and Ceranic, B and Gallanagh, M and Kadiri, KO (2015) Life cycle environmental performance of material specification: a BIM-enhanced comparative assessment. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development, 6. pp. 14-24. ISSN 2093-761X DOI:

Ali, N and Ivanova, M (2015) Endnote: Diasporas and identity. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 15 (3). pp. 249-251. ISSN 1098-304X DOI:

Ali, N and Ivanova, M (2015) Introduction-Diasporas and identity: Tourism, being, and becoming. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 15 (3). pp. 169-171. ISSN 1098-304X DOI:

Altahhan, A (2015) Deep feature-action processing with mixture of updates. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 9492. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0302-9743 DOI:

Andre, MH and Hastie, P and Araújo, RF (2015) The development of games literacy with student-designed games intervention. Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte, 37 (4). pp. 323-332. ISSN 0101-3289 DOI:

Arjunan, SP and Deighton, K and Bishop, NC and King, J and Reischak-Oliveira, A and Rogan, A and Sedgwick, M and Thackray, AE and Webb, D and Stensel, DJ (2015) The effect of prior walking on coronary heart disease risk markers in South Asian and European men. European journal of applied physiology, 115 (12). 2641 - 2651. ISSN 1439-6319 DOI:

Asiimwe, C and Cross, RM and Haberer, J (2015) Lay Perceptions about Tuberculosis among Non-UK-Born African in the United Kingdom. Journal of Tuberculosis Research, 3 (4). 161 - 170. DOI:

Astita, R and Tashani, OA and Sharp, D and Johnson, MI (2015) Argument for the need of investigation of the relationship between body fatness and experimental pain sensitivity. The Libyan journal of medicine, 10 (1). -. ISSN 1993-2820 DOI:

Bagheri Zadeh, P and Sheikh Akbari, A and Buggy, T (2015) DCT image codec using variance of sub-regions. DE GRUYTER OPEN: Open Computer Science, 5 (1). 13 - 21. ISSN 2299-1093 DOI:

Bagnall, A and South, J and Hulme, C and Woodall, JR and Vinall-Collier, K and Raine, G and Kinsella, K and Dixey, R and Harris, L and Wright, NM (2015) A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of peer education and peer support in prisons. BMC Public Health, 15 (290). ISSN 1471-2458 DOI:

Bailey, DP and Smith, LR and Chrismas, BC and Taylor, L and Stensel, DJ and Deighton, K and Douglas, JA and Kerr, CJ (2015) Appetite and gut hormone responses to moderate-intensity continuous exercise versus high-intensity interval exercise, in normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Appetite, 89. 237 - 245. ISSN 0195-6663 DOI:

Bailey, R and Cope, E and Parnell, D (2015) Realising the Benefits of Sports and Physical Activity : The Human Capital Model. Retos : Nuevas Perspectivas de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación (28). pp. 147-154. ISSN 1579-1726

Bardehle, D and Dinges, M and White, A (2015) Was ist Männergesundheit? Eine Definition [What is Men's Health? A definition]. Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)), 78 (07). e30-e39. ISSN 0941-3790 DOI:

Bardgett, RJ and Darling, JC and Webster, E and Kime, N (2015) What makes a good children's doctor? Exploring the child perspective in the OSCE setting. Medical teacher, 38 (5). 471 - 475. ISSN 0142-159X DOI:

Barlow, M and Gresty, K and Findlay, M and Cooke, CB (2015) Associations of power at VO2peak and anaerobic threshold with rank in British high performance junior surfers. Human Movement, 16 (1). 28 - 32. ISSN 1732-3991 DOI:

Barlow, M and Oldroyd, B and Smith, D and Lees, MJ and Brightmore, A and Till, K and Jones, B and Hind, K (2015) Precision Error in Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Body Composition Measurements in Elite Male Rugby League Players. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 18 (4). 546 - 550. ISSN 1094-6950 DOI:

Barnes, CJ and Hoang, D (2015) Public entrepreneurship and the management of traditional retail markets. Proceedings of Oxford Retail Futures Conference 2015: Public Policy in Retail and Supply Chain, Dec 2015. (Unpublished)

Barrett, L and Beaton, MC and Head, G and McAuliffe, L and Moscardini, L and Spratt, J and Sutherland, M (2015) Developing inclusive practice in Scotland: the National Framework for Inclusion. Pastoral Care in Education. ISSN 0264-3944 DOI:

Beggs, CB and Knibbs, LD and Johnson, GR and Morawska, L (2015) Environmental contamination and hospital-acquired infection: factors that are easily overlooked. Indoor air, 25 (5). 462 - 474. ISSN 0905-6947 DOI:

Binjwaied, M and Richards, I and O'Keeffe, L-A (2015) The Factors Influencing Fans’ Attendance at Football Matches in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Athens Journal of Sports, 2 (2). pp. 111-122. ISSN 2241-7915 DOI:

Blackett, AD and Evans, A and Piggott, D (2015) Why ‘the best way of learning to coach the game is playing the game’: conceptualising ‘fast-tracked’ high-performance coaching pathways. Sport, Education and Society, 22 (6). pp. 744-758. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:

Bligh, CA (2015) Perspectives on the ‘silent period’ for emergent bilinguals in England. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 29 (2). ISSN 2150-2641 DOI:

Blundell, JE and Finlayson, G and Gibbons, C and Caudwell, P and Hopkins, M (2015) The biology of appetite control: Do resting metabolic rate and fat-free mass drive energy intake? Physiology & Behavior, 152 (Pt B). pp. 473-478. ISSN 1873-507X DOI:

Boateng, A and Hua, X and Nisar, S and Wu, J (2015) Examining the determinants of inward FDI: Evidence from Norway. Economic Modelling, 47. 118 - 127. ISSN 0264-9993 DOI:

Boduszek, D and Dhingra, K (2015) Construct validity of the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) among University Students: A multitrait–multimethod analysis. Psychological Assessment. ISSN 1939-134X DOI:

Boduszek, D and Dhingra, K and Debowska, A (2015) The moderating role of psychopathic traits in the relationship between period of confinement and criminal social identity in a sample of juvenile prisoners. Journal of Criminal Justice, 44. 30 - 35. ISSN 0047-2352 DOI:

Boukis, A and Kaminakis, K and Siampos, A and Kostopoulos, I (2015) Linking internal marketing with customer outcomes. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33 (3). 394 - 413. ISSN 0263-4503 DOI:

Bradley, H and Shaw, CS and Bendtsen, C and Worthington, PL and Wilson, OJ and Strauss, JA and Wallis, GA and Turner, AM and Wagenmakers, AJ (2015) Visualization and quantitation of GLUT4 translocation in human skeletal muscle following glucose ingestion and exercise. Physiological reports, 3 (5). DOI:

Bradley, PS and Archer, DT and Hogg, B and Schuth, G and Bush, M and Carling, C and Barnes, C (2015) Tier-specific evolution of match performance characteristics in the English Premier League: it's getting tougher at the top. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34 (10). pp. 980-987. ISSN 1466-447X DOI:

Bradley, Q (2015) Book Review - When Tenants Claimed the City: The Struggle for Citizenship in New York City Housing. Housing Studies, 30 (7). 1182 - 1183. ISSN 0267-3037 DOI:

Bradley, Q (2015) The political identities of neighbourhood planning in England. Space and Polity, 19 (2). 97 - 109. ISSN 1356-2576 DOI:

Bratton, J and Gold, J (2015) Towards Critical Human Resource Management Education (CHRME): a sociological imagination approach. Work, Employment and Society, 29 (3). 496 - 507. ISSN 0950-0170 DOI:

Brooks, J and Kime, NH and Sewell, G (2015) Do we need more support for young people with Type 1 Diabetes in secondary school settings? A UK perspective. Diabetes Management, 5 (1). 5 - 8. ISSN 1758-1907 DOI:

Brooks, J and Kime, NH and Wearden, A and Gillibrand, W and Campbell, F (2015) Exploring how young people think about and respond to diabetes in their peers. Diabetes Care in Children and Young People, 4 (1). 14 - 18 (5). ISSN 2050-1528

Brown, CS and Kola-Palmer, S and Dhingra, K (2015) Gender differences and correlates of extreme dieting behaviours in US adolescents. Journal of health psychology, 20 (5). 569 - 579. ISSN 1359-1053 DOI:

Bryant, M and Sahota, P and Santorelli, G and Hill, A (2015) An exploration and comparison of food and drink availability in homes in a sample of families of White and Pakistani origin within the UK. Public health nutrition, 18 (7). 1197 - 1205. ISSN 1368-9800 DOI:

Buda, D (2015) Tourism in Conflict Areas: Complex Entanglements in Jordan. Journal of Travel Research. ISSN 1552-6763 DOI:

Burden, SE and Topping, A and O'Halloran, C (2015) Fit for Registration: A mixed methods study integrating data and theory to illuminate mentor decision making in the assessment of student competence in care settings.

Burden, SE and Topping, A and O'Halloran, C (2015) The value of artefacts in stimulating recall interviews: Exploring mentor decisions of student competence in practice. Nurse Researcher, 23 (1). 26 - 33. ISSN 1351-5578 DOI:

Burroughs, RM (2015) Weird farang thing: dark tourism in Alex Garland’s The Beach (1996). Postcolonial Studies, 17 (3). 320 - 333. ISSN 1368-8790 DOI:

Camoletto, RF and Sterchele, D and Genova, C (2015) Managing alternative sports: new organisational spaces for the diffusion of Italian parkour. Modern Italy, 20 (3). 307 - 319. ISSN 1353-2944 DOI:

Campbell, J and Chang, V and Hosseinian Far, A (2015) Philosophising data: A critical reflection on the ‘hidden’ issues. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, 5 (1). ISSN 1947-9344 DOI:

Campbell, MD and Gonzalez, JT and Rumbold, PL and Walker, M and Shaw, JA and Stevenson, EJ and West, DJ (2015) Comparison of appetite responses to high- and low-glycemic index postexercise meals under matched insulinemia and fiber in type 1 diabetes. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 101 (3). 478 - 486. ISSN 0002-9165

Campbell, MD and Walker, M and Bracken, RM and Turner, D and Stevenson, EJ and Gonzalez, JT and Shaw, JA and West, DJ (2015) Insulin therapy and dietary adjustments to normalize glycemia and prevent nocturnal hypoglycemia after evening exercise in type 1 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. BMJ open diabetes research & care, 3 (1). e000085 - ?. DOI:

Campbell, MD and Walker, M and Trenell, MI and Stevenson, EJ and Turner, D and Bracken, RM and Shaw, JA and West, DJ (2015) Insulin therapy and dietary adjustments to normalize glycaemia and prevent nocturnal hypoglycaemia after evening exercise in type 1 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open Diabetes Treatment and Care, 3 (1). DOI:

Campbell, MD and West, DJ and Bain, SC and Kingsley, MI and Foley, P and Kilduff, L and Turner, D and Gray, B and Stephens, JW and Bracken, RM (2015) Simulated games activity vs continuous running exercise: a novel comparison of the glycemic and metabolic responses in T1DM patients. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 25 (2). pp. 216-222. ISSN 1600-0838 DOI:

Canon, H and Maynard, M (2015) Comparison of household measure descriptions and food photographs in determining food portion sizes among young adults. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 28 (2). 188 - 189. ISSN 1365-277X DOI:

Carless, D and Douglas, K (2015) Narrating embodied experience: Sharing stories of trauma and recovery. Sport, Education and Society, 21 (1). 47 - 61. ISSN 1470-1243 DOI:

Carrington, B (2015) Assessing the sociology of sport: On race and diaspora. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 50 (4-5). 391 - 396. ISSN 1012-6902 DOI:

Cartwright, AJJ and Roach, J (2015) Fraudulently claiming following a RTA: A pilot study of UK residents’ perceptions. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 23 (3). ISSN 1321-8719 DOI:

Caruana, V and Montgomery, C (2015) Understanding the transnational higher education landscape: Shifting positionality and the complexities of partnership. Learning and Teaching, 8 (1). 5 - 29. ISSN 1755-2273 DOI:

Chand, K and Ramachandran, M and Kor, AL (2015) Simulation of cloud data security processes and performance. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 534. 285 - 295. ISSN 1865-0929 DOI:

Chang, V (2015) Towards a Big Data system disaster recovery in a Private Cloud. Ad Hoc Networks, 35. 65 - 82. ISSN 1570-8705 DOI:

Chang, V (2015) A cybernetics Social Cloud. Journal of Systems and Software. ISSN 0164-1212 DOI:

Chang, V and Kuo, YH and Ramachandran, M (2015) Cloud computing adoption framework: A security framework for business clouds. Future Generation Computer Systems, 57. 24 - 41. ISSN 0167-739X DOI:

Chang, V and Ramachandran, M (2015) Towards Achieving Data Security with the Cloud Computing Adoption Framework. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 9 (1). 138 - 151. ISSN 1939-1374 DOI:

Chang, V and Ramachandran, M and Yao, Y and Kuo, YH and Li, CS (2015) A resiliency framework for an enterprise cloud. International Journal of Information Management, 36 (1). 155 - 166. ISSN 0268-4012 DOI:

Chang, V and Walters, RJ and Wills, G (2015) Monte Carlo simulation as a service in the Cloud. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 7 (3). 262 - 271. ISSN 1741-8763 DOI:

Channon, A and Dashper, K and Fletcher, T and Lake, RJ (2015) The promises and pitfalls of sex integration in sport and physical culture. Sport in Society. 1 - 14. ISSN 1743-0437 DOI:

Christian, MS and Evans, CE and Nykjaer, C and Hancock, N and Cade, JE (2015) Measuring diet in primary school children aged 8-11 years: validation of the Child and Diet Evaluation Tool (CADET) with an emphasis on fruit and vegetable intake. European journal of clinical nutrition, 69 (2). 234 - 241. ISSN 0954-3007 DOI:

Clarke, S and Colloud, F and Strutzenberger, G and Farana, R and Bradshaw, E and Vieten, M and Schwameder, H and Keogh, J and Jensen, RL and Potthast, W (2015) International Society of Biomechanics in Sport March Newsletter 2015.

Clarke, S and KENNY, IC and HARRISON, AJ (2015) The role of gender on the variability of joint kinematics and kinetics in uninjured athletes during a match specific land-cut task. 1326 - 1328.


Clarke, SB and Kenny, IC and Harrison, AJ (2015) Dynamic knee joint mechanics after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 47 (1). 120 - 127. ISSN 0195-9131 DOI:

Cockcroft, TW (2015) Golden Ages, Red Herrings and Post-Keynesian Policing: Understanding the Role of Police Culture in the Police Professionalism Debate. Nordisk Politiforskning, 2 (2). 183 - 196. ISSN 1894-8693

Cohen, E (2015) The Hold and Release Practice: A New Way into Meditation and Mindfulness. Transpersonal Psychology Review, 17 (1). ISSN 1366-6991

Cole, SN and Morrison, CM and Barak, O and Pauly-Takacs, K and Conway, MA (2015) Amnesia and future thinking: Exploring the role of memory in the quantity and quality of episodic future thoughts. The British journal of clinical psychology / the British Psychological Society, 55 (2). 206 - 224. ISSN 0144-6657 DOI:

Colledge, B (2015) Anchoring the Northern Powerhouse: Understanding anchor institutions and their contribution within a complex urban and regional system. Conference Proceedings of the Regional Studies Association Winter Conference November 2015, Novemb. 54 - 63 (10).

Collier, E and Knifton, C and Surr, C (2015) Dementia education in Higher Education Institutions. Nurse education today, 35 (6). 731 - 732. ISSN 0260-6917 DOI:

Collins, P and Al-Nakeeb, Y and Lyons, M (2015) Tracking the commute home from school utilizing GPS and heart rate monitoring: establishing the contribution to free-living physical activity. Journal of physical activity & health, 12 (2). 155 - 162. ISSN 1543-3080 DOI:

Cristea, V and Pattinson, C and Kor, AL (2015) ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF MOBILE PHONES.

Curcuruto, MM and Conchie, SM and Mariani, MG and Violante, FS (2015) The role of prosocial and proactive safety behaviors in predicting safety performance. Safety Science, 80. 317 - 323. ISSN 0925-7535 DOI:

Curran, T and Hill, AP and Hall, HK and Jowett, GE (2015) Relationships between the coach-created motivational climate and athlete engagement in youth sport. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 37 (2). pp. 193-198. ISSN 1543-2904 DOI:

Daley, CP and Thompson, H (2015) What has this got to do with my course? Widening horizons and enhancing employability of pr and marketing students through the inclusion of an interdisciplinary resource module. Journal of Advances in Higher Education, 7 (3). pp. 156-168.

Darrall-Jones, J and Jones, BL and Till, K (2015) Anthropometric and Physical Profiles of English Academy Rugby Union Players. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 29 (8). 2086 - 2096. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:

Darrall-Jones, J and Roe, G and Carney, S and Clayton, R and Phibbs, P and Read, D and Weakley, J and Till, K and Jones, B (2015) The Effect of Body Mass on the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test in Rugby Union Players. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 11 (3). 400 - 403. ISSN 1555-0265 DOI:

Dart, J (2015) Israel and a sports boycott: Antisemitic? Anti-Zionist? International Review for the Sociology of Sport. ISSN 1461-7218 DOI:

Dart, J (2015) Sports tribes and academic identity: teaching the sociology of sport in a changing disciplinary landscape. Sport, Education and Society. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:

Dashper, K (2015) Revise, resubmit and reveal? An autoethnographer’s story of facing the challenges of revealing the self through publication. Current Sociology, 63 (4). 511 - 527. ISSN 0011-3921 DOI:

Davies, L and Neale, B (2015) Seeing Young Fathers in a Different Way: Editorial. Families, Relationships and Societies, 4 (2). 309 - 313. ISSN 2046-7435 DOI:

Davies, L and Neale, B (2015) Supporting young fathers: the promise, potential and perils of statutory service provision. Families, Relationships and Societies, 4 (2). 331 - 338. ISSN 2046-7435 DOI:

Davis, S (2015) Workers’ Educational Association: A Crisis of Identity? Personal Perspectives on Changing Professional Identities. Concept : The Journal of Contemporary Community Education Practice Theory, 6 (3). ISSN 2042-6968

De Marco, M and Clough, PJ and Dyer, CE and Vince, RV and Waby, JS and Midgley, AW and Venneri, A (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 allele modulates the immediate impact of acute exercise on prefrontal function. Behavior genetics, 45 (1). 106 - 116. ISSN 0001-8244 DOI:

Debowska, A and Boduszek, D and Dhingra, K (2015) Victim, perpetrator, and offense characteristics in filicide and filicide-suicide. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 21. 113 - 124. ISSN 1359-1789 DOI:

Debowska, A and Boduszek, D and Dhingra, K and Kola, S and Meller-Prunska, A (2015) The Role of Psychopathy and Exposure to Violence in Rape Myth Acceptance. Journal of interpersonal violence, 30 (15). 2751 - 2770. ISSN 0886-2605 DOI:

Devins, D and Ferrandez-Berrueco, R and Kekale, T (2015) Educational orientation and employer influenced pedagogy practice and policy insights from three programmes in Europe. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 5 (4). 352 - 368. ISSN 2042-3896 DOI:

Dhingra, K (2015) Intimate partner violence and suicide. JAN Interactive.

Dhingra, K and Boduszek, D and Hyland, P and Shagufta, S (2015) Suicide attempts among incarcerated homicide offenders. Suicidology Online, 6 (2). 27 - 34. ISSN 2078-5488

Dhingra, K and Boduszek, D and Kola-Palmer, S (2015) A Latent Class Analysis of Psychopathic Traits in Civil Psychiatric Patients: The Role of Criminal Behaviour, Violence, and Gender. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 54 (3). 237 - 249. ISSN 0265-5527 DOI:

Dhingra, K and Boduszek, D and O'Connor, RC (2015) Differentiating suicide attempters from suicide ideators using the Integrated Motivational-Volitional model of suicidal behaviour. Journal of affective disorders, 186. 211 - 218. ISSN 0165-0327 DOI:

Dhingra, K and Boduszek, D and Palmer, D and Shevlin, M (2015) Psychopathy and self-injurious thoughts and behaviour: application of latent class analysis. Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England), 24 (1). 4 - 8. ISSN 0963-8237 DOI:

Dhingra, K and Boduszek, D and Sharratt, K (2015) Victimization Profiles, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Suicide Attempt, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomology: Application of Latent Class Analysis. Journal of interpersonal violence. ISSN 0886-2605 DOI:

Dhingra, K and Debowska, A and Sharratt, K and Hyland, P and Kola-Palmer, S (2015) Psychopathy, Gang membership, And moral disengagement among juvenile offenders. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 5 (1). 13 - 24. ISSN 2009-3829 DOI:

Di Mascio, M and Ade, J and Bradley, PS (2015) The reliability, validity and sensitivity of a novel soccer-specific reactive repeated-sprint test (RRST). European Journal of Applied Physiology, 115 (12). pp. 2531-2542. ISSN 1439-6327 DOI:

Dixey, R and Nyambe, S and Foster, S and Woodall, J and Baybutt, M (2015) Health promoting prisons – An impossibility for women prisoners in Africa? Agenda: empowering women for gender equity, 29 (4). pp. 95-102. ISSN 1013-0950 DOI:

Dobson, T (2015) Developing a Theoretical Framework for Response: Creative Writing as Response in the Year 6 Primary Classroom. English in Education. ISSN 1754-8845 DOI:

Dobson, T (2015) The mad genie in the attic: performances of identity in Year 6 boys' creative writing. Gender and Education, 27 (1). 37 - 52. ISSN 0954-0253 DOI:

Dohme, L and Boocock, E and Abraham, A and Piggott, D and Lara-Bercial, S (2015) International Sport Coaching Journal Digest. International Sport Coaching Journal / ISCJ, 2 (1). pp. 87-92. ISSN 2328-918X DOI:

Dohme, L and Boocock, E and Abraham, A and Piggott, D and Till, K and Lara-Bercial, S (2015) International Sport Coaching Journal Digest. International Sport Coaching Journal / ISCJ, 2 (2). pp. 226-228. ISSN 2328-918X DOI:

Douglas, D and Radicic, D and Pugh, G and Jackson, I (2015) Cooperation for innovation: impact evidence for European manufacturing SMEs. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1. ISSN 1543-8643 DOI:

Douglas, K and Carless, D (2015) Finding a Counter story at an Inclusive Adaptive Sport and Adventurous Training Course for Injured, Sick and Wounded Soldiers: Drawn In - Drawn Out. Qualitative Inquiry, 21 (5). 454 - 466. ISSN 1552-7565 DOI:

Dowling, F and Flintoff, A (2015) A whitewashed curriculum? The construction of race in contemporary PE curriculum policy. Sport Education and Soceity. ISSN 1357-3322 DOI:

Drummond, A (2015) Becoming Visible: Gypsy Roma Travellers in Prison. Prison Service Journal (219). 19 - 23. ISSN 0300-3558

Du, M and Boateng, A and Newton, D (2015) The impact of state ownership, formal institutions and resource seeking on acquirers’ returns of Chinese M&A. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 47 (1). pp. 159-178. ISSN 0924-865X DOI:

Duckworth, LC and Backhouse, SH and O'Hara, J and Stevenson, EJ (2015) Effect of Galactose Ingestion Before and During Exercise on Substrate Oxidation, Postexercise Satiety, and Subsequent Energy Intake in Females. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 35 (1). 1 - 12. ISSN 0731-5724 DOI:

Ellis, I (2015) Shifting the balance for impact: Evidenced-based practice vs evidence-informed strategic influencing. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 22 (2). 56 - 57. ISSN 1741-1645 DOI:

Emiola, A and George, J and Andrews, SS (2015) A Complete Pathway Model for Lipid A Biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. PLoS One, 10 (4). ISSN 1932-6203 DOI:

Emmonds, S and O'Hara, J and Till, K and Jones, B and Brightmore, A and Cooke, CB (2015) Physiological and Movement Demands of Rugby League Referees: Influence on Penalty Accuracy. Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 29 (12). 3367 - 3374. ISSN 1064-8011 DOI:

Ensaff, H and Canavon, C and Crawford, R and Barker, ME (2015) A qualitative study of a food intervention in a primary school: Pupils as agents of change. Appetite, 95. 455 - 465. ISSN 0195-6663 DOI:

Ensaff, H and Coan, S and Sahota, P and Braybrook, D and Akter, H and McLeod, H (2015) Adolescents' Food Choice and the Place of Plant-Based Foods. Nutrients, 7 (6). 4619 - 4637. DOI:

Ensaff, H and Homer, M and Sahota, P and Braybrook, D and Coan, S and McLeod, H (2015) Food Choice Architecture: An Intervention in a Secondary School and its Impact on Students' Plant-based Food Choices. Nutrients, 7 (6). 4426 - 4437. ISSN 2072-6643 DOI:

Erickson, K and McKenna, J and Backhouse, SH (2015) A qualitative analysis of the factors that protect athletes against doping in sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 16 (P2). 149 - 155. ISSN 1469-0292 DOI:

Evans, CA and Roseer, R and Waby, J and Noirel, J and Lai, D and Wright, PC and Williams, EA and Riley, SA and Bury, JP and Corfe, BM (2015) Reduced keratin expression in colorectal neoplasia and associated fields is reversible by diet and resection. BMJ Open Gastroenterology. DOI:

Ewen, S (2015) Helen Meller (ed.), Ghent Planning Congress 1913. Premier Congrès International et Exposition Comparée des Villes. London: Routledge, 2014. xvii + 716pp. £95.00 hbk. Urban History, 42 (1). 173 - 175. ISSN 1469-8706 DOI:

Fabri, M (2015) Thinking with a New Purpose: Lessons Learned from Teaching Design Thinking Skills to Creative Technology Students. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9186. 32 - 43. ISSN 1611-3349 DOI:

Fagg, J and Cole, TJ and Cummins, S and Goldstein, H and Morris, S and Radley, D and Sacher, P and Law, C (2015) After the RCT: who comes to a family-based intervention for childhood overweight or obesity when it is implemented at scale in the community? Journal of epidemiology and community health, 69 (2). 142 - 148. ISSN 0143-005X DOI:

Fairley, L and Santorelli, G and Lawlor, DA and Bryant, M and Bhopal, RS and Petherick, ES and Sahota, P and Greenwood, DC and Hill, AJ and Cameron, N and Ball, H and Barber, S and Wright, J (2015) The relationship between early life modifiable risk factors for childhood obesity, ethnicity and body mass index at age 3 years: findings from the Born in Bradford birth cohort study. BMC obesity, 2 (9). ISSN 2052-9538 DOI:

Fisher, P and Lees, J (2015) Narrative approaches in mental health: preserving the emancipatory tradition. Health. ISSN 1363-4593 DOI:

Fletcher, M and Erkoreka, A and Gorse, C and Martin, K and Sala, JM (2015) Optimising Test Environment and Test Set Up for Characterizing Actual Thermal Performance of Building Components and Whole Buildings. Energy Procedia, 78. pp. 3264-3269. ISSN 1876-6102 DOI:

Fletcher, T (2015) Cricket, migration and diasporic communities. Identities, 22 (2). 141 - 153. ISSN 1070-289X DOI:

Fletcher, T and Walle, T (2015) Negotiating their right to play: Asian-specific cricket teams and leagues in the UK and Norway. Identities, 22 (2). 230 - 246. ISSN 1070-289X DOI:

Fletcher, TE and Carnicelli, S and Snape, R (2015) Leisure Studies Association: Past, Present and Future. Brazilian Journal of Leisure Studies, 2 (2). pp. 35-45. ISSN 2358-1239

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Alsufyani, R and Safdari, F and Chang, V (2015) "Migration of cloud services and deliveries to higher education." In: Proceedings of ESaaSA 2015 - 2nd International Workshop on Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics, In conjuction with the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER 2015. UNSPECIFIED, 86 - 94. ISBN 9789897581106

Bagheri Zadeh, P and Sheikh Akbari, A (2015) "Evaluation of Wavelet Transform Families in Image Resolution Enhancement." In: 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing 2015 (ISP). IET. ISBN 978-1-78561-136-0

Borgogni, A and Digennaro, S and Sterchele, D (2015) "Sport Clubs in Italy." In: Breuer, C and Hoekman, R and Nagel, S and van der Werff, H, (eds.) Sport Clubs in Europe. Sports Economics, Management and Policy, 12 . Springer, New York, pp. 249-269. ISBN 978-3-319-17634-5

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Brown, FC (2015) "The Principles of Playwork." In: Johnson, J, (ed.) The Handbook of the Study of Play. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 1475807961, 9781475807967

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Burroughs, RM (2015) "Gaskell on the waterfront: Leisure, labor, and maritime space in the mid-nineteenth century." In: Scholl, L and Morris, E, (eds.) Place Progress and Personhood in the Works of Elizabeth Gaskell. Ashgate (Routledge), 11 - 22. ISBN 9781472429636

Burroughs, RM (2015) "Slave-trade suppression and the culture of anti-slavery in nineteenth-century Britain." In: Burroughs, R and Huzzey, R, (eds.) The suppression of the Atlantic slave trade: British policies, practices and representations of naval coercion. Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-8511-6

Burroughs, RM (2015) "Suppression of the Atlantic slave trade: abolition from ship to shore." In: Burroughs, R and Huzzey, R, (eds.) The suppression of the Atlantic slave trade: British policies, practices and representations of naval coercion. Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-8511-6

Cardoso-Castro, P (2015) "A dialogical space for independent learning: Later in the pub and first class club." In: Thomas, L, (ed.) Compendium of effective practice in directed independent learning. Higher Education Academy, UK, pp. 8-9. ISBN UNSPECIFIED

Chan, MA (2015) "Environmentalism and The Animated Landscape in Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984) and Princess Mononoke (1997)." In: Pallant, C, (ed.) Animated Landscapes: History, Form and Function. Bloomsbury, New York, pp. 93-108. ISBN 9781628923513

Chang, V and Ramachandran, M (2015) "Quality of service for financial modeling and prediction as a service." In: Proceedings of ESaaSA 2015 - 2nd International Workshop on Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics, In conjuction with the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER 2015. UNSPECIFIED, 5 - 15. ISBN 9789897581106

Dalton, B and Martin, K and McAndrew, C and Nikolopoulou, M and Triggs, T (2015) "Designing visible counter-terrorism interventions in public spaces." In: Stedmon, A and Lawson, G, (eds.) Hostile Intent and Counter-Terrorism: Human Factors Theory and Application. Ashgate (now Routledge), pp. 261-276. ISBN 9781409445210, 9781315587080 DOI:

Epolito, G (2015) "Mediterraneità Desired and Realised: The Imposition of the Fascist Aesthetic Ideology of Mediterranean-ness overseas from 1935 to 1940." In: Leal, JC and Maia, MH and Torras, BF, (eds.) Southern Modernisms: from A to Z and back again. Centro de Estudos Arnaldo de CESAP/ESAP & Instituto de História da Arte da FCSH-UNL, Porto, Portugal, pp. 79-98. ISBN 978-972-8784-66-9

Ewen, S and Couperus, S (2015) "Whose ‘urban internationale’? Intermunicipalism in Europe, c.1924-36: the value of a decentred, interpretive approach to transnational urban history." In: Madgin, R and Kenny, N, (eds.) Cities Beyond Borders: Comparative and Transnational Approaches to Urban History. Routledge, 149 - 172. ISBN 9781472434791

Gold, J and D'Souza-Matthew, M and Pickard, H and Pickard, R (2015) "The struggle for product development and innovation in a family-owned business." In: Rae, D and Wang, C, (eds.) Entrepreneurial Learning: New Perspectives in Research, Education and Practice. Routledge, London, pp. 194-215. ISBN 9780415723244, 9781315857817

Hignett, KL (2015) "'We Had to Become Criminals to Survive Under Communism!' Testimonies of Petty Criminality and Everyday Morality in Late Socialist Central Europe." In: Ilic, M and Leinarte, D, (eds.) The Soviet Past in the Post-Socialist Present: Methodology and Ethics in Russian, Baltic and Central European Oral History and Memory Studies. Routledge. ISBN 9781138933453 DOI:

Hind, K (2015) "Pathophysiology of Osteoporosis and Fracture." In: Pisot, R, (ed.) Hip fracture in the elderly : reasons, consequences and rehabilitation. Annales University Press. ISBN 9789616964029

Hollinshead, K and Caton, K and Ivanova, M (2015) "The normalisation of places and spaces: Tourism and transformation-A glossary of the eye-of-authority." In: Transformational Tourism Host Perspectives. CABI. ISBN 1780643926, 9781780643922

Hollinshead, K and Ivanova, M and Caton, K (2015) "Destination under discipline: Foucault and the Transformation of Place Makers." In: Transformational Tourism Host Perspectives. CABI. ISBN 1780643926, 9781780643922

Lamond, I (2015) "'Oh What a Circus': reflecting on the 2015 UK General Election as an event." In: Jackson, D and Thorsen, E, (eds.) UK Election Analysis 2015: Media, Voters and the Campaign. Political Studies Association with the Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community (Bournemouth University), 48 - 48 (1). ISBN UNSPECIFIED

Lashua, BD (2015) "One Day on Earth: Featuring case study research." In: Johnson, CW and Parry, DC, (eds.) Fostering Social Justice through Qualitative Inquiry: A Methodological Guide. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, California, pp. 161-189. ISBN 1611323754, 9781611323757

Leahy, D and Pike, J (2015) "'Just say no to pies’: Food pedagogies, health education and governmentality." In: Flowers, R and Swan, E, (eds.) Food Pedagogies. Ashgate. ISBN 9781409465041

Mallik, B and Sheikh Akbari, A and Bagheri Zadeh, P (2015) "HEVC based Stereo Video codec." In: 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing 2015 (ISP). IET. ISBN 978-1-78561-136-0

Marshall, EJZ (2015) "Harlem Tricksters: Cheating the Cycle of Trauma in the fiction of Toni Morrison, Ralph Ellison and Nella Larsen." In: Ward, A, (ed.) Postcolonial Traumas: Memory, Narrative, Resistance. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 48-64. ISBN 9781137526427 DOI:

Mataruna, L and Melo, T and Guimarães, A and Petersen-Wagner, R and Range, D (2015) "Olympic Agenda 2020, Social Media and Online Strategies for the Social Value of the Olympic Games." In: Deslandes, A and DaCosta, L and Miragaya, A, (eds.) The Future of Sports Mega-Events/O Futuro Dos Megaeventos Esportivos. Engenho Arte & Cultura, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 422-437. ISBN UNSPECIFIED

Matthias, O and Buckle, M (2015) "Accidental lean: Performance improvement in an NHS hospital and reflections on the role of operations strategy." In: Radnor, Z and Bateman, N and Esain, A and Kumar, M and Williams, S and Upton, D, (eds.) Public Service Operations Management: A Research Handbook. Routledge, pp. 52-72. ISBN 9781138813694

Miller, SM (2015) "Activating Improvisational Creativity in the Performance of 'World' and 'Popular' Music." In: Burnard, P and Haddon, E, (eds.) Activating Diverse Musical Creativities: Teaching and Learning in Higher Music Education. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781472589132

Pattinson, C and Cross, R and Kor, A (2015) "Thin Client and Energy efficiency." In: Dastbaz, M and Pattinson, C and Akhgar, B, (eds.) Green Information Technology: A Sustainable Approach. Elsevier. ISBN UNSPECIFIED

Pattinson, C and Kor, A and Braddock, R (2015) "Community Wide Area Network and Mobile ISP." In: Dastbaz, M and Pattinson, C and Akhgar, B, (eds.) Green Information Technology: A Sustainable Approach. Elsevier. ISBN 9780128013793

Pattinson, C and Kor, A and Cross, R (2015) "Critical Issues for Data Center Energy Efficiency." In: Dastbaz, M and Pattinson, C and Akhgar, B, (eds.) Green Information Technology: A Sustainable Approach. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-801379-3

Pereira, A and Long, JA (2015) "The Social Dynamics of Space Constructions and Leisure Lifestyles." In: Elkington, S and Gammon, S, (eds.) Landscapes of Leisure: Space, Place and Identities. Palgrave. ISBN 9781137428523

Pringle, AR and Zwolinsky, S and Lozano, L and Hargreaves, J and McKenna, J (2015) "Assessing the impact of football-based health improvement programmes: Stay onside, avoid own goals and bag." In: Parnell, D and Richardson, D, (eds.) Football, Community and Social Inclusion. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9781138855915

Raj, R (2015) "Introduction to sacred or secular journeys." In: Raj, R and Griffin, K, (eds.) Religious tourism and pilgrimage management: an international perspective. cabi, 1 - 15. ISBN 9781780645230 DOI:

Raj, R (2015) "The globalization of pilgrimage tourism? Some thoughts from Ireland." In: Raj, R and Griffin, K, (eds.) Religious tourism and pilgrimage management: an international perspective. cabi. ISBN 9781780645230 DOI:

Raj, R and Griffin, K and Blackwell, R (2015) "Motivations for religious tourism, pilgrimage, festivals and events." In: Raj, R and Griffin, K, (eds.) Religious tourism and pilgrimage management: an international perspective. cabi, 103 - 117. ISBN 9781780645230 DOI:

Raj, R and Yan,, G (2015) "Tradition, Tourism." In: Jafari, J and Xiao, H, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-01384-8

Ramachandran, M and Chang, V (2015) "Financial software as a service: A paradigm for risk modelling and analytics." In: Transportation Systems and Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global, pp. 849-873. ISBN 9781466684744 DOI:

Ramachandran, M and Chang, V and Li, CS (2015) "The improved cloud computing adoption framework to deliver secure services." In: Proceedings of ESaaSA 2015 - 2nd International Workshop on Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics, In conjuction with the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER 2015. UNSPECIFIED, 73 - 79. ISBN 9789897581106

Scraton, S and Watson, R (2015) "Leisure and Consumption: a critical analysis of ‘free time’." In: Holborn, M, (ed.) Contemporary Sociology. Polity. ISBN 9780745661827

Sheikh Akbari, A and Bagheri Zadeh, P and Behringer, R (2015) "Iris segmentation using a non-decimated wavelet transform." In: 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing 2015 (ISP). IET. ISBN 978-1-78561-136-0

Stoppani, T (2015) "SUSPENDED TIME. Notes on Heide Fasnacht 'Suspect Terrain' (2015)." In: Suspect Terrain (exhibition catalogue). Socrates Sculpture Park. ISBN UNSPECIFIED

Sturm, DC (2015) "‘Elitist aesthetics: Extreme metal fans as taste-makers and gate-keepers’." In: Wilson, SA, (ed.) Music at the Extremes Essays on Sounds Outside the Mainstream. McFarland, 13 - 29 (17). ISBN 0786494506, 9780786494507

Thomson, S (2015) "Building a conversational framework for e-learning to support the future implementation of learning technologies." In: Middleton, A, (ed.) Smart Learning – teaching and learning with smartphones and tablets in post compulsory education. MELSIG & Sheffield Hallam University, 86 - 90 (298). ISBN 1843873834, 978-1843873839

Thomson, S (2015) "Taking the tablets - should you bring your own or use those prescribed?" In: Middleton, A, (ed.) Smart Learning – teaching and learning with smartphones and tablets in post compulsory education. MELSIG & Sheffield Hallam University, 158 - 171. ISBN 1843873834, 978-1843873839

Tufail, W (2015) "Policing Muslim Communities in Partnership: 'integration', belonging and resistance." In: El-Enany, N and Bruce-Jones, E, (eds.) Justice, Resistance and Solidarity: Race and Policing in England and Wales. Runnymede Trust, 18 - 20. ISBN 978-1-909546-11-0

Watson, R and Rodley, I (2015) "Dazzling yet invisible? The curious cultural location of boys in cheerdance." In: Hällgren, C and Dunkels, K and Frånberg, G-M, (eds.) Invisible Boy: The Making of Contemporary Masculinities. Umeå University. ISBN 978-91-7601-232-1

Whitworth, N and Bray, M (2015) "Emergence of the vowel space in very young children with Down syndrome: An exploratory case study." In: ICPhS2015: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 10-14 August 2015, SECC, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-0-85261-941-4

Willis, P (2015) "Being Social: Creating a critical commons with public relations practice." In: L'Etang, J and McKie, D and Snow, N and Xifra, J, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, ? - ? (416). ISBN 0415727332, 9780415727334

Wood, EH (2015) "How we think we felt: The importance of recollected experience and how to capture it." In: Slater, A and Wood, EH, (eds.) The Festival and Event Experience. Leisure Studies Association, 127 - 151 (24). ISBN 9781905369539

Woolnough, HM and Redshaw, J (2015) "Exploring the career decisions of professional women with dependent children." In: Handbook of Gendered Careers in Management Getting In, Getting On, Getting Out. Edward Elgar, 460 - 473. ISBN 9781782547686 DOI:

Wright, S and Humble, A (2015) "A techno-Politics Of exclusion - How To Shock People Out Of Passive Somnolence." In: Wee, C and Arndt, O, (eds.) Supramarkt - How to frack The Fatal forces of the Capitalocene. Irene Publishing, 232 - 269. ISBN 9789188061065


Bagnall, A and South, J and Trigwell, J and Kinsella, K and White, J and Harden, A (2015) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Review 4: Community engagement – approaches to improve health: map of the literature on current and emerging community engagement policy and practice in the UK. Project Report. Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Beckett University / Institute for Health and Human Development, University of East London, Leeds.

Bagnall, A and Southby, K and Mitchell, B and South, J (2015) BIBLIOGRAPHY AND MAP OF COMMUNITY-CENTRED INTERVENTIONS FOR HEALTH AND WELLBEING. Other. Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)

Dashper, K (2015) The event workforce: Understanding job satisfaction, stress and job experience in the events industry. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University.

Fieldhouse, E and Widdop, P and Bunglawala, Z (2015) Knowledge Exchange Trials: Pilot Programme Bridging the Academic-Policy Divide. Project Report. Economic and Social Research Council. (Unpublished)

Fletcher, TE and Snape, B and Carnicelli, S and Lawrence, S (2015) Teaching and Learning Issues in the Disciplines: Leisure Studies. Project Report. Higher Education Academy. (Unpublished)

Gill, M and Rose, A and Collins, K (2015) A good practice guide for the implementation of redeployable CCTV. Project Report. Home Office Online Report.

Glew, D (2015) Airtightness and Thermographic Study of 20 Dwellings for Wakefield & District Housing. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Gorse, CA (2015) Evidence report Quality of New Build Housing in England, All Party Group for Excellence in the Built Environment, Inquiry into the Quality of New Build Housing in England, Fourth Evidence-giving Session, Monday 14th December, House of Commons. Other. All Party Group for Excellence in the Built Environment, Inquiry into the Quality of New Build Housing in England.

Hanna, E and Coan, S (2015) South Leeds Summer Fun Day Report. Project Report. Leeds ACTS. (Unpublished)

Hibberd, LA and Thompson, Z (2015) Urban Constellating. Other. Leeds Beckett University.

Hylton, K and Long, J and Fletcher, TE and Ormerod, N (2015) South Asian Communities and Cricket (Bradford and Leeds). Project Report. Yorkshire Cricket Foundation.

Hylton, K and Long, J and Parnell, D and Rankin-Wright, A (2015) 'Race', Racism and Participation in Sport. Project Report. Race Equality Foundation.

Johnston, D and Parker, J and Brooke-Peat, M (2015) Yorkshire Innovation Fund Small Innovation Project – Eco Home Prototype Report. Project Report. Yorkshire Innovation Fund / Leeds Beckett University.

Johnston, DK and Brooke-Peat, M and Parker, J (2015) Innovate UK Innovation Voucher Project – Eco Home Prototype Report. Project Report. Innovate UK / Leeds Beckett University, Leeds.

Johnston, DK and Miles-Shenton, D and Glew, G (2015) Innovate UK Innovation Voucher Project – Oxypod® Device Test. Project Report. Innovate UK / Leeds Beckett University, Leeds.

Long, JA and Dashper, K and Fletcher, T and Ormerod, N (2015) Understanding participation and non-participation in sport amongst Black and minority ethnic groups in Wales. Project Report. Report to Sport Wales from the Institute for Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure, Cardiff.

Matu, J and Deighton, K and Ispoglou, T and Duckworth, L and Gonzalez, J (2015) The effect of hypoxia on appetite, appetite regulating hormones and energy intake: a planned meta-analysis. Other. PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews. DOI:

McKenna, J and Zwolinsky, S (2015) Evaluation of Project HE:RO - Keighley. Project Report. Centre for Active Lifestyles. (Unpublished)

Miles-Shenton, D and Farmer, D and Brooke-Peat, M and Gorse, C (2015) Party Wall Cavity Barrier Effective Edge Seal Testing for ARC Building Solutions Ltd. Technical Report. Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)

Miles-Shenton, D and Farmer, D and Johnston, D (2015) Investigation into the in situ thermal performance of 2 static caravans – Assessing the change in heat loss behaviour due to thermally superior replacement windows. Project Report. Leeds Sustainability Institute.

Milnes, K and Turner-Moore, T and Gough, B and Denison, J and Gatere, L and Haslam, C and Videva, D and Zajsek, T and Zoppi, I (2015) Sexual bullying in young people across five European countries: Research report for the Addressing Sexual Bullying Across Europe (ASBAE) Project. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University.

Milnes, K and Turner-Moore, T and Gough, B and Denison, J and Gatere, L and Haslam, C and Videva, D and Zajsek, T and Zoppi, I (2015) Sexual bullying in young people across five European countries: Summary research report for the Addressing Sexual Bullying Across Europe (ASBAE) project. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University, Leeds.

Milnes, K and Turner-Moore, T and Zoppi, I and Secchi, F and Denison, J and Gatere, L and Gough, B and Haslam, C and Taneva, T and Zajsek, T (2015) Awareness, Co-operation, Tackling to Stop Sexual Bullying: An empowerment pack for young people and the people working with them (The ACT Pack). Manual. UNSPECIFIED.

Newton, R and South, J and White, A and Swann, P (2015) Engaging Communities in Health Innovation: Learning from the URBACT Project. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University.

Robertson, S and Bagnall, A and Walker, M (2015) Evidence for a gender-based approach to mental health programmes: Identifying the key considerations associated with “being male”. Project Report. The Movember Foundation.

Robertson, S and White, A and Gough, B and Robinson, R and Seims, A and Raine, G and Hanna, E (2015) Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing with Men and Boys: What Works? Project Report. Centre for Men’s Health, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds. DOI: 978-1-907240-41-6 (ISBN)

Robertson, S and Woodall, J and Hanna, E and Rowlands, S and Long, T and Livesley, J (2015) Salford Dadz: Year 2 External Evaluation. Project Report. Unlimited Potential.

South, J (2015) A guide to community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing. Project Report. Public Health England / NHS England.

Southby, K and O'Dwyer, L (2015) Barriers to non-'bed-based' respite - final report. Project Report. Leeds North Clinical Commissioning Group. (Unpublished)

Stott, CR and Warren, SP (2015) Project Office Volume 2. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.

Warwick-Booth, L and Cross, RM and Woodall, JR and Kinsella, K and Trigwell, J and Coan, S (2015) The Way Forward Evaluation Final Report. Project Report. Leeds Beckett University.

White, A and Seims, A and Robertson, S (2015) Proceedings of an expert symposium on the mental health and wellbeing of men and boys, November 6th, 2014, Leeds. Project Report. The Movember Foundation in association with Leeds Beckett University and the Men’s Health Forum, London, UK. DOI: 978-1-907240-40-9

White, JL and Gamsu, M (2015) HEALTHWATCH INVESTIGATIONS: Developing good practice. Project Report. Health Together, Leeds Beckett University.

Woodall, JR and Dixey, R and Kinsella, K and Braybrook, D (2015) Jigsaw visitors’ centre evaluation. Project Report. Institute for Health and Wellbeing, Leeds.

Zwolinsky, S and McKenna, J (2015) Bodyline Access Scheme: Final Report, August 2015. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Zwolinsky, S and McKenna, J (2015) Leeds Let’s Get Active: Community Report, August 2015. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Zwolinsky, S and McKenna, J (2015) Leeds Let’s Get Active: Final Report, August 2015. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Conference or Workshop Item

Abraham, A and Collins, D (2015) Professional Judgement and Decision Making in Sport Coaching: To Jump Or Not To Jump. In: 12th International Naturalistic Decision Making Conference, 9 - 12 June 2015, McLean, VA, USA.

Archer, J and Williams, CA (2015) Our Rationale for Better Analytics: developing a common denominator approach for annual reports. In: PTFS Europe Customer Day, 3-4 December 2015, Aston University Conference Centre.

Astita, R and Tashani, O and Hind, K and Sharp, D and Johnson, MI (2015) A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PAIN SENSITIVITY, BODY FAT DISTRIBUTION AND BLOOD LEVELS OF IL-6, CRP, TNF-Α AND LEPTIN. In: 9th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC, 02 Sep 2015 - 05 Sep 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Backhouse, SH (2015) Doping Prevention Practice in Recreational Sport across EU-28. In: 5th Nordic Conference on Appearance and Performance Enhancing Drugs and Anti-Doping Work, 24-25 Sep 2015, Helsinkin, Finland. (Unpublished)

Backhouse, SH (2015) Overview of Global Social Science Research; A Literature Review. In: Values-Based Education Conference: Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, in partnership with the World Anti-Doping Agency, 2nd - 3rd October 2015, Ottowa, Canada.

Becker, BS and Watson, A (2015) Embedding library services in Blackboard Learn. In: Blackboard Educate & Innovate Teaching and Learning Conference, 14-17 April 2015, Liverpool.

Beggs, CB and Magnano, C and Belov, P and Krawiecki, J and Ramasamy, DP and Hagemeier, J and Zivadinov, R (2015) Internal jugular vein cross-sectional area and cerebrospinal fluid pulsatility in the aqueduct of Sylvius. In: 5th Annual meeting of the International Society for Neurovascular Disease, 27 - 28 March 2015, Naples, Italy.

Bradley, Q (2015) The political identities of neighbourhood planning in England. In: ENHR 2014: Beyond Globalisation: Remaking Housing Policy in a Complex World, 1-4 July 2014, Edinburgh. DOI:

Brownlow, R (2015) Parasocial Activity: Nurse Learner's Experience of Entertainment Education. In: RCN Education Forum national conference, Nottingham.

Brownlow, R (2015) The power of parasocial learning: Nurses’ experiences of learning through entertainment-education in the online learning environment. In: International Seminar Day: Education, Creativity and the Arts, 2015, University of Huddersfield.

Brownlow, R (2015) The use of Assertion Reason Questions to promote higher order thinking in Graduate Entry Nurses. In: Graduate Entry Nursing Symposium: Defining, maximising and promoting “post-graduateness" in Graduate Entry Nursing Programmes for the future of nursing, University of Nottingham.

Burden, SE (2015) Assessing students in practice: expectations, impressions and social judgements. In: Leeds Annual SLiP Conference – ‘Inspiring and empowering learners in Practice’., 3rd September 2015, Leeds Beckett University.

Burton, K and Lilley-Kelly, A and Graham, L and Walwyn, R and Cicero, R and Creese, B and Garrod, L and Griffiths, A and Surr, CA (2015) Complexities of trial recruitment in the care home setting: an illustration via the EPIC trial. In: International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference (ICTMC), 16 - 17 November 2015, Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)

Butterfield, EM and Schreuders, ZC (2015) Student Led Data Recovery Services: Providing Digital Forensics students with relevant work experience. In: The first UK Workshop on Cybersecurity Training & Education (Vibrant Workshop 2015), 11 June 2015, Liverpool.


Clarke, SB and Kenny, IC and Harisson, AJ (2015) Lower limb coordination during a land-cut task following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and rehabilitation. In: 33rd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, 29 June - 3rd July 2015, Poitier, France.

Cleverley, J (2015) Continuing to Discover! Leeds Beckett University Library’s usage of feedback and statistical data to develop EBSCO Discovery Service. In: From the inside out': the 2015 EDS Conference, 10-11 June 2015, University of East Anglia. (Unpublished)

Cleverley, J and Cope, EC (2015) Developing preferred licensing terms for ebooks and journals/databases at Leeds Beckett University. In: The 11th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 20th - 22nd July 2015, Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Cockcroft, TW (2015) Using Police Culture to Understand Barriers to Effective Investigation. In: Investigating Child Homicide: An International Symposium, 13 May 2015 - 14 May 2015, Huddersfield. (Unpublished)

Daley, CP (2015) From High School to Higher Degrees: Teaching and Supporting Learning for Students entering Postgraduate Professional Study without Undergraduate Degrees. In: University Forum for Human Resource Development, 03 June 2015 - 05 June 2015, Cork.

Darrall-Jones, J and Jones, B and Till, K (2015) The influence of Body Mass on the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test in Rugby Union. In: BASES 2015 Conference, 01 December 2015 - 02 December 2015, St. George's Park. (Unpublished)

Davis, S (2015) Workers’ Educational Association: a crisis of identity? Personal perspectives on changing professional identities. In: 2015 SCUTREA Conference, 7th-9th July 2015, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Didymus, FF (2015) Stressors, Appraisals, and Coping in Olympic and International Level Sport Coaches. In: 14th European Congress of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC)., 14-19 July 2015, Berne, Switzerland. (Unpublished)

Didymus, FF and Backhouse, SH (2015) Coping without doping: Exploring associations between psychological stress and chemical assistance in high performance rugby. In: Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Conference (BPS), 14 Dec 2015 - 15 Dec 2015, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Diers-Lawson, AR and Birkholt, MJ and Bruce, H (2015) Killer Coca-Cola vs Pouring on the pounds: Comparing the brand damage potential between negative health messaging and counterbranding strategies. In: Academy of Management Sciences Annual Conference, 13 May 2015, Denver, Colorado.

Diers-Lawson, AR and Bruce, H (2015) Socially responsible joint venture, brand misconduct and recovery communication: Implications for relationship quality. In: Academy of Management Sciences Annual Conference, 13 May 2015, Denver, Colorado.

Diers-Lawson, AR and Wan, Y and Ivanova, S and Sotiorpoulou, E and Al-Hajiri, S (2015) Whose crisis is it anyway? Examining complexity in blame attribution and reputational risk in the airline industry. In: Crisis4 – an International Crisis Communication Conference, 08 October 2015 - 10 December 2016, Lund University in Helsingborg, Sweden.

Doney, P and Fabri, M (2015) Seeking New Insights: A Design Thinking Approach to Persuasive Technology Aimed at Supporting Clients of a Weight Management Program. In: Romanian HCI Conference - RoCHI 2015, 24 Sep 2015 - 25 Sep 2015, Bucharest.

Douglas, DJ and Radicic, D and Pugh, G (2015) Additionality effects of public support programmes on cooperation for innovation: evidence from European manufacturing SMEs. In: 5th European conference on corporate R&D and innovation.

Epolito, G (2015) Mediterraneità Oltremare: Assimilation, Appropriation, or Rejection? The Imposition of the Fascist Aesthetic Ideology of Mediterranean-ness Overseas from 1935 to 1940. In: Southern modernisms: critical stances through regional appropriations, 19 February 2015 - 21 February 2015, Porto.

Farrin, A and Hartley, S and Graham, L and Kelley, R and Surr, C and Griffiths, A and Bryant, L (2015) Conducting complex intervention trials in populations at risk of diminished capacity. In: 3rd International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference.

Finlayson, A and Douglas, DJ (2015) Achieving best for project success outcomes through optimal employee engagement – a proposal for organisations operating engineering alliances. In: British Academy of Management (BAM), 08 September 2015 - 10 September 2015, Portsmouth UK.

Ford, M and Loughran, H and Morris, D (2015) In & out of the LibGuides box: developing the Leeds Beckett Library website. In: Using Libguides: from simple online guides to complete library websites, 25 March 2015, Dublin, Republic of Ireland.

Gondim Mariutti, F (2015) Country Brand Challenges: Why is Brazil’s image complex and multifaceted? In: 2015 Academy of Marketing Conference - The Magic in Marketing, 7-9 July 2015, Limerick, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Gondim Mariutti, F and Oguz, K and Yeomans, L (2015) Looking Through Different Lenses: Women’s Feminist Perspectives in Public Relations. In: EUPRERA 2015 ANNUAL CONGRESS: THE MANAGEMENT GAME OF COMMUNICATION: How PR/Corporate Communication Supports Organizations and What Communicators Can Learn from Management Disciplines, 1-3 October, 2015, Oslo, Norway.

Graham, L and Surr, C and Jones, S and Farrin, A and Walwyn, R and Cicero, R (2015) Optimising intervention implementation in the DCM (TM) epic trial (dementia care mapping (TM) : to enable person-centred care in care homes). In: EPIC trial.

Granville, J (2015) The CINAGE Project. In: Age-Friendly University, 2nd November - 3rd November 2015, Dublin. (Unpublished)

Hale-Ross, SA (2015) The European Union should introduce legislation to harmonise anti-terror laws in the 28 Member States. In: 16th annual UACES (The Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies) Conference titled the ‘Ever Challenged Union: exploring ways out of the crises’, 29 June 2015 - 30 June 2015, Queens University Belfast.

Hobbs, M and Griffiths, C and Green, M and Jordan, H and McKenna, J (2015) The Built Environment Yorkshire Health (BEYH) Study: an update. In: Carnegie Research Institute Seminar, 06 May 2015 - 06 May 2015, Leeds Beckett University.

Jefferies, LN (2015) From Space to Interface : Augmented Reality, a Model for Participation. In: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2015), July 2015, London. DOI:

Jones, BL and Till, K and Manley, A (2015) Advancing the profiling of athletes: Incorporating coach-athlete collaboration when interpreting fitness testing data. In: The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) conference, 01 December 2015 - 02 December 2015, St George’s Park, Burton upon Trent, UK.

Kaiseler, M and Levy, A (2015) INVESTIGATING THE INTERACTION BETWEEN THE BIG-FIVE AND DISPOSITIONAL COPING IN SPORT. In: 20th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, 24th - 27th June 2015, Malmo, Sweden.

Kershaw-Solomon, H and Zhang, C and Gold, J (2015) The Betrothal Knot – Engaging British University Academic Staff. In: UFHRD, 15 June 2015 - 18 June 2015, Ireland.


Lamond, I (2015) Conceptualising 'Event'. In: PORESO 2015: Redefining the Boundaries of the ‘Event’, 9th June 2015, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Loughran, HJ and Morgan, J (2015) Using Social Media to Engage with our Communities. In: Northern Collaboration Learning Exchange: Strategic Marketing, 23rd January 2015, University of Sunderland.

Luker, WA and Spoor, P (2015) Meeting the Mandate: piloting compliance at Leeds and Leeds Beckett Universities. In: UKSG Forum, 18 November 2015, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Mackreth, K and Bond, AJ and O'Keeffe, L (2015) #RLNewEra: An exploratory study into the marketing planning activities of rugby league clubs in the UK. European Association of Sport Management Conference, September 9-12, 2015. Dublin, Ireland: EASM. In: European Association of Sport Management Conference, 09 September 2015 - 12 September 2015, Dublin, Ireland.

Manley, AJ and Backhouse, SH and Hinchliffe, CR and Shand, R and Hudson, J (2015) Navigating Choppy Waters: The QSEP Voyage from Multiple Perspectives. In: British Psychological Society Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Conference., 14-15 December 2015, Leeds, UK.

Miles-Shenton, D (2015) Airtightness testing and thermographic analysis of 20 WDH dwellings - Nov '14 to Feb '15. In: Wakefield Affordable Warmth Action Plan, Wakefield. (Unpublished)

Mitchell, TO and Nest, MS and Richardson, DJ and Littlewood, MA (2015) The role of Identity during critical moments in professional football: A Case study approach. In: BASES Annual Conference, 01 December 2015 - 02 December 2015, St Georges Park.

Mitchell, TO and Nesti, MS and Littlewood, MA (2015) Identity in Football. In: BASES Student Conference, 31 March 2015 - 01 April 2015, Liverpool.

Morris, L and Windle, E (2015) Module resource lists: Using a puzzle to solve a puzzle. In: Northern Collaboration 2015 Conference: Being digital: opportunities for collaboration in academic libraries, 10th September 2015, Leeds, UK.

Muhd Azmi, S and Bujang, N and Kor, A and Pattinson, C (2015) A Comparative Study on the Energy Efficiency of 4th Gen Intel Core Processor vs 3rd Gen Intel Core Processor. In: The 2015 International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications, 27–30 July 2015, Las Vegas.

Nobles, J and Gately, P and Griffiths, C and Pringle, AR (2015) Are Intervention-Design Characteristics More Predictive than Baseline Participant Characteristics on Participant Attendance to a Paediatric, Community Weight Management Programme? In: European Congress on Obesity, 22-24 May 2015.

Norry, JP (2015) Embedded and visible: balancing the university library in the digital age. In: North West Academic Libraries (NoWAL) Conference 2015, 15th July 2015, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Parker, JM and Farmer, D and Fletcher, M (2015) Calibrating whole house thermal models against a coheating test. In: SYSTEM SIMULATION IN BUILDINGS 2014, Liege.

Partington, J and Robson, S (2015) "It’s like a marriage… some of it’s alright… some of it’s really good… some of it’s a nightmare”: voluntary sports clubs and their partnerships. In: Political Studies Association Sport Conference, 07 January 2015 - 08 January 2015, Durham University. (Unpublished)

Piggott, D (2015) An(other) conceptual model for coach learning. In: International Coaching Conference, 9-10 September 2015, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Piggott, D and Fletcher, T (2015) Exploring the barriers to South Asian cricket players’ entry and progression in coaching. In: PSA Sport SIG, 6-8 January 2016, Durham, UK. (Unpublished)

Piggott, D and Lara-Bercial, S (2015) Principles of effective curriculum design for sports coaches. In: Global Coaches Conference, 22-25 August 2015, Finland. (Unpublished)

Price, S (2015) Disciplinary Neo-liberal Feminism and the Political Economy of Microfinance and Risk. In: European International Studies Association Annual Conference, 23 - 26 September 2015, Sicily, Italy.

Pringle, AR and Parnell, D and Zwolinsky, S and McKenna, J and Hargreaves, J and Rutherford, Z and Trotter, L and Rigby, M and Richardson, D (2015) Engaging Older Adults With Physical-Activity Delivered In Professional Soccer Clubs: Initial Pre-Adoption And Implementation Characteristics. In: American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting 2015, 26 - 30 May 2015, San Diego, USA.

Ramachandran, M (2015) Keynote on Software Security Requirements Engineering : State of the Art. In: 10th International Conference on Global Security, Safety & Sustainability, 15 September - 17 September 2015, London. (Unpublished)

Read, D and Jones, BL and Till, K (2015) A comparison of rugby union match demands between age group categories in UK representative adolescent players. In: The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) conference, 01 December 2015 - 02 December 2015, St George’s Park, Burton upon Trent, UK.

Rooke, S and Crossley, V and McCulloch, S (2015) Keeping afloat with a Research Pool. In: ARMA 25th Annual Conference, 1-3 June 2015, Brighton. (Unpublished)

Schreuders, ZC and Ardern, L (2015) Generating randomised virtualised scenarios for ethical hacking and computer security education: SecGen implementation and deployment. In: The first UK Workshop on Cybersecurity Training & Education (Vibrant Workshop 2015), 11 June 2015, Liverpool.

Schreuders, ZC and Butterfield, EM and Staniforth, P (2015) An open cloud-based virtual lab environment for computer security education: A pilot study evaluation of oVirt. In: The first UK Workshop on Cybersecurity Training & Education (Vibrant Workshop 2015), Liverpool.

Sheppard, NE (2015) Extending and measuring the reach and impact of research output: #openaccess, social media and "alternative metrics". In: Northern Collaboration 2015 Conference: Being digital: opportunities for collaboration in academic libraries, 11th September 2015, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Sheppard, NE (2015) Philosophical Transactions to the Finch report: The events that defined academic dissemination. In: PORESO2015: The Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium at Leeds Beckett University, 9th June 2015, Leeds, UK.

Sheppard, NE and Bower, K (2015) Leveraging a Library CMS and Social Media to promote #openaccess (OA) to institutional research output. In: Internet Librarian International 2015, 20-21st October 2015, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Sheppard, NE and Bower, K (2015) The more things change: synergy and dissonance in Open Access and Open Education. In: Mainstreaming Open Education: The sixth international conference on Open Education, 14th - 15th April 2015, Cardiff, UK.

Smith, CF and Kaiseler, M and McKenna, J (2015) Can physical activity reduce work-related stress interventions: What do we know? In: Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Conference (BPS), 14 Dec 2015 - 15 Dec 2015, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished)

Smith, SA (2015) New times, new forms of learning – trade union education for the future. In: GFTU Progressive Summit, 20 November 2015 - 22 November 2015, Yarnfield Park Training and Conference Centre.

Surr, C and Lilley-Kelly, A and Graham, L and Walwyn, R and Cicero, R and Griffiths, A and Creese, B and Garrod, L (2015) Complexities of trial recruitment in the care home setting: an illustration via the DCM (TM) epic (dementia care mapping (TM) : to enable person-centred care in care homes) trial. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Surr, CA and Jones, S and Burton, K and Graham, L and Walwyn, R and Cicero, R (2015) Optimising Intervention Implementation in the EPIC trial. In: International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference (ICTMC), 16 - 17 November 2015, Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)

Sutcliffe, R and Linfield, R and Geldart, RA (2015) Overcoming Assessment Challenges - Tipping the Balance. In: 5th International Assessment in Higher Education Conference, 24th - 25th June 2015, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Tee, JC (2015) Applications of GPS in rugby union matches and practice. In: World Rugby Science Network Conference 2015, 15 September 2015 - 16 September 2015, Cape Town.

Tee, JC and Coopoo, Y and Lambert, MI (2015) Functional movement screen predicts severe contact and non-contact injuries in rugby union players. In: South African Sports Medicine Association (SAMSA) 2015, 20 October 2015 - 22 October 2015.

Tee, JC and Coopoo, Y and Lambert, MI (2015) Movement, impact and pacing characteristics of South African professional rugby players. In: South African Sports Medicine Association (SAMSA) 2015, 20 October 2015 - 22 October 2015.

Tee, JC and Coopoo, Y and Lambert, MI (2015) Rugby union movement patterns: The impact of fatigue and substitute players. In: 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Medicine, 24 June 2015 - 27 June 2015, Malmo, Sweden.

Thomson, S (2015) If technology is the answer, what is the question? In: SCHOMS Annual Conference, 18 June 2015 - 18 June 2015, Leeds Beckett University.

Thornton, RA (2015) Digitisation at Leeds Beckett University. In: DigiRight - Get it Right, 15 May 2015, Kimberlin Library, De Montfort University, Leicester. (Unpublished)

Trem, KR (2015) The Role of Spiral-Dynamics in Creating Sustainable, Values-Based-Organisations. In: UFHRD Cork 2015, Cork.

Watson, A and Morris, D and Becker, BS and Ford, M (2015) Embedding library account data in the VLE. In: COSI EMEA 2015, 08 July 2015 - 10 July 2015, Newcastle Upon Tyne. (Unpublished)

Whitaker, L and Backhouse, SH and Long, J (2015) Battling to remain clean: a professional athlete’s experiences of dealing with doping dilemmas. In: British Psychological Society Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Conference, 14-15 December 2015, Leeds, UK.

White, H (2015) Preventative treatment of osteoporosis in children with Cystic Fibrosis. In: VI Russian Cystic Fibrosis Conference, 14 May 2015 - 15 May 2015, St Petersburg. (Unpublished)

White, H (2015) What are the best nutritional outcome measures? In: 38th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, 10th - 13th June 2015, Brussels. (Unpublished)

Williams, GA (2015) The Work of the Community Psychology Section - Progress and Future Directions. In: 2nd Community Psychology Festival, 20th - 21st November 2015, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

Williams, TL and Smith, B and Papathomas, A (2015) From research to practice: Enabling healthcare professionals to promote a physically activity lifestyle to people with spinal cord injury. In: British Psychological Society, Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 14 Dec 2015, Leeds, UK.

Wilson, JL and Howard, E (2015) Talking tablets: piloting skills building through collaboration - Jennifer Wilson & Eric Howard. In: LILAC (Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference).

Zulu, SL (2015) Factors impacting of time and cost performance in the Zambian Construction Industry. In: Eighth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-8), 27 May 2015 - 30 May 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece.


Atkin, C and Rose, A and Cheffins, N and Clarke, M (2015) Public understanding of, and attitudes to, local hybrid energy systems: a study across rural Britain. Bishop Grosseteste University. ISBN 978‐1‐871346‐20‐6

Buda, D (2015) Affective Tourism: Dark Routes in Conflict. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9781138083905

Chan, MA (2015) Virtual Reality: Representations in Contemporary Media. Continuum, New York. ISBN 9781501308642

Law, I and Tate, S (2015) Caribbean Racisms Connections and Complexities in the Racialization of the Caribbean Region. Springer. ISBN 1137287284, 9781137287281, 9781349449620

Pechurina, A (2015) Material Cultures, Migrations, and Identities. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1137321776, 978-1137321770


Hemingray, CS (2015) Colour prediction for sustainable fibre blending. Doctoral thesis, University of Leeds.

Lampadarios, E (2015) Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs): An Empirical Study in the UK Chemical Distribution Industry. Post-Doctoral thesis, Leeds Beckett University.

Parton, GJ (2015) Problem-based Learning in Initial Teacher Education: The Construction and Adaption of Professional Identity. Doctoral thesis, Leeds Beckett University.

Pfeifer, G (2015) The Neural Processes Underpinning Visual Associative Memory: A Comparison of Young Grapheme-Colour Synaesthetes, Older Adults and Young Controls. Doctoral thesis, University of Brighton.


Paul, L (2015) (Exhibition): '25', (Work title): Dirty Bottom. [Show/Exhibition]

Paul, L (2015) Pool. [Show/Exhibition]


Connor, RA (2015) A Dream Play. [Performance] (Unpublished)


Backhouse, SH (2015) From Anti-Doping to Clean Sport: Critical Reflections on a Changing Research, Policy and Practice Landscape. [Video]

Paul, L (2015) Dirty Bottom. [Video]

Surr, CA (2015) Dementia's Coming of Age. [Video]


Andrews, PCS and Harris, J (2015) OnetoOne:24/2/15 John Harris talks to Penny Andrews. [Audio]

Merriman, H and Verroken, M and Cowan, D and Conte, V and Backhouse, SH (2015) How Easy is it to Dope in Sport? [Audio]

Teaching Resource

Bower, K (2015) Using the Library to prepare for criminology and sociology assignments. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)


Ensaff, H (2015) Food in Schools - making the better choice. Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)

Lamond, I (2015) Politics, Emotion and Protest Workshop reflection. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Miles-Shenton, D and Gorse, C and Thomas, F (2015) External walls partially filled with insulation, and the potential to "top-up" the residual cavity. Leeds Beckett University. (Unpublished)

Paul, L (2015) Catalytic Commons. UNSPECIFIED.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 01:08:12 2025 BST.